Subversion Repository Public Repository


Diff Revisions 948 vs 950 for /trunk/Java/GWT/OldServer/src/org/litesoft/GWT/forms/server/

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -1,633 +1,632 @@
1 - // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 - package org.litesoft.GWT.forms.server;
3 -
4 - import*;
5 - import*;
6 - import*;
7 - import org.litesoft.commonfoundation.typeutils.Objects;
8 - import org.litesoft.commonfoundation.typeutils.*;
9 - import org.litesoft.core.simpletypes.*;
10 - import org.litesoft.orsup.base.*;
11 - import org.litesoft.orsup.otherattributeaccessors.*;
12 - import org.litesoft.orsup.selection.*;
13 - import org.litesoft.orsup.transact.*;
14 - import*;
15 - import*;
16 - import org.litesoft.ui_1_5.*;
17 -
18 - import java.util.*;
19 -
20 - public class POFormServicePeer extends AbstractFormServicePeer {
21 - public static final String ERR_PO_NOT_FOUND = "PoNotFound";
22 -
23 - protected final NonTransactionalFinder mFinder;
24 -
25 - public POFormServicePeer( NonTransactionalFinder pFinder ) {
26 - Objects.assertNotNull( "Finder", mFinder = pFinder );
27 - }
28 -
29 - public boolean clearToOneFilter( String pToOneAttributeName ) {
30 - return ((POTypeHelper) getRootTypeHelper()).clearToOneFilter( pToOneAttributeName );
31 - }
32 -
33 - public boolean setToOneFilter( String pToOneAttributeName, String pToOnesAttribute, Object pFilterValue ) {
34 - return ((POTypeHelper) getRootTypeHelper()).setToOneFilter( pToOneAttributeName, pToOnesAttribute,
35 - pFilterValue );
36 - }
37 -
38 - public TypeHelper createTypeHelper( FSPTypeHelperBackDoor pBackDoor, //
39 - ExternalizationInterface pExternalization, //
40 - FormAccessControl pAccessControl, //
41 - TypeHelper pParent, String pRelativeType, FormUsage pUsage ) {
42 - return new POTypeHelper( pBackDoor, pExternalization, pAccessControl, pParent, pRelativeType,
43 - pUsage );
44 - }
45 -
46 - public InstanceHelper createRootInstanceHelper( TypeHelper pTypeHelper ) {
47 - return new POInstanceHelper( pTypeHelper, null );
48 - }
49 -
50 - /**
51 - * subclasses may override this to add values to a newly created PO
52 - *
53 - * @param pPO !null
54 - */
55 - protected void onRootPoCreate( PersistentObject pPO ) {
56 - }
57 -
58 - /**
59 - * subclasses may override this to fiddle with a PO that has just been loaded in
60 - *
61 - * @param pPO !null
62 - */
63 - protected void onRootPoLoad( PersistentObject pPO ) {
64 - }
65 -
66 - public void reloadOptions( String pToThemRegisteredPOName ) {
67 - if ( !isDisposed() ) {
68 - updateComboBoxOptions( findAMDconvertPairsByRegisteredPOName( pToThemRegisteredPOName ) );
69 - }
70 - }
71 -
72 - private List<AMDconverterPair> findAMDconvertPairsByRegisteredPOName( String pRegisteredPOName ) {
73 - List<AMDconverterPair> result = new ArrayList<AMDconverterPair>();
74 -
75 - TypeHelper zHelper = getRootTypeHelper();
76 - if ( zHelper != null ) {
77 - AMDconverterPair[] zPairs = zHelper.getAMDconvertPairs();
78 - if ( zPairs != null ) {
79 - for ( AMDconverterPair pair : zPairs ) {
80 - if ( pair.getDataConverter() instanceof POKeyValuePairConverter ) {
81 - POKeyValuePairConverter converter = (POKeyValuePairConverter) pair.getDataConverter();
82 -
83 - if ( pRegisteredPOName.equals( converter.getRegisteredPOName() ) ) {
84 - result.add( pair );
85 - }
86 - }
87 - }
88 - }
89 - }
90 -
91 - return result;
92 - }
93 -
94 - public void reloadOptionsByAttributeReference( String pAttributeReference ) {
95 - updateComboBoxOptions( findAMDconvertPairsByAttributeReference( pAttributeReference ) );
96 - }
97 -
98 - private List<AMDconverterPair> findAMDconvertPairsByAttributeReference( String pAttributeReference ) {
99 - List<AMDconverterPair> result = new ArrayList<AMDconverterPair>();
100 -
101 - TypeHelper zHelper = getRootTypeHelper();
102 - if ( zHelper != null ) {
103 - AMDconverterPair[] zPairs = zHelper.getAMDconvertPairs();
104 - if ( zPairs != null ) {
105 - for ( AMDconverterPair pair : zPairs ) {
106 - if ( pAttributeReference.equals( pair.getAttributeMetaData().getAttributeReference() ) ) {
107 - result.add( pair );
108 - }
109 - }
110 - }
111 - }
112 -
113 - return result;
114 - }
115 -
116 - private void updateComboBoxOptions( List<AMDconverterPair> pPairs ) {
117 - boolean updated = false;
118 - if ( pPairs != null ) {
119 - for ( AMDconverterPair pair : pPairs ) {
120 - FormSendableDataConverter zDataConverter = pair.getDataConverter();
121 - if ( zDataConverter instanceof POKeyValuePairConverter ) {
122 - POKeyValuePairConverter dataConverter = (POKeyValuePairConverter) zDataConverter;
123 - AttributeMetaData zAttributeMD = pair.getAttributeMetaData();
124 - POTypeHelper helper = (POTypeHelper) getRootTypeHelper();
125 - if ( helper != null ) {
126 - SimpleKeyValuePair[] options =
127 - helper.getValidOptions( zAttributeMD.getAttributeReference(), dataConverter );
128 - if ( Objects.isNotNullOrEmpty( options ) ) {
129 - ComboBoxAttributeUpdateFormData update =
130 - new ComboBoxAttributeUpdateFormData( null, zAttributeMD, options );
131 -
132 - getCollectorProxy().add( update );
133 - updated = true;
134 - }
135 - }
136 - }
137 - }
138 - }
139 - if ( updated ) {
140 - sendUnsolicitedData();
141 - }
142 - }
143 -
144 - public PersistentObject getRootPO() {
145 - return ((POInstanceHelper) getRootInstanceHelper()).getPO();
146 - }
147 -
148 - public void setRootPO( PersistentObject pPO ) {
149 - ((POInstanceHelper) getRootInstanceHelper()).setPO( pPO );
150 - }
151 -
152 - protected boolean hasRootObject() {
153 - if ( getRootPO() == null ) {
154 - addError( ERR_PO_NOT_FOUND );
155 - return false;
156 - }
157 - return true;
158 - }
159 -
160 - protected String LLsharedNewRootObject( PersistentObject pPO ) {
161 - RuntimeException zProblem;
