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Diff Revisions 949 vs 950 for /trunk/GWT_Sandbox/InitFrom/src/org/litesoft/initfrom/client/ui/views/home/

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
1 - package org.litesoft.initfrom.client.ui.views.home;
2 -
3 - import org.litesoft.GWT.client.*;
4 - import org.litesoft.GWT.client.command.*;
5 - import*;
6 - import org.litesoft.GWT.client.view.*;
7 - import org.litesoft.GWT.client.widgets.*;
8 - import*;
9 - import org.litesoft.core.*;
10 - import org.litesoft.core.simpletypes.*;
11 - import org.litesoft.initfrom.client.*;
12 - import org.litesoft.initfrom.client.boviews.*;
13 - import org.litesoft.uispecification.*;
14 -
15 - import*;
16 - import*;
17 -
18 - import java.util.*;
19 -
20 - public class Home extends ScreenView implements ViewDefs {
21 - public static final String InitFromTITLE = "Init From";
22 -
23 - @Override
24 - protected UriFragmentIdParams createRefreshParams() {
25 - return null;
26 - }
27 -
28 - @Override
29 - protected void addHome() {
30 - }
31 -
32 - @Override
33 - public Widget getBottomBar() {
34 - return null;
35 - }
36 -
37 - @Override
38 - protected void logoutButtonClicked() {
39 - if ( UtilsGwt.wasCtrlKeyDownOnCurrentEvent() && Dev.isDevMode() ) {
40 - ClientContext.get().get( NextDemoUserRequestHandler.class ).nextDemoUser();
41 - return;
42 - }
43 - super.logoutButtonClicked();
44 - }
45 -
46 - public Home() {
47 - super( null );
48 - addStandardTitleBar();
49 - addTitle( InitFromTITLE );
50 -
51 - add( new BigButtonScreenHelper() {
52 - @Override
53 - public Widget build() {
54 - UserView zUser = ClientContext.get().get( CurrentUserViewAccessor.class ).getUser();
55 - List<Widget> zSections = new ArrayList<Widget>();
56 - Role zLastRole = Role.valueFor( zUser.getLastRestrictedResourceRole() );
57 - switch ( zLastRole ) {
58 - default:
59 - zLastRole = Role.EndUser;
60 - // Fall Thru
61 - case EndUser:
62 - populateSections_EndUser( zSections );
63 - break;
64 - case EndUserManager:
65 - populateSections_EndUserManager( zSections );
66 - break;
67 - case Developer:
68 - populateSections_Developer( zSections );
69 - break;
70 - case Customer:
71 - populateSections_Customer( zSections );
72 - break;
73 - case ProjectAdmin:
74 - populateSections_ProjectAdmin( zSections );
75 - break;
76 - }
77 - Widget zRestrictedResource = createButton( ADMIN_RESTRICTED_RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT );
78 - if ( zRestrictedResource == null ) {
79 - zRestrictedResource = createButton( ADMIN_RESTRICTED_RESOURCE_EDITOR );
80 - }
82 - zSections.add( createSection( HOME_SECTION_HOME_SWITCH_VIEW,
83 - createSwitchHomeButtons( zUser.getCurrentRestrictedResourceAllowedRoles(), zLastRole ) ) );
84 - return addVerticallyDistributed( zSections );
85 - }
86 -
87 - @Override
88 - protected Widget createScreenButton( ViewDef pViewDef ) {
89 - String zUiString = pViewDef.getUiString();
90 - ShowScreenCommand zScreenCommand = new ShowScreenCommand( pViewDef );
91 - return ScreenBigButton.factory( zUiString ).add( zScreenCommand ).create();
92 - }
93 -
94 - private SizeableHorizontalPanel createSwitchHomeButtons( TextLines pAllowedRoles, Role pCurrentRole ) {
95 - Set<Role> zAllowedRoles = new HashSet<Role>();
96 - for ( TextLine zAllowedRole : pAllowedRoles ) {
97 - zAllowedRoles.add( Role.valueFor( zAllowedRole.getLine() ) );
98 - }
99 - List<Widget> zButtons = new ArrayList<Widget>();
100 - for ( Role zRole : Role.values() ) {
101 - if ( (zRole != pCurrentRole) && zAllowedRoles.contains( zRole ) ) {
102 - ViewDef[] zViewDefs = ViewDefs.ROLES_MAP.get( zRole );
