Subversion Repository Public Repository


Diff Revisions 948 vs 950 for /trunk/Java/GWT/OldServer/src/org/litesoft/GWT/eventbus/server/

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -1,325 +1,325 @@
1 - // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 - package org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.server;
3 -
4 - import org.litesoft.GWT.client.*;
5 - import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.*;
6 - import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.eventpackages.*;
7 - import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.nonpublic.*;
8 - import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.server.nonpublic.*;
9 - import org.litesoft.*;
10 - import org.litesoft.commonfoundation.typeutils.*;
11 - import org.litesoft.configuration.*;
12 - import org.litesoft.util.template.*;
13 -
14 - import javax.servlet.http.*;
15 - import*;
16 - import java.util.*;
17 -
18 - public abstract class AbstractAuthenticatingHtmlLauncherServerApp extends AbstractAuthenticatingServerApp {
19 - private static final String LOGOUT_TEMPLATE_HTML = "Logout.template.html";
20 - private static final String LOGIN_TEMPLATE_HTML = "Login.template.html";
21 - private static final String PROPERTY_APP_PAGE_URL = "appPageUrl";
22 -
23 - private boolean isPortalDebugMode() {
24 - return Configuration.getBoolean( "PortalDebugMode", false );
25 - }
26 -
27 - private String getCSSfileRef() {
28 - return Strings.noEmpty( Configuration.getString( "CSSfileRef" ) );
29 - }
30 -
31 - private String getCSSclass() {
32 - String zCSSclass = Strings.noEmpty( Configuration.getString( "CSSclass" ) );
33 - return (zCSSclass != null) ? zCSSclass : "Classless";
34 - }
35 -
36 - protected String getTemplatePath() {
37 - return ServerConfiguration.getPath( "HTMLtemplatesPath", "" );
38 - }
39 -
40 - protected Reader getLogoutReader()
41 - throws IOException {
42 - return getTemplateReader( LOGOUT_TEMPLATE_HTML );
43 - }
44 -
45 - protected Reader getLoginReader()
46 - throws IOException {
47 - return getTemplateReader( LOGIN_TEMPLATE_HTML );
48 - }
49 -
50 - private Reader getTemplateReader( String pTemplateID )
51 - throws IOException {
52 - if ( Configuration.getString( pTemplateID, "" ).trim().length() == 0 ) {
53 - String zPath = getTemplatePath();
54 - return new FileReader( new File( zPath, pTemplateID ) );
55 - }
56 - String zPath = ServerConfiguration.getPath( pTemplateID, "Not Found: " + pTemplateID ).trim();
57 - return new FileReader( new File( zPath ) );
58 - }
59 -
60 - public static final String KEY_SERVLET_RELATIVE_REFERENCE = "ServletRelativeReference";
61 -
62 - private String mServletRelativeReference;
63 - private String mAppPageURL;
64 - private WindowNameClientIdCodec mWindowNameClientIdCodec;
65 -
66 - protected AbstractAuthenticatingHtmlLauncherServerApp( String pServletRelativeReference, String pAppPageURL, IAuthenticationService pAuthenticationService,
67 - AppNames pAppNames ) {
68 - super( pAuthenticationService );
69 - mServletRelativeReference = pServletRelativeReference;
70 - mAppPageURL = System.getProperty( PROPERTY_APP_PAGE_URL, pAppPageURL );
71 - mWindowNameClientIdCodec = new WindowNameClientIdCodec( pAppNames );
72 - }
73 -
74 - public void logoutRequestComplete( ServerEventBus pServerEventBus ) {
75 - pServerEventBus.publishIfNotDisposed( CloseClientEventPackage.INSTANCE );
76 - }
77 -
78 - private String mCSSfileRef = null;
79 -
80 - private String cachedCSSfileRef() {
81 - if ( mCSSfileRef == null ) {
82 - String zRef = getCSSfileRef();
83 -
84 - mCSSfileRef = (zRef == null) ? //