162 - if ( pPO != null ) {
163 - try {
164 - setRootPO( pPO );
165 - onRootPoCreate( pPO ); // hook to let subclasses fiddle with the new PO
166 - return pPO.getPersistentObjectUniqueKey().toString();
167 - }
168 - catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
169 - zProblem = e;
170 - }
171 - } else {
172 - zProblem = new RuntimeException( "No New Root Object" );
173 - }
174 - setRootPO( null );
175 - LOGGER.error.log( zProblem );
176 - addError( ERR_PO_NOT_FOUND, zProblem.getMessage() );
177 - return null;
178 - }
179 -
180 - protected Transaction createTransaction() {
181 - return mFinder.createTransaction().setTransactionSource( FormServicePeer.class );
182 - }
183 -
184 - /**
185 - * @return new Root Objects Key
186 - */
187 - protected String LLnewRootObject() {
188 - PersistentObject<?> zPersistentObject = LLnewRootPO();
189 - return LLsharedNewRootObject( zPersistentObject );
190 - }
191 -
192 - /**
193 - * @return true if succeeded
194 - */
195 - protected boolean LLloadExistingRootObject( String pNewRootObjectKey ) {
196 - PersistentObject<?> zPO = null;
197 - RuntimeException zProblem = null;
198 - try {
199 - PersistentObjectUniqueKey zPOUK =
200 - mFinder.createPersistentObjectUniqueKeyFrom( getRootType(), pNewRootObjectKey );
201 - zPO = LLloadExistingRootPO( zPOUK );
202 - }
203 - catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
204 - zProblem = e;
205 - }
206 - return LLsharedLoadingExistingRootObject( zPO, zProblem );
207 - }
208 -
209 - /**
210 - * @return true if succeeded
211 - */
212 - protected boolean LLreloadExistingRootObject() {
213 - PersistentObject zPO = null;
214 - RuntimeException zProblem = null;
215 - try {
216 - zPO = LLreloadExistingRootPO();
217 - }
218 - catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
219 - zProblem = e;
220 - }
221 - return LLsharedLoadingExistingRootObject( zPO, zProblem );
222 - }
223 -
224 - protected PersistentObject<?> LLnewRootPO() {
225 - return createTransaction().create( getRootType() );
226 - }
227 -
228 - protected PersistentObject<?> LLloadExistingRootPO( PersistentObjectUniqueKey pPOUK ) {
229 - return createTransaction().findOne( getRootType(), pPOUK );
230 - }
231 -
232 - protected PersistentObject<?> LLloadExistingRootPO( PersistentObjectURL pURL ) {
233 - return createTransaction().findOne( pURL );
234 - }
235 -
236 - protected PersistentObject<?> LLreloadExistingRootPO() {
237 - return getRootPO().refreshInto( createTransaction() );
238 - }
239 -
240 - protected boolean LLsharedLoadingExistingRootObject( PersistentObject pPO, RuntimeException pProblem ) {
241 - if ( pPO != null ) {
242 - try {
243 - setRootPO( pPO );
244 - onRootPoLoad( pPO );
245 - return true;
246 - }
247 - catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
248 - pProblem = e;
249 - }
250 - }
251 - setRootPO( null );
252 - LOGGER.error.log( pProblem );
253 - if ( pProblem == null ) {
254 - addError( ERR_PO_NOT_FOUND );
255 - } else {
256 - addError( ERR_PO_NOT_FOUND, pProblem.getMessage() );
257 - }
258 - return false;
259 - }
260 -
261 - protected void LLcommit() {
262 - LLcommitPo( getRootPO().getTransaction() ); // commit what we've got
263 - mIsNewRootObject = false; // if it was new, not it's not!
264 - // start a new transaction
265 - Transaction transaction = createTransaction();
266 - setRootPO( getRootPO().copyInto( transaction ) );
267 - }
268 -
269 - protected void LLcommitPo( Transaction pTransaction ) {
270 - pTransaction.setTransactionSource( FormServicePeer.class );
271 - pTransaction.commit();
272 - }
273 -
274 - public class POInstanceHelper extends InstanceHelper {
275 - protected PersistentObject mPO;
276 -
277 - public POInstanceHelper( TypeHelper pTypeHelper, PersistentObject pPO ) {
278 - super( pTypeHelper, (pPO != null) ? pPO.getPersistentObjectUniqueKey().toString() : null );
279 - mPO = pPO;
280 - }
281 -
282 - public synchronized PersistentObject getPO() {
283 - return mPO;
284 - }
285 -
286 - public synchronized void setPO( PersistentObject pPO ) {
287 - mPO = pPO;
288 - }
289 -
290 - /**
291 - * Only called for Non-BaseForms
292 - *
293 - * @return true if successful
294 - */
295 - protected boolean removeRow() {
296 - PersistentObject zPO = getPO();
297 - if ( zPO != null ) {
298 - if ( zPO.isImmortal() ) {
299 - MetaDataForPO zMetaDataForPO = zPO.getMetaDataForPO();
300 - String zImmortalAttributeName = zMetaDataForPO.getInstanceImmortalImmortalAttributeName();
301 - if ( Strings.isNullOrEmpty( zImmortalAttributeName ) ) {
302 - mTypeHelper.getCollectorProxy().addError(
303 - mTypeHelper.resolveError( "MayNotRemoveImmortals" ) );
304 - return true;
305 - }
306 - zPO.setAttributeValue( zImmortalAttributeName, Boolean.FALSE );
307 - }
308 - zPO.requestDelete();
309 - }
310 - return true;
311 - }
312 -
313 - public boolean valueUpdated( String pAttributeReference, Object pValueForAttribute ) {
314 - if ( hasRootObject() ) {
315 - setRawAttributeValue( pAttributeReference, pValueForAttribute );
316 - }
317 - return true;
318 - }
319 -
320 - @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})
321 - protected Object getRawAttributeValue( String pAttributeRef ) {
322 - PersistentObject zPO = getPO();
323 - if ( zPO == null ) {
324 - return "No PO";
325 - }
326 -
327 - if ( !zPO.getMetaDataForPO().hasAttribute( pAttributeRef ) ) {
328 - return "Field is missing";
329 - }
330 -
331 - return zPO.getAttributeValue( pAttributeRef );
332 - }
333 -
334 - protected void setRawAttributeValue( String pAttributeRef, Object pValueForAttribute ) {
335 - getPO().setAttributeValue( pAttributeRef, pValueForAttribute );
336 - }
337 -
338 - protected List<String> getRowKeysFor( String pRelSubFormRef ) {
339 - List<PersistentObject> zRelPOs = getRelatedPOs( pRelSubFormRef );
