This user guide only applies if your account and project is on our new platform, i.e. if your project's URL begins with https://<your-account> rather than If your account is on our old platform, you should be using this user guide instead.
Each Story Object has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
id | Unique Story ID |
description | Story description in Textile |
descriptionHtml | Story description in HTML |
project | Project ID that the Story belongs to |
iteration | Iteration ID that the Story belongs to, will be zero (0) if the Story is in the backlog |
displayId | Story’s artifact ID |
assignedTo | List of usernames that the Story’s tasks are assigned to |
completed | Whether all the Story’s tasks are completed |
request to
curl https://<your-account>
Responses will be a list of Story Objects:
"description":"Users would like to login to our service",
"project": {
"id": 3
"htmlDescription":"<p>Users would like to login to our service</p>"
request to https://<your-account>
with the
following attributes:
Example request:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"description":"this is my story description","iteration":0,"project": 3}' https://<your-account>
Responses will be in the form of a single Story Object
request to https://<your-account><story-id>
. For
curl https://<your-account>
Responses will be in the form of a single Story Object
request to https://<your-account><story-id>
with the
following attributes:
Example request:
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"description":"updated story description","iteration":0}' https://<your-account>
Responses will be in the form of a single Story Object
request to https://<your-account><story-id>
curl -X DELETE https://<your-account>
Each Story-Metrics Object has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
tasks | Number of total, completed and remaining tasks |
hours | Total number of hours estimated, added, remaining and percentage completion |
request to https://<your-account><story-id>
curl https://<your-account>
Responses will be an Story-Metrics Object:
Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.