85 - "<!-- No CSSfileRef -->" : //
86 - "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='" + zRef + "'/>";
87 - }
88 - return mCSSfileRef;
89 - }
90 -
91 - private String mCSSclass = null;
92 -
93 - private String cachedCSSclass() {
94 - if ( mCSSclass == null ) {
95 - mCSSclass = getCSSclass();
96 - }
97 - return mCSSclass;
98 - }
99 -
100 - private static final String QUERY_SW_STATUS = "Status(";
101 - private static final String QUERY_SW_LOGIN_PAGE_REQUEST = "LoginPageRequest-";
102 - private static final String QUERY_SW_LOGOUT_PAGE_REQUEST = "LogoutPageRequest-";
103 - private static final String QUERY_EQ_LOGOUT = "Logout";
104 - private static final String QUERY_EQ_PORTAL_FRAME = "PortalFrame";
105 - private static final String QUERY_EQ_LOGIN = "Login";
106 - private static final String NO_POPUP = "!Popup";
107 -
108 - protected TemplateControl resolveQuery( HttpServletRequest pRequest, String pQuery )
109 - throws IOException {
110 - if ( QUERY_EQ_LOGOUT.equals( pQuery ) ) {
111 - ServerEventBusSessionMapper.setLogoutMessage( pRequest, this, null );
112 - logout( pRequest );
113 - return createLoginPage( "&nbsp;" );
114 - }
115 - if ( QUERY_EQ_LOGIN.equals( pQuery ) ) {
116 - return loginRequest( pRequest, //
117 - pRequest.getParameter( "LoginName" ), //
118 - pRequest.getParameter( "Passwd" ) );
119 - }
120 - if ( QUERY_EQ_PORTAL_FRAME.equals( pQuery ) ) {
121 - String zHeight = "100%";
122 - String zDebugDiv = "&nbsp;";
123 - String zOverflow = PLUS_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN;
124 - if ( isPortalDebugMode() ) {
125 - zHeight = "300";
126 - zDebugDiv = "<div id='dbg'></div>";
127 - zOverflow = "";
128 - }
129 - return new TemplateControl( PORTAL_PAGE, //
130 - "InitScript", "portalsupport/PortalFrameScript.js", //
131 - "CSSfileRef", cachedCSSfileRef(), //
132 - "CSSclass", cachedCSSclass(), //
133 - "BodyStyle", BODY_STYLE_LESS_OVERFLOW + zOverflow, //
134 - "Version", getApplicationVersion(), //
135 - "Height", zHeight, //
136 - "DebugDiv", zDebugDiv, //
137 - KEY_SERVLET_RELATIVE_REFERENCE, mServletRelativeReference );
138 - }
139 - if ( pQuery.startsWith( QUERY_SW_LOGIN_PAGE_REQUEST ) ) {
140 - String zMessage = Strings.noEmpty( ServerEventBusSessionMapper.getLogoutMessage( pRequest, this ) );
141 - return createLoginPage( (zMessage != null) ? zMessage : "&nbsp;" );
142 - }
143 - if ( pQuery.startsWith( QUERY_SW_LOGOUT_PAGE_REQUEST ) ) {
144 - return new TemplateControl( getLogoutReader(), //
145 - "InitScript", "portalsupport/LogoutScript.js", //
146 - "CSSfileRef", cachedCSSfileRef(), //
147 - "CSSclass", cachedCSSclass(), //
148 - "BodyStyle", FULL_BODY_STYLE, //
149 - "Version", getApplicationVersion(), //
150 - "SubmitAction", mServletRelativeReference + "?Logout" );
151 - }
152 - if ( pQuery.startsWith( QUERY_SW_STATUS ) ) {
153 - int at = pQuery.indexOf( ')' );
154 - if ( at != -1 ) {
155 - return getStatus( pRequest, pQuery.substring( QUERY_SW_STATUS.length(), at ).trim() );
156 - }
157 - }
158 - return null;
159 - }
160 -
161 - private TemplateControl createLoginPage( String pMessage )
162 - throws IOException {
163 - return new TemplateControl( getLoginReader(), "InitScript", "portalsupport/LoginScript.js", //
164 - "CSSfileRef", cachedCSSfileRef(), //
165 - "CSSclass", cachedCSSclass(), //
166 - "BodyStyle", FULL_BODY_STYLE, //
167 - "Version", getApplicationVersion(), //
168 - "SubmitAction", mServletRelativeReference + "?Login", //
169 - "LoginName", "LoginName", //
170 - "Password", "Passwd", //
171 - "Message", (pMessage != null) ? pMessage : "&nbsp;" );
172 - }
173 -