340 - if ( zRelPOs.isEmpty() ) {
341 - return Collections.emptyList();
342 - }
343 - List<String> zRowKeys = new ArrayList<String>( zRelPOs.size() );
344 - for ( PersistentObject zPO : zRelPOs ) {
345 - zRowKeys.add( zPO.getPersistentObjectUniqueKey().toString() );
346 - }
347 - return zRowKeys;
348 - }
349 -
350 - @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})
351 - protected List<PersistentObject> getRelatedPOs( String pRelSubFormRef ) {
352 - Object zValue = getRawAttributeValue( pRelSubFormRef );
353 - if ( zValue instanceof List ) {
354 - return (List<PersistentObject>) zValue;
355 - }
356 - LOGGER.error.log( "getRelatedPOs( '", pRelSubFormRef, "' ) on '", getPO(), "' resulted in: ",
357 - zValue );
358 - return Collections.emptyList();
359 - }
360 - }
361 -
362 - protected class POTypeHelper extends TypeHelper {
363 - protected MetaDataForPO mMetaDataForPO;
364 -
365 - public POTypeHelper( FSPTypeHelperBackDoor pBackDoor, //
366 - ExternalizationInterface pExternalization, //
367 - FormAccessControl pAccessControl, //
368 - TypeHelper pParent, String pRelativeType, FormUsage pUsage ) {
369 - super( pBackDoor, pExternalization, pAccessControl, pParent, pRelativeType, pUsage );
370 - mMetaDataForPO = mFinder.getMetaDataRequired( pRelativeType );
371 - }
372 -
373 - public MetaDataForPO getMetaDataForPO() {
374 - return mMetaDataForPO;
375 - }
376 -
377 - /**
378 - * Only called for Non-BaseForms
379 - *
380 - * @param pParentInstanceHelper
381 - *
382 - * @return true if successful
383 - */
384 - protected boolean createNewRow( InstanceHelper pParentInstanceHelper ) {
385 - if ( !(pParentInstanceHelper instanceof POInstanceHelper) ) {
386 - throw new IllegalStateException( "No Parent or Unacceptable Instance" );
387 - }
388 - PersistentObject zPO = ((POInstanceHelper) pParentInstanceHelper).getPO();
389 - String zRelToThisSubForm = getRelToThisSubForm(); // Where to add
390 - PersistentObject zPOtoAdd = createNewRow( zPO.getTransaction() );
391 - if ( zPOtoAdd != null ) {
392 - zPO.addToAttributeSet( zRelToThisSubForm, zPOtoAdd );
393 - return true;
394 - }
395 - return false;
396 - }
397 -
398 - protected PersistentObject createNewRow( Transaction pTransaction ) {
399 - return mMetaDataForPO.createNew( pTransaction );
400 - }
401 -
402 - protected String cleanUpRelativeTypeForToolTip( String pRelativeType ) {
403 - String s = "." + pRelativeType;
404 - return s.substring( s.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
405 - }
406 -
407 - protected InstanceHelper LLcreateRelSubInstanceHelper( InstanceHelper pParent, String pRowKey ) {
408 - Transaction zTrans = ((POInstanceHelper) pParent).getPO().getTransaction();
409 - PersistentObject zPO;
410 - if ( pRowKey == null ) {
411 - zPO = createNewRow( zTrans );
412 - } else {
413 - PersistentObjectUniqueKey zPOUK = mMetaDataForPO.createUniqueKeyFrom( pRowKey );
414 - zPO = zTrans.findOne( mMetaDataForPO.getPOregistrationName(), zPOUK );
415 - }
416 - return LLcreateRelSubInstanceHelper( zPO );
417 - }
418 -
419 - protected InstanceHelper LLcreateRelSubInstanceHelper( PersistentObject pPO ) {
420 - return new POInstanceHelper( this, pPO );
421 - }
422 -
423 - protected String determineRelSubFormRootType( String pRelAttributeRef ) {
424 - AttributeAccessorSCD scd = mMetaDataForPO.getAccessorSCDoptional( pRelAttributeRef );
425 - if ( scd == null ) {
426 - throw new IllegalArgumentException( mMetaDataForPO.getPOregistrationName() +
427 - " does not have an Attribute for: '" + pRelAttributeRef +
428 - "'" );
429 - }
430 - switch ( scd.getForm() ) {
431 - default:
432 - case Local:
433 - throw new IllegalArgumentException( mMetaDataForPO.getPOregistrationName() +
434 - " does not have a Foreign Attribute for: '" +
435 - pRelAttributeRef + "'" );
436 - case ToMany:
437 - return ((AbstractAttributeAccessorSCDtoMany) scd).getToThemName();
438 - case ToOne:
439 - if ( scd instanceof AttributeAccessorSCDtoOneRegular ) {
440 - return ((AttributeAccessorSCDtoOneRegular) scd).getToThemName();
441 - }
442 - throw new IllegalArgumentException(
443 - "Variable, Blobs, & Virtual ToOnes are Not supported: '" + pRelAttributeRef +
444 - "' on: " + mMetaDataForPO.getPOregistrationName() );
445 - }
446 - }
447 -
448 - protected boolean validAttributeReference( String pLocalReference ) {
449 - return (null != mMetaDataForPO.getAccessorSCDoptional( pLocalReference ));
450 - }
451 -
452 - protected AMDconverterPair createAttributeMetaData( CreateAMDParams pParams ) {
453 - AttributeAccessorSCD scd = mMetaDataForPO.getAccessorSCDrequired( pParams.getLocalReference() );
454 - switch ( scd.getForm() ) {
455 - case Local:
456 - return createSimpleAMDpair( (AbstractAttributeAccessorSCDlocal) scd, pParams );
457 - case ToOne:
458 - return createToOneAMDpair( (AbstractAttributeAccessorSCDtoOne) scd, pParams );
459 - case ToMany:
460 - throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "createAttributeMetaData: ToManys" );
461 - default:
462 - throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "createAttributeMetaData: ???" );
463 - }
464 - }
465 -
466 - protected AMDconverterPair createSimpleAMDpair( AbstractAttributeAccessorSCDlocal pSCD,
467 - CreateAMDParams pParams ) {
468 - return createAttributeMetaData( new CreateAMDParamsPlus( pParams, pSCD ), //
469 - pSCD.getValidOptions(), false, pSCD.getColumnType() );
470 - }
471 -
472 - protected POQueryIterator getValidOptionsPOsOfType( String pToThemName, WhereClause pWhereClause ) {
473 - return mFinder.findAllCursored( pToThemName, pWhereClause );
474 - }
475 -
476 - protected AMDconverterPair createToOneAMDpair( AbstractAttributeAccessorSCDtoOne pSCD,
477 - CreateAMDParams pParams ) {
478 - POKeyValuePairConverter dataConverter = createToOneDataConverter( pSCD.getToThemName() );