103 - if ( (zViewDefs != null) && (zViewDefs.length > 0) ) {
104 - ViewDef zViewDef = zViewDefs[0];
105 - if ( zViewDef != null ) {
106 - zButtons.add( createSwitchHomeButton( zViewDef, zRole ) );
107 - }
108 - }
109 - }
110 - }
111 - return createButtons( zButtons );
112 - }
113 -
114 - private Widget createSwitchHomeButton( ViewDef pViewDef, final Role pRole ) {
115 - return ScreenBigButton.factory( pViewDef.getUiString() ).add( new ClickHandler() {
116 - @Override
117 - public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) {
118 - CurrentUserViewAccessor zAccessor = ClientContext.get().get( CurrentUserViewAccessor.class );
119 - UserView zUser = zAccessor.getUser();
120 - if ( zUser.getTransactionSet() == null ) {
121 - zAccessor.setUser( zUser = zUser.copyInto( ClientTransactionSet.create() ) );
122 - }
123 - zUser.setLastRestrictedResourceRole( pRole.toString() );
124 - // todo: send it to the Server
125 - refreshPage();
126 - }
127 - } ).create();
128 - }
129 -
130 - private void populateSections_EndUser( List<Widget> pSections ) {
131 - pSections.add( createSection( "END USERS", ENDUSERS_SAMPLE ) );
132 - }
133 -
134 - private void populateSections_EndUserManager( List<Widget> pSections ) {
135 - pSections.add( createSection( "END USER MANAGER", ENDUSERMANAGERS_SAMPLE ) );
136 - }
137 -
138 - private void populateSections_Developer( List<Widget> pSections ) {
139 - pSections.add( createSection( "DEVELOPER", DEVELOPERS_SAMPLE ) );
140 - }
141 -
142 - private void populateSections_Customer( List<Widget> pSections ) {
143 - pSections.add( createSection( "CUSTOMER", CUSTOMERS_SAMPLE ) );
144 - }
145 -
146 - private void populateSections_ProjectAdmin( List<Widget> pSections ) {
147 - pSections.add( createSection( "PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR", PROJECTADMINS_SAMPLE ) );
148 - }
149 - }.build() );
150 - }
151 - }
1 + package org.litesoft.initfrom.client.ui.views.home;
2 +
3 + import org.litesoft.GWT.client.*;
4 + import org.litesoft.GWT.client.command.*;
5 + import*;
6 + import org.litesoft.GWT.client.view.*;
7 + import org.litesoft.GWT.client.widgets.*;
8 + import*;
9 + import org.litesoft.core.*;
10 + import org.litesoft.core.simpletypes.*;
11 + import org.litesoft.initfrom.client.*;
12 + import org.litesoft.initfrom.client.boviews.*;
13 + import org.litesoft.uispecification.*;
14 +
15 + import*;
16 + import*;
17 +
18 + import java.util.*;
19 +
20 + public class Home extends ScreenView implements ViewDefs {
21 + public static final String InitFromTITLE = "Init From";
22 +
23 + @Override
24 + protected UriFragmentIdParams createRefreshParams() {
25 + return null;
26 + }
27 +
28 + @Override
29 + protected void addHome() {
30 + }
31 +
32 + @Override
33 + public Widget getBottomBar() {
34 + return null;
35 + }
36 +
37 + @Override
38 + protected void logoutButtonClicked() {
39 + if ( UtilsGwt.wasCtrlKeyDownOnCurrentEvent() && Dev.isDevMode() ) {
40 + ClientContext.get().get( NextDemoUserRequestHandler.class ).nextDemoUser();
41 + return;
42 + }
43 + super.logoutButtonClicked();
44 + }
45 +
46 + public Home() {
47 + super( null );
48 + addStandardTitleBar();
49 + addTitle( InitFromTITLE );
50 +
51 + add( new BigButtonScreenHelper() {
52 + @Override
53 + public Widget build() {
54 + UserView zUser = ClientContext.get().get( CurrentUserViewAccessor.class ).getUser();
55 + List<Widget> zSections = new ArrayList<Widget>();
56 + Role zLastRole = Role.valueFor( zUser.getLastRestrictedResourceRole() );
57 + switch ( zLastRole ) {
58 + default:
59 + zLastRole = Role.EndUser;