174 - private TemplateControl loginRequest( HttpServletRequest pRequest, String pLoginName, String pPassword )
175 - throws IOException {
176 - pLoginName = Strings.noEmpty( pLoginName );
177 -
178 - String zError = null;
179 - ClientWindowInstanceDataManager zDataManager = null;
180 - try {
181 - ISystemUser zSystemUser = authenticate( pLoginName, pPassword );
182 - if ( zSystemUser == null ) {
183 - zError = "Invalid User";
184 - } else {
185 - zDataManager = getAuthenticationService().createNewClientWindowInstanceData( zSystemUser );
186 - }
187 - }
188 - catch ( AuthenticationException e ) {
189 - zError = e.getMessage();
190 - }
191 - catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
192 - getLogger().error.log( e );
193 - zError = "Authentication Issue";
194 - }
195 -
196 - if ( zError != null ) {
197 - return createLoginPage( zError );
198 - }
199 -
200 - ServerEventBus zTempSEB = createTemporarySEB( "portal LoginRequest", pRequest, zDataManager );
201 -
202 - int zClientIdNumber = zTempSEB.getClientIdNumber();
203 - String zNewEncodedClientId = ClientIdCodec.encode( zClientIdNumber );
204 - String windowName = mWindowNameClientIdCodec.createWindowName( zNewEncodedClientId );
205 -
206 - return new TemplateControl( LA_PAGE, //
207 - "CSSfileRef", cachedCSSfileRef(), //
208 - "CSSclass", cachedCSSclass(), //
209 - "BodyStyle", FULL_BODY_STYLE, //
210 - "Version", getApplicationVersion(), //
211 - "URL", mAppPageURL, //
212 - "WinName", windowName, //
213 - "LaunchAppParams", "directories=0," + //
214 - "location=0," + //
215 - "menubar=0," + //
216 - "scrollbars=0," + //
217 - "status=1," + //
218 - "toolbar=0," + //
219 - // "hotkeys=0" + // Netscape!, FireFox?, IE?
220 - // "screenX=nnnn,screenY=nnnn," + // Netscape!, FireFox?,
221 - // IE?
222 - // width=100,height=100," +
223 - "resizable=1" );
224 - }
225 -
226 - // Login (from HTML page):
227 - // Client:
228 - // launchApp
229 - // shouldShow:Logout | was:Login
230 - // requesting:ServerApp?LogoutPageRequest-0.08359760784499176
231 - // showing:Logout
232 - // ClientOpen:1
233 - // requesting:ServerApp?ClientOpen:1-0.8351432026643422
234 - // shouldShow:Login | was:Logout
235 - // requesting:ServerApp?LoginPageRequest-0.530483180532334
236 - // showing:Login
237 - //
238 - // Server:
239 - // service: Login
240 - // service: LogoutPageRequest-0.08359760784499176
241 - // 2008-02-22 12:56:11.265 | Application Client Start Up
242 - // [INFO] org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.server.AbstractServerApp - initialize Page Request, existing: 1 -> 1
243 - // 2008-02-22 12:56:28.562 | Client AppInitialization
244 - // service: ClientOpen:1-0.8351432026643422
245 - // 2008-02-22 12:56:28.750 | Client AppReady
246 -
247 - // App Window Close:
248 - // Client:
249 - // ClientClose:1
250 - // requesting:ServerApp?ClientClose:1-0.49865901930227324
251 - // shouldShow:Login
252 - //
253 - // Server:
254 - // service: ClientClose:1-0.49865901930227324
255 - // [INFO] org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.server.AbstractServerApp - ClientDead: 1
256 -
257 - /**
258 - * Logout the current user! Should NOT Error
259 - */
260 - protected void logout( HttpServletRequest pRequest ) {
261 - ServerEventBusSessionMapper.dropAllServerEventBusesFor( pRequest, this, "HtmlLauncher-Logout" );
262 - }
263 -
264 - protected boolean isLoggedIn( HttpServletRequest pRequest ) {
265 - return ServerEventBusSessionMapper.anyServerEventBusesFor( pRequest, this );
266 - }
267 -
268 - private TemplateControl getStatus( HttpServletRequest pRequest, String pParameters ) {
269 - boolean noPopup = false;