479 -
480 - return createAttributeMetaData( new CreateAMDParamsPlus( pParams, pSCD ), //
481 - getValidOptions( pSCD.getName(), dataConverter ), //
482 - true, POAttributeMetaDataFactory.INSTANCE, //
483 - dataConverter );
484 - }
485 -
486 - protected POKeyValuePairConverter createToOneDataConverter( String pToThemName ) {
487 - return new POKeyValuePairConverter( pToThemName );
488 - }
489 -
490 - protected SimpleKeyValuePair[] getValidOptions( String pToOneAttributeName,
491 - POKeyValuePairConverter pDataConverter ) {
492 - return getValidOptions( pToOneAttributeName, pDataConverter, null );
493 - }
494 -
495 - protected SimpleKeyValuePair[] getValidOptions( String pToOneAttributeName,
496 - POKeyValuePairConverter pDataConverter,
497 - WhereClause pWhereClause ) {
498 - ValidOptionsFieldFilter zFieldFilter = mValidOptionsFieldFilters.get( pToOneAttributeName );
499 - if ( zFieldFilter != null ) {
500 - WhereClauseFactory f = WhereClauseFactory.INSTANCE;
501 - WhereClause zWhereClause = f.isEqual( zFieldFilter.getSCDtoFilterOn(), //
502 - zFieldFilter.getFilterValue() );
503 - pWhereClause = pWhereClause == null ? zWhereClause : f.and( pWhereClause, zWhereClause );
504 - }
505 - POQueryIterator it = getValidOptionsPOsOfType( pDataConverter.getRegisteredPOName(), //
506 - pWhereClause );
507 - try {
508 - if ( !it.hasNext() ) {
509 - return null;
510 - }
511 - List<SimpleKeyValuePair> options = new ArrayList<SimpleKeyValuePair>();
512 - while ( it.hasNext() ) {
513 - PersistentObject po =;
514 - options.add( pDataConverter.createSimpleKeyValuePair( po ) );
515 - }
516 - return options.toArray( new SimpleKeyValuePair[options.size()] );
517 - }
518 - finally {
519 - it.releaseResources();
520 - }
521 - }
522 -
523 - private AMDconverterPair find1stPOKeyAMDconvertPairByAttributeReference( String pAttributeReference ) {
524 - for ( AMDconverterPair pair : getRootTypeHelper().getAMDconvertPairs() ) {
525 - if ( pAttributeReference.equals( pair.getAttributeMetaData().getAttributeReference() ) &&
526 - (pair.getDataConverter() instanceof POKeyValuePairConverter) ) {
527 - return pair;
528 - }
529 - }
530 -
531 - return null;
532 - }
533 -
534 - public boolean clearToOneFilter( String pToOneAttributeName ) {
535 - if ( null != mValidOptionsFieldFilters.remove( pToOneAttributeName ) ) {
536 - reloadOptionsByAttributeReference( pToOneAttributeName );
537 - return true;
538 - }
539 - return false;
540 - }
541 -
542 - public boolean setToOneFilter( String pToOneAttributeName, String pToOnesAttribute,
543 - Object pFilterValue ) {
544 - AMDconverterPair zPair = find1stPOKeyAMDconvertPairByAttributeReference( pToOneAttributeName );
545 - if ( zPair != null ) {
546 - MetaDataForPO zMDtoOnePO = mFinder.getMetaDataOptional(
547 - ((POKeyValuePairConverter) zPair.getDataConverter()).getRegisteredPOName() );
548 - if ( zMDtoOnePO != null ) {
549 - AttributeAccessorSCD zSCD = zMDtoOnePO.getAccessorSCDoptional( pToOnesAttribute );
550 - if ( zSCD != null ) {
551 - mValidOptionsFieldFilters.put( pToOneAttributeName, //
552 - new ValidOptionsFieldFilter( zSCD, pFilterValue ) );
553 - reloadOptionsByAttributeReference( pToOneAttributeName );
554 - return true;
555 - }
556 - }
557 - }
558 - return false;
559 - }
560 -
561 - private Map<String, ValidOptionsFieldFilter> mValidOptionsFieldFilters =
562 - new HashMap<String, ValidOptionsFieldFilter>();
563 - }
564 -
565 - protected static class ValidOptionsFieldFilter {
566 - private SimpleColumnDefinition mSCDtoFilterOn; // !null
567 - private Object mFilterValue; // Null Allowed...
568 -
569 - public ValidOptionsFieldFilter( SimpleColumnDefinition pSCDtoFilterOn, Object pFilterValue ) {
570 - mSCDtoFilterOn = pSCDtoFilterOn;
571 - mFilterValue = pFilterValue;
572 - }
573 -
574 - public SimpleColumnDefinition getSCDtoFilterOn() {
575 - return mSCDtoFilterOn;
576 - }
577 -
578 - public Object getFilterValue() {
579 - return mFilterValue;
580 - }
581 - }
582 -
583 - protected static class POAttributeMetaDataFactory implements FormAttributeMetaDataFactory {
584 - public static final FormAttributeMetaDataFactory INSTANCE = new POAttributeMetaDataFactory();
585 -
586 - public AMDconverterPair createAttributeMetaData( CreateAMDParamsPlus pParams ) {
587 - return TextFieldFormAMD.INSTANCE.create( pParams );
588 - }
589 - }
590 -
591 - protected class POKeyValuePairConverter extends AbstractSendableKeyValuePairConverter {
592 - private String mRegisteredPOname;
593 -
594 - public POKeyValuePairConverter( String pRegisteredPOname ) {
595 - mRegisteredPOname = pRegisteredPOname;
596 - }
597 -
598 - public String getRegisteredPOName() {
599 - return mRegisteredPOname;
600 - }
601 -
602 - public SimpleKeyValuePair createSimpleKeyValuePair( Object pOption ) {
603 - if ( pOption == null ) {
604 - return new StringKeyValuePair( "" );
605 - }
606 - if ( pOption instanceof SimpleKeyValuePair ) {
607 - return (SimpleKeyValuePair) pOption;
608 - }
609 - if ( pOption instanceof ResourceKeyNameURLaccessor ) {
610 - return ((ResourceKeyNameURLaccessor) pOption).getResourceKeyNameURL();
611 - }
612 - if ( pOption instanceof PersistentObject ) {
613 - PersistentObject po = (PersistentObject) pOption;
614 - return new DataStoreKeyValuePair( po.getPersistentObjectUniqueKey().toString(),
615 - po.getDisplayValue() );
616 - }
617 - String zOptionAsString = pOption.toString();
618 - return new StringKeyValuePair( zOptionAsString );
619 - }
620 -
621 - protected Object convertSimpleKeyValuePairKey( Object pKey ) {
622 - if ( pKey instanceof String ) {
623 - try {
624 - return mFinder.createPersistentObjectUniqueKeyFrom( mRegisteredPOname, pKey.toString() );
625 - }
626 - catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
627 - // Fall thru...