60 + // Fall Thru
61 + case EndUser:
62 + populateSections_EndUser( zSections );
63 + break;
64 + case EndUserManager:
65 + populateSections_EndUserManager( zSections );
66 + break;
67 + case Developer:
68 + populateSections_Developer( zSections );
69 + break;
70 + case Customer:
71 + populateSections_Customer( zSections );
72 + break;
73 + case ProjectAdmin:
74 + populateSections_ProjectAdmin( zSections );
75 + break;
76 + }
77 + Widget zRestrictedResource = createButton( ADMIN_RESTRICTED_RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT );
78 + if ( zRestrictedResource == null ) {
79 + zRestrictedResource = createButton( ADMIN_RESTRICTED_RESOURCE_EDITOR );
80 + }
82 + zSections.add( createSection( HOME_SECTION_HOME_SWITCH_VIEW,
83 + createSwitchHomeButtons( zUser.getCurrentRestrictedResourceAllowedRoles(), zLastRole ) ) );
84 + return addVerticallyDistributed( zSections );
85 + }
86 +
87 + @Override
88 + protected Widget createScreenButton( ViewDef pViewDef ) {
89 + String zUiString = pViewDef.getUiString();
90 + ShowScreenCommand zScreenCommand = new ShowScreenCommand( pViewDef );
91 + return ScreenBigButton.factory( zUiString ).add( zScreenCommand ).create();
92 + }
93 +
94 + private SizeableHorizontalPanel createSwitchHomeButtons( TextLines pAllowedRoles, Role pCurrentRole ) {
95 + Set<Role> zAllowedRoles = new HashSet<Role>();
96 + for ( TextLine zAllowedRole : pAllowedRoles ) {
97 + zAllowedRoles.add( Role.valueFor( zAllowedRole.getLine() ) );
98 + }
99 + List<Widget> zButtons = new ArrayList<Widget>();
100 + for ( Role zRole : Role.values() ) {
101 + if ( (zRole != pCurrentRole) && zAllowedRoles.contains( zRole ) ) {
102 + ViewDef[] zViewDefs = ViewDefs.ROLES_MAP.get( zRole );
103 + if ( (zViewDefs != null) && (zViewDefs.length > 0) ) {
104 + ViewDef zViewDef = zViewDefs[0];
105 + if ( zViewDef != null ) {
106 + zButtons.add( createSwitchHomeButton( zViewDef, zRole ) );
107 + }
108 + }
109 + }
110 + }
111 + return createButtons( zButtons );
112 + }
113 +
114 + private Widget createSwitchHomeButton( ViewDef pViewDef, final Role pRole ) {
115 + return ScreenBigButton.factory( pViewDef.getUiString() ).add( new ClickHandler() {
116 + @Override
117 + public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) {
118 + CurrentUserViewAccessor zAccessor = ClientContext.get().get( CurrentUserViewAccessor.class );
119 + UserView zUser = zAccessor.getUser();
120 + if ( zUser.getTransactionSet() == null ) {
121 + zAccessor.setUser( zUser = zUser.copyInto( ClientTransactionSet.create() ) );
122 + }
123 + zUser.setLastRestrictedResourceRole( pRole.toString() );
124 + // todo: send it to the Server
125 + refreshPage();
126 + }
127 + } ).create();
128 + }
129 +
130 + private void populateSections_EndUser( List<Widget> pSections ) {
131 + pSections.add( createSection( "END USERS", ENDUSERS_SAMPLE ) );
132 + }
133 +
134 + private void populateSections_EndUserManager( List<Widget> pSections ) {
135 + pSections.add( createSection( "END USER MANAGER", ENDUSERMANAGERS_SAMPLE ) );
136 + }
137 +
138 + private void populateSections_Developer( List<Widget> pSections ) {
139 + pSections.add( createSection( "DEVELOPER", DEVELOPERS_SAMPLE ) );
140 + }
141 +
142 + private void populateSections_Customer( List<Widget> pSections ) {
143 + pSections.add( createSection( "CUSTOMER", CUSTOMERS_SAMPLE ) );
144 + }
145 +
146 + private void populateSections_ProjectAdmin( List<Widget> pSections ) {
147 + pSections.add( createSection( "PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR", PROJECTADMINS_SAMPLE ) );
148 + }
149 + }.build() );
150 + }
151 + }