270 - if ( pParameters.length() != 0 ) {
271 - List<Integer> zAdds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
272 - List<Integer> zDrops = new ArrayList<Integer>();
273 -
274 - String s = pParameters + ",";
275 - for ( int at; -1 != (at = s.indexOf( ',' )); s = s.substring( at + 1 ) ) {
276 - if ( at > 0 ) {
277 - String zParam = s.substring( 0, at );
278 - if ( NO_POPUP.equals( zParam ) ) {
279 - noPopup = true;
280 - continue;
281 - }
282 - if ( at > 1 ) {
283 - Integer zClientID = ClientIdCodec.decode( zParam.substring( 1 ) );
284 - if ( zClientID != null ) {
285 - if ( s.charAt( 0 ) == '+' ) {
286 - zAdds.add( zClientID );
287 - continue;
288 - }
289 - if ( s.charAt( 0 ) == '-' ) {
290 - zDrops.add( zClientID );
291 - continue;
292 - }
293 - }
294 - }
295 - }
296 - return null;
297 - }
298 -
299 - if ( !zDrops.isEmpty() ) {
300 - getLogger().debug.log( "Status Drops: ", zDrops );
301 - }
302 - if ( !zAdds.isEmpty() ) {
303 - getLogger().debug.log( "Status Adds: ", zAdds );
304 - }
305 - }
306 - if ( noPopup ) {
307 - logout( pRequest );
308 - ServerEventBusSessionMapper.setLogoutMessage( pRequest, this, "Pop-up Blocked!" );
309 - }
310 - boolean zLoggedIn = isLoggedIn( pRequest );
311 - String zLL = zLoggedIn ? QUERY_EQ_LOGOUT : QUERY_EQ_LOGIN;
312 - return new TemplateControl( new StringReader( "shouldShow" + zLL + "();" ), new String[0] );
313 - }
314 -
315 - private static final String LA_PAGE =
316 - "<html><head><title>Launch App</title>%.CSSfileRef.%</head>" + "<body class='%.CSSclass.%' style='%.BodyStyle.%'>Launch App...<script>\n" +
317 - "try{window.parent.launchApp( '%.URL.%', '%.WinName.%', '%.LaunchAppParams.%' );}\n" +
318 - "catch ( e ){alert( 'Unable to Launch App:\\nvs\\n%.Version.%\\n\\n' + e );}\n" + "</script></body></html>";
319 -
320 - private static final String PORTAL_PAGE =
321 - "<html><head><title>Portal Frame</title>%.CSSfileRef.%</head><body class='%.CSSclass.%' style='%.BodyStyle.%'>\n" +
322 - "<iframe id='LLframe' src='portalsupport/EmptyPage.html' style='%.BodyStyle.%' width='100%' height='%.Height.%' allowTransparency='true'></iframe>" +
323 - "<div id='Version'>%.Version.%</div>%.DebugDiv.%<script type='text/javascript' src='%.InitScript.%'></script>\n" +
324 - "<script>initPage( '%.ServletRelativeReference.%' );</script></body></html>";
325 - }
1 + // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 + package org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.server;
3 +
4 + import org.litesoft.GWT.client.*;
5 + import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.*;
6 + import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.eventpackages.*;
7 + import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.nonpublic.*;
8 + import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.server.nonpublic.*;
9 + import org.litesoft.*;
10 + import org.litesoft.commonfoundation.base.*;
11 + import org.litesoft.configuration.*;
12 + import org.litesoft.util.template.*;
13 +
14 + import javax.servlet.http.*;
15 + import*;
16 + import java.util.*;
17 +
18 + public abstract class AbstractAuthenticatingHtmlLauncherServerApp extends AbstractAuthenticatingServerApp {
19 + private static final String LOGOUT_TEMPLATE_HTML = "Logout.template.html";
20 + private static final String LOGIN_TEMPLATE_HTML = "Login.template.html";
21 + private static final String PROPERTY_APP_PAGE_URL = "appPageUrl";
22 +
23 + private boolean isPortalDebugMode() {
24 + return Configuration.getBoolean( "PortalDebugMode", false );
25 + }
26 +
27 + private String getCSSfileRef() {