628 - }
629 - }
630 - return super.convertSimpleKeyValuePairKey( pKey );
631 - }
632 - }
633 - }
1 + // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 + package org.litesoft.GWT.forms.server;
3 +
4 + import*;
5 + import*;
6 + import*;
7 + import org.litesoft.commonfoundation.base.*;
8 + import org.litesoft.core.simpletypes.*;
9 + import org.litesoft.orsup.base.*;
10 + import org.litesoft.orsup.otherattributeaccessors.*;
11 + import org.litesoft.orsup.selection.*;
12 + import org.litesoft.orsup.transact.*;
13 + import*;
14 + import*;
15 + import org.litesoft.ui_1_5.*;
16 +
17 + import java.util.*;
18 +
19 + public class POFormServicePeer extends AbstractFormServicePeer {
20 + public static final String ERR_PO_NOT_FOUND = "PoNotFound";
21 +
22 + protected final NonTransactionalFinder mFinder;
23 +
24 + public POFormServicePeer( NonTransactionalFinder pFinder ) {
25 + Confirm.isNotNull( "Finder", mFinder = pFinder );
26 + }
27 +
28 + public boolean clearToOneFilter( String pToOneAttributeName ) {
29 + return ((POTypeHelper) getRootTypeHelper()).clearToOneFilter( pToOneAttributeName );
30 + }
31 +
32 + public boolean setToOneFilter( String pToOneAttributeName, String pToOnesAttribute, Object pFilterValue ) {
33 + return ((POTypeHelper) getRootTypeHelper()).setToOneFilter( pToOneAttributeName, pToOnesAttribute,
34 + pFilterValue );
35 + }
36 +
37 + public TypeHelper createTypeHelper( FSPTypeHelperBackDoor pBackDoor, //
38 + ExternalizationInterface pExternalization, //
39 + FormAccessControl pAccessControl, //
40 + TypeHelper pParent, String pRelativeType, FormUsage pUsage ) {
41 + return new POTypeHelper( pBackDoor, pExternalization, pAccessControl, pParent, pRelativeType,
42 + pUsage );
43 + }
44 +
45 + public InstanceHelper createRootInstanceHelper( TypeHelper pTypeHelper ) {
46 + return new POInstanceHelper( pTypeHelper, null );
47 + }
48 +
49 + /**
50 + * subclasses may override this to add values to a newly created PO
51 + *
52 + * @param pPO !null
53 + */
54 + protected void onRootPoCreate( PersistentObject pPO ) {
55 + }
56 +
57 + /**
58 + * subclasses may override this to fiddle with a PO that has just been loaded in
59 + *
60 + * @param pPO !null
61 + */
62 + protected void onRootPoLoad( PersistentObject pPO ) {
63 + }
64 +
65 + public void reloadOptions( String pToThemRegisteredPOName ) {
66 + if ( !isDisposed() ) {
67 + updateComboBoxOptions( findAMDconvertPairsByRegisteredPOName( pToThemRegisteredPOName ) );
68 + }
69 + }
70 +
71 + private List<AMDconverterPair> findAMDconvertPairsByRegisteredPOName( String pRegisteredPOName ) {
72 + List<AMDconverterPair> result = new ArrayList<AMDconverterPair>();
73 +
74 + TypeHelper zHelper = getRootTypeHelper();
75 + if ( zHelper != null ) {
76 + AMDconverterPair[] zPairs = zHelper.getAMDconvertPairs();
77 + if ( zPairs != null ) {
78 + for ( AMDconverterPair pair : zPairs ) {
79 + if ( pair.getDataConverter() instanceof POKeyValuePairConverter ) {
80 + POKeyValuePairConverter converter = (POKeyValuePairConverter) pair.getDataConverter();
81 +
82 + if ( pRegisteredPOName.equals( converter.getRegisteredPOName() ) ) {
83 + result.add( pair );
84 + }
85 + }
86 + }
87 + }
88 + }
89 +
90 + return result;
91 + }
92 +
93 + public void reloadOptionsByAttributeReference( String pAttributeReference ) {
94 + updateComboBoxOptions( findAMDconvertPairsByAttributeReference( pAttributeReference ) );
95 + }
96 +
97 + private List<AMDconverterPair> findAMDconvertPairsByAttributeReference( String pAttributeReference ) {
98 + List<AMDconverterPair> result = new ArrayList<AMDconverterPair>();
99 +
100 + TypeHelper zHelper = getRootTypeHelper();
101 + if ( zHelper != null ) {
102 + AMDconverterPair[] zPairs = zHelper.getAMDconvertPairs();
103 + if ( zPairs != null ) {
104 + for ( AMDconverterPair pair : zPairs ) {
105 + if ( pAttributeReference.equals( pair.getAttributeMetaData().getAttributeReference() ) ) {
106 + result.add( pair );
107 + }
108 + }
109 + }
110 + }
111 +
112 + return result;
113 + }
114 +
115 + private void updateComboBoxOptions( List<AMDconverterPair> pPairs ) {
116 + boolean updated = false;
117 + if ( pPairs != null ) {
118 + for ( AMDconverterPair pair : pPairs ) {
119 + FormSendableDataConverter zDataConverter = pair.getDataConverter();
120 + if ( zDataConverter instanceof POKeyValuePairConverter ) {
121 + POKeyValuePairConverter dataConverter = (POKeyValuePairConverter) zDataConverter;
122 + AttributeMetaData zAttributeMD = pair.getAttributeMetaData();
123 + POTypeHelper helper = (POTypeHelper) getRootTypeHelper();
124 + if ( helper != null ) {
125 + SimpleKeyValuePair[] options =
126 + helper.getValidOptions( zAttributeMD.getAttributeReference(), dataConverter );
127 + if ( Currently.isNotNullOrEmpty( options ) ) {
128 + ComboBoxAttributeUpdateFormData update =
129 + new ComboBoxAttributeUpdateFormData( null, zAttributeMD, options );
130 +
131 + getCollectorProxy().add( update );
132 + updated = true;
133 + }
134 + }
135 + }
136 + }
137 + }
138 + if ( updated ) {
139 + sendUnsolicitedData();
140 + }
141 + }
142 +
143 + public PersistentObject getRootPO() {
144 + return ((POInstanceHelper) getRootInstanceHelper()).getPO();
145 + }
146 +
147 + public void setRootPO( PersistentObject pPO ) {
148 + ((POInstanceHelper) getRootInstanceHelper()).setPO( pPO );
149 + }
150 +
151 + protected boolean hasRootObject() {
152 + if ( getRootPO() == null ) {
153 + addError( ERR_PO_NOT_FOUND );
154 + return false;
155 + }
156 + return true;
157 + }
158 +
159 + protected String LLsharedNewRootObject( PersistentObject pPO ) {
160 + RuntimeException zProblem;
161 + if ( pPO != null ) {
162 + try {
163 + setRootPO( pPO );
164 + onRootPoCreate( pPO ); // hook to let subclasses fiddle with the new PO
165 + return pPO.getPersistentObjectUniqueKey().toString();
166 + }
167 + catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
168 + zProblem = e;
169 + }
170 + } else {
171 + zProblem = new RuntimeException( "No New Root Object" );
172 + }
173 + setRootPO( null );
174 + LOGGER.error.log( zProblem );
175 + addError( ERR_PO_NOT_FOUND, zProblem.getMessage() );
176 + return null;
177 + }
178 +
179 + protected Transaction createTransaction() {
180 + return mFinder.createTransaction().setTransactionSource( FormServicePeer.class );
181 + }
182 +
183 + /**
184 + * @return new Root Objects Key
185 + */
186 + protected String LLnewRootObject() {
187 + PersistentObject<?> zPersistentObject = LLnewRootPO();
188 + return LLsharedNewRootObject( zPersistentObject );
189 + }
190 +
191 + /**
192 + * @return true if succeeded
193 + */
194 + protected boolean LLloadExistingRootObject( String pNewRootObjectKey ) {
195 + PersistentObject<?> zPO = null;
196 + RuntimeException zProblem = null;
197 + try {
198 + PersistentObjectUniqueKey zPOUK =
199 + mFinder.createPersistentObjectUniqueKeyFrom( getRootType(), pNewRootObjectKey );
200 + zPO = LLloadExistingRootPO( zPOUK );
201 + }
202 + catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
203 + zProblem = e;
204 + }
205 + return LLsharedLoadingExistingRootObject( zPO, zProblem );
206 + }
207 +
208 + /**
209 + * @return true if succeeded
210 + */
211 + protected boolean LLreloadExistingRootObject() {
212 + PersistentObject zPO = null;
213 + RuntimeException zProblem = null;
214 + try {
215 + zPO = LLreloadExistingRootPO();
216 + }
217 + catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
218 + zProblem = e;
219 + }
220 + return LLsharedLoadingExistingRootObject( zPO, zProblem );
221 + }
222 +
223 + protected PersistentObject<?> LLnewRootPO() {
224 + return createTransaction().create( getRootType() );
225 + }
226 +
227 + protected PersistentObject<?> LLloadExistingRootPO( PersistentObjectUniqueKey pPOUK ) {
228 + return createTransaction().findOne( getRootType(), pPOUK );
229 + }
230 +
231 + protected PersistentObject<?> LLloadExistingRootPO( PersistentObjectURL pURL ) {
232 + return createTransaction().findOne( pURL );
233 + }
234 +
235 + protected PersistentObject<?> LLreloadExistingRootPO() {
236 + return getRootPO().refreshInto( createTransaction() );
237 + }
238 +
239 + protected boolean LLsharedLoadingExistingRootObject( PersistentObject pPO, RuntimeException pProblem ) {
240 + if ( pPO != null ) {
241 + try {
242 + setRootPO( pPO );
243 + onRootPoLoad( pPO );
244 + return true;
245 + }
246 + catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
247 + pProblem = e;
248 + }
249 + }
250 + setRootPO( null );
251 + LOGGER.error.log( pProblem );
252 + if ( pProblem == null ) {
253 + addError( ERR_PO_NOT_FOUND );
254 + } else {
255 + addError( ERR_PO_NOT_FOUND, pProblem.getMessage() );
256 + }
257 + return false;
258 + }
259 +
260 + protected void LLcommit() {
261 + LLcommitPo( getRootPO().getTransaction() ); // commit what we've got
262 + mIsNewRootObject = false; // if it was new, not it's not!
263 + // start a new transaction
264 + Transaction transaction = createTransaction();
265 + setRootPO( getRootPO().copyInto( transaction ) );
266 + }
267 +
268 + protected void LLcommitPo( Transaction pTransaction ) {
269 + pTransaction.setTransactionSource( FormServicePeer.class );
270 + pTransaction.commit();
271 + }
272 +
273 + public class POInstanceHelper extends InstanceHelper {
274 + protected PersistentObject mPO;
275 +
276 + public POInstanceHelper( TypeHelper pTypeHelper, PersistentObject pPO ) {
277 + super( pTypeHelper, (pPO != null) ? pPO.getPersistentObjectUniqueKey().toString() : null );
278 + mPO = pPO;
279 + }
280 +
281 + public synchronized PersistentObject getPO() {
282 + return mPO;
283 + }
284 +
285 + public synchronized void setPO( PersistentObject pPO ) {
286 + mPO = pPO;
287 + }
288 +
289 + /**
290 + * Only called for Non-BaseForms
291 + *
292 + * @return true if successful
293 + */
294 + protected boolean removeRow() {
295 + PersistentObject zPO = getPO();
296 + if ( zPO != null ) {
297 + if ( zPO.isImmortal() ) {
298 + MetaDataForPO zMetaDataForPO = zPO.getMetaDataForPO();
299 + String zImmortalAttributeName = zMetaDataForPO.getInstanceImmortalImmortalAttributeName();
300 + if ( Currently.isNullOrEmpty( zImmortalAttributeName ) ) {
301 + mTypeHelper.getCollectorProxy().addError(
302 + mTypeHelper.resolveError( "MayNotRemoveImmortals" ) );
303 + return true;
304 + }
305 + zPO.setAttributeValue( zImmortalAttributeName, Boolean.FALSE );
306 + }
307 + zPO.requestDelete();
308 + }
309 + return true;
310 + }
311 +
312 + public boolean valueUpdated( String pAttributeReference, Object pValueForAttribute ) {
313 + if ( hasRootObject() ) {
314 + setRawAttributeValue( pAttributeReference, pValueForAttribute );
315 + }
316 + return true;
317 + }
318 +
319 + @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})
320 + protected Object getRawAttributeValue( String pAttributeRef ) {
321 + PersistentObject zPO = getPO();
322 + if ( zPO == null ) {
323 + return "No PO";
324 + }
325 +
326 + if ( !zPO.getMetaDataForPO().hasAttribute( pAttributeRef ) ) {
327 + return "Field is missing";
328 + }
329 +
330 + return zPO.getAttributeValue( pAttributeRef );
331 + }
332 +
333 + protected void setRawAttributeValue( String pAttributeRef, Object pValueForAttribute ) {
334 + getPO().setAttributeValue( pAttributeRef, pValueForAttribute );
335 + }
336 +
337 + protected List<String> getRowKeysFor( String pRelSubFormRef ) {
338 + List<PersistentObject> zRelPOs = getRelatedPOs( pRelSubFormRef );
339 + if ( zRelPOs.isEmpty() ) {
340 + return Collections.emptyList();
341 + }
342 + List<String> zRowKeys = new ArrayList<String>( zRelPOs.size() );