28 + return ConstrainTo.significantOrNull( Configuration.getString( "CSSfileRef" ) );
29 + }
30 +
31 + private String getCSSclass() {
32 + String zCSSclass = ConstrainTo.significantOrNull( Configuration.getString( "CSSclass" ) );
33 + return (zCSSclass != null) ? zCSSclass : "Classless";
34 + }
35 +
36 + protected String getTemplatePath() {
37 + return ServerConfiguration.getPath( "HTMLtemplatesPath", "" );
38 + }
39 +
40 + protected Reader getLogoutReader()
41 + throws IOException {
42 + return getTemplateReader( LOGOUT_TEMPLATE_HTML );
43 + }
44 +
45 + protected Reader getLoginReader()
46 + throws IOException {
47 + return getTemplateReader( LOGIN_TEMPLATE_HTML );
48 + }
49 +
50 + private Reader getTemplateReader( String pTemplateID )
51 + throws IOException {
52 + if ( Configuration.getString( pTemplateID, "" ).trim().length() == 0 ) {
53 + String zPath = getTemplatePath();
54 + return new FileReader( new File( zPath, pTemplateID ) );
55 + }
56 + String zPath = ServerConfiguration.getPath( pTemplateID, "Not Found: " + pTemplateID ).trim();
57 + return new FileReader( new File( zPath ) );
58 + }
59 +
60 + public static final String KEY_SERVLET_RELATIVE_REFERENCE = "ServletRelativeReference";
61 +
62 + private String mServletRelativeReference;
63 + private String mAppPageURL;
64 + private WindowNameClientIdCodec mWindowNameClientIdCodec;
65 +
66 + protected AbstractAuthenticatingHtmlLauncherServerApp( String pServletRelativeReference, String pAppPageURL, IAuthenticationService pAuthenticationService,
67 + AppNames pAppNames ) {
68 + super( pAuthenticationService );
69 + mServletRelativeReference = pServletRelativeReference;
70 + mAppPageURL = System.getProperty( PROPERTY_APP_PAGE_URL, pAppPageURL );
71 + mWindowNameClientIdCodec = new WindowNameClientIdCodec( pAppNames );
72 + }
73 +
74 + public void logoutRequestComplete( ServerEventBus pServerEventBus ) {
75 + pServerEventBus.publishIfNotDisposed( CloseClientEventPackage.INSTANCE );
76 + }
77 +
78 + private String mCSSfileRef = null;
79 +
80 + private String cachedCSSfileRef() {
81 + if ( mCSSfileRef == null ) {
82 + String zRef = getCSSfileRef();
83 +
84 + mCSSfileRef = (zRef == null) ? //
85 + "<!-- No CSSfileRef -->" : //
86 + "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='" + zRef + "'/>";
87 + }
88 + return mCSSfileRef;
89 + }
90 +
91 + private String mCSSclass = null;
92 +
93 + private String cachedCSSclass() {
94 + if ( mCSSclass == null ) {
95 + mCSSclass = getCSSclass();
96 + }
97 + return mCSSclass;
98 + }
99 +
100 + private static final String QUERY_SW_STATUS = "Status(";
101 + private static final String QUERY_SW_LOGIN_PAGE_REQUEST = "LoginPageRequest-";
102 + private static final String QUERY_SW_LOGOUT_PAGE_REQUEST = "LogoutPageRequest-";
103 + private static final String QUERY_EQ_LOGOUT = "Logout";
104 + private static final String QUERY_EQ_PORTAL_FRAME = "PortalFrame";
105 + private static final String QUERY_EQ_LOGIN = "Login";
106 + private static final String NO_POPUP = "!Popup";
107 +
108 + protected TemplateControl resolveQuery( HttpServletRequest pRequest, String pQuery )
109 + throws IOException {
110 + if ( QUERY_EQ_LOGOUT.equals( pQuery ) ) {
111 + ServerEventBusSessionMapper.setLogoutMessage( pRequest, this, null );
112 + logout( pRequest );
113 + return createLoginPage( "&nbsp;" );
114 + }
115 + if ( QUERY_EQ_LOGIN.equals( pQuery ) ) {
116 + return loginRequest( pRequest, //
117 + pRequest.getParameter( "LoginName" ), //
118 + pRequest.getParameter( "Passwd" ) );
119 + }
120 + if ( QUERY_EQ_PORTAL_FRAME.equals( pQuery ) ) {
121 + String zHeight = "100%";
122 + String zDebugDiv = "&nbsp;";