343 + for ( PersistentObject zPO : zRelPOs ) {
344 + zRowKeys.add( zPO.getPersistentObjectUniqueKey().toString() );
345 + }
346 + return zRowKeys;
347 + }
348 +
349 + @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})
350 + protected List<PersistentObject> getRelatedPOs( String pRelSubFormRef ) {
351 + Object zValue = getRawAttributeValue( pRelSubFormRef );
352 + if ( zValue instanceof List ) {
353 + return (List<PersistentObject>) zValue;
354 + }
355 + LOGGER.error.log( "getRelatedPOs( '", pRelSubFormRef, "' ) on '", getPO(), "' resulted in: ",
356 + zValue );
357 + return Collections.emptyList();
358 + }
359 + }
360 +
361 + protected class POTypeHelper extends TypeHelper {
362 + protected MetaDataForPO mMetaDataForPO;
363 +
364 + public POTypeHelper( FSPTypeHelperBackDoor pBackDoor, //
365 + ExternalizationInterface pExternalization, //
366 + FormAccessControl pAccessControl, //
367 + TypeHelper pParent, String pRelativeType, FormUsage pUsage ) {
368 + super( pBackDoor, pExternalization, pAccessControl, pParent, pRelativeType, pUsage );
369 + mMetaDataForPO = mFinder.getMetaDataRequired( pRelativeType );
370 + }
371 +
372 + public MetaDataForPO getMetaDataForPO() {
373 + return mMetaDataForPO;
374 + }
375 +
376 + /**
377 + * Only called for Non-BaseForms
378 + *
379 + * @param pParentInstanceHelper
380 + *
381 + * @return true if successful
382 + */
383 + protected boolean createNewRow( InstanceHelper pParentInstanceHelper ) {
384 + if ( !(pParentInstanceHelper instanceof POInstanceHelper) ) {
385 + throw new IllegalStateException( "No Parent or Unacceptable Instance" );
386 + }
387 + PersistentObject zPO = ((POInstanceHelper) pParentInstanceHelper).getPO();
388 + String zRelToThisSubForm = getRelToThisSubForm(); // Where to add
389 + PersistentObject zPOtoAdd = createNewRow( zPO.getTransaction() );
390 + if ( zPOtoAdd != null ) {
391 + zPO.addToAttributeSet( zRelToThisSubForm, zPOtoAdd );
392 + return true;
393 + }
394 + return false;
395 + }
396 +
397 + protected PersistentObject createNewRow( Transaction pTransaction ) {
398 + return mMetaDataForPO.createNew( pTransaction );
399 + }
400 +
401 + protected String cleanUpRelativeTypeForToolTip( String pRelativeType ) {
402 + String s = "." + pRelativeType;
403 + return s.substring( s.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
404 + }
405 +
406 + protected InstanceHelper LLcreateRelSubInstanceHelper( InstanceHelper pParent, String pRowKey ) {
407 + Transaction zTrans = ((POInstanceHelper) pParent).getPO().getTransaction();
408 + PersistentObject zPO;
409 + if ( pRowKey == null ) {
410 + zPO = createNewRow( zTrans );
411 + } else {
412 + PersistentObjectUniqueKey zPOUK = mMetaDataForPO.createUniqueKeyFrom( pRowKey );
413 + zPO = zTrans.findOne( mMetaDataForPO.getPOregistrationName(), zPOUK );
414 + }
415 + return LLcreateRelSubInstanceHelper( zPO );
416 + }
417 +
418 + protected InstanceHelper LLcreateRelSubInstanceHelper( PersistentObject pPO ) {
419 + return new POInstanceHelper( this, pPO );
420 + }
421 +
422 + protected String determineRelSubFormRootType( String pRelAttributeRef ) {
423 + AttributeAccessorSCD scd = mMetaDataForPO.getAccessorSCDoptional( pRelAttributeRef );
424 + if ( scd == null ) {
425 + throw new IllegalArgumentException( mMetaDataForPO.getPOregistrationName() +
426 + " does not have an Attribute for: '" + pRelAttributeRef +
427 + "'" );
428 + }
429 + switch ( scd.getForm() ) {
430 + default:
431 + case Local:
432 + throw new IllegalArgumentException( mMetaDataForPO.getPOregistrationName() +
433 + " does not have a Foreign Attribute for: '" +
434 + pRelAttributeRef + "'" );
435 + case ToMany:
436 + return ((AbstractAttributeAccessorSCDtoMany) scd).getToThemName();
437 + case ToOne:
438 + if ( scd instanceof AttributeAccessorSCDtoOneRegular ) {
439 + return ((AttributeAccessorSCDtoOneRegular) scd).getToThemName();
440 + }
441 + throw new IllegalArgumentException(
442 + "Variable, Blobs, & Virtual ToOnes are Not supported: '" + pRelAttributeRef +
443 + "' on: " + mMetaDataForPO.getPOregistrationName() );
444 + }
445 + }
446 +
447 + protected boolean validAttributeReference( String pLocalReference ) {
448 + return (null != mMetaDataForPO.getAccessorSCDoptional( pLocalReference ));
449 + }
450 +
451 + protected AMDconverterPair createAttributeMetaData( CreateAMDParams pParams ) {
452 + AttributeAccessorSCD scd = mMetaDataForPO.getAccessorSCDrequired( pParams.getLocalReference() );
453 + switch ( scd.getForm() ) {
454 + case Local:
455 + return createSimpleAMDpair( (AbstractAttributeAccessorSCDlocal) scd, pParams );
456 + case ToOne:
457 + return createToOneAMDpair( (AbstractAttributeAccessorSCDtoOne) scd, pParams );
458 + case ToMany:
459 + throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "createAttributeMetaData: ToManys" );
460 + default:
461 + throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "createAttributeMetaData: ???" );
462 + }
463 + }
464 +
465 + protected AMDconverterPair createSimpleAMDpair( AbstractAttributeAccessorSCDlocal pSCD,
466 + CreateAMDParams pParams ) {
467 + return createAttributeMetaData( new CreateAMDParamsPlus( pParams, pSCD ), //
468 + pSCD.getValidOptions(), false, pSCD.getColumnType() );
469 + }
470 +
471 + protected POQueryIterator getValidOptionsPOsOfType( String pToThemName, WhereClause pWhereClause ) {
472 + return mFinder.findAllCursored( pToThemName, pWhereClause );
473 + }
474 +
475 + protected AMDconverterPair createToOneAMDpair( AbstractAttributeAccessorSCDtoOne pSCD,
476 + CreateAMDParams pParams ) {
477 + POKeyValuePairConverter dataConverter = createToOneDataConverter( pSCD.getToThemName() );
478 +
479 + return createAttributeMetaData( new CreateAMDParamsPlus( pParams, pSCD ), //
480 + getValidOptions( pSCD.getName(), dataConverter ), //
481 + true, POAttributeMetaDataFactory.INSTANCE, //
482 + dataConverter );
483 + }
484 +
485 + protected POKeyValuePairConverter createToOneDataConverter( String pToThemName ) {
486 + return new POKeyValuePairConverter( pToThemName );
487 + }
488 +
489 + protected SimpleKeyValuePair[] getValidOptions( String pToOneAttributeName,
490 + POKeyValuePairConverter pDataConverter ) {
491 + return getValidOptions( pToOneAttributeName, pDataConverter, null );
492 + }
493 +
494 + protected SimpleKeyValuePair[] getValidOptions( String pToOneAttributeName,
495 + POKeyValuePairConverter pDataConverter,
496 + WhereClause pWhereClause ) {
497 + ValidOptionsFieldFilter zFieldFilter = mValidOptionsFieldFilters.get( pToOneAttributeName );
498 + if ( zFieldFilter != null ) {
499 + WhereClauseFactory f = WhereClauseFactory.INSTANCE;
500 + WhereClause zWhereClause = f.isEqual( zFieldFilter.getSCDtoFilterOn(), //
501 + zFieldFilter.getFilterValue() );
502 + pWhereClause = pWhereClause == null ? zWhereClause : f.and( pWhereClause, zWhereClause );
503 + }
504 + POQueryIterator it = getValidOptionsPOsOfType( pDataConverter.getRegisteredPOName(), //
505 + pWhereClause );
506 + try {
507 + if ( !it.hasNext() ) {
508 + return null;
509 + }
510 + List<SimpleKeyValuePair> options = new ArrayList<SimpleKeyValuePair>();
511 + while ( it.hasNext() ) {
512 + PersistentObject po =;
513 + options.add( pDataConverter.createSimpleKeyValuePair( po ) );
514 + }
515 + return options.toArray( new SimpleKeyValuePair[options.size()] );
516 + }
517 + finally {
518 + it.releaseResources();
519 + }
520 + }
521 +
522 + private AMDconverterPair find1stPOKeyAMDconvertPairByAttributeReference( String pAttributeReference ) {
523 + for ( AMDconverterPair pair : getRootTypeHelper().getAMDconvertPairs() ) {
524 + if ( pAttributeReference.equals( pair.getAttributeMetaData().getAttributeReference() ) &&
525 + (pair.getDataConverter() instanceof POKeyValuePairConverter) ) {
526 + return pair;
527 + }
528 + }
529 +
530 + return null;
531 + }
532 +
533 + public boolean clearToOneFilter( String pToOneAttributeName ) {
534 + if ( null != mValidOptionsFieldFilters.remove( pToOneAttributeName ) ) {
535 + reloadOptionsByAttributeReference( pToOneAttributeName );
536 + return true;
537 + }
538 + return false;
539 + }
540 +
541 + public boolean setToOneFilter( String pToOneAttributeName, String pToOnesAttribute,
542 + Object pFilterValue ) {
543 + AMDconverterPair zPair = find1stPOKeyAMDconvertPairByAttributeReference( pToOneAttributeName );
544 + if ( zPair != null ) {
545 + MetaDataForPO zMDtoOnePO = mFinder.getMetaDataOptional(
546 + ((POKeyValuePairConverter) zPair.getDataConverter()).getRegisteredPOName() );
547 + if ( zMDtoOnePO != null ) {
548 + AttributeAccessorSCD zSCD = zMDtoOnePO.getAccessorSCDoptional( pToOnesAttribute );
549 + if ( zSCD != null ) {
550 + mValidOptionsFieldFilters.put( pToOneAttributeName, //
551 + new ValidOptionsFieldFilter( zSCD, pFilterValue ) );
552 + reloadOptionsByAttributeReference( pToOneAttributeName );
553 + return true;
554 + }
555 + }
556 + }
557 + return false;
558 + }
559 +
560 + private Map<String, ValidOptionsFieldFilter> mValidOptionsFieldFilters =
561 + new HashMap<String, ValidOptionsFieldFilter>();
562 + }
563 +
564 + protected static class ValidOptionsFieldFilter {
565 + private SimpleColumnDefinition mSCDtoFilterOn; // !null
566 + private Object mFilterValue; // Null Allowed...
567 +
568 + public ValidOptionsFieldFilter( SimpleColumnDefinition pSCDtoFilterOn, Object pFilterValue ) {
569 + mSCDtoFilterOn = pSCDtoFilterOn;
570 + mFilterValue = pFilterValue;
571 + }
572 +
573 + public SimpleColumnDefinition getSCDtoFilterOn() {
574 + return mSCDtoFilterOn;
575 + }
576 +
577 + public Object getFilterValue() {
578 + return mFilterValue;
579 + }
580 + }
581 +
582 + protected static class POAttributeMetaDataFactory implements FormAttributeMetaDataFactory {
583 + public static final FormAttributeMetaDataFactory INSTANCE = new POAttributeMetaDataFactory();
584 +
585 + public AMDconverterPair createAttributeMetaData( CreateAMDParamsPlus pParams ) {
586 + return TextFieldFormAMD.INSTANCE.create( pParams );
587 + }
588 + }
589 +
590 + protected class POKeyValuePairConverter extends AbstractSendableKeyValuePairConverter {
591 + private String mRegisteredPOname;
592 +
593 + public POKeyValuePairConverter( String pRegisteredPOname ) {
594 + mRegisteredPOname = pRegisteredPOname;
595 + }
596 +
597 + public String getRegisteredPOName() {
598 + return mRegisteredPOname;
599 + }
600 +
601 + public SimpleKeyValuePair createSimpleKeyValuePair( Object pOption ) {
602 + if ( pOption == null ) {
603 + return new StringKeyValuePair( "" );
604 + }
605 + if ( pOption instanceof SimpleKeyValuePair ) {
606 + return (SimpleKeyValuePair) pOption;
607 + }
608 + if ( pOption instanceof ResourceKeyNameURLaccessor ) {
609 + return ((ResourceKeyNameURLaccessor) pOption).getResourceKeyNameURL();
610 + }
611 + if ( pOption instanceof PersistentObject ) {
612 + PersistentObject po = (PersistentObject) pOption;
613 + return new DataStoreKeyValuePair( po.getPersistentObjectUniqueKey().toString(),
614 + po.getDisplayValue() );
615 + }
616 + String zOptionAsString = pOption.toString();
617 + return new StringKeyValuePair( zOptionAsString );
618 + }
619 +
620 + protected Object convertSimpleKeyValuePairKey( Object pKey ) {
621 + if ( pKey instanceof String ) {
622 + try {
623 + return mFinder.createPersistentObjectUniqueKeyFrom( mRegisteredPOname, pKey.toString() );
624 + }
625 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
626 + // Fall thru...
627 + }
628 + }
629 + return super.convertSimpleKeyValuePairKey( pKey );
630 + }
631 + }
632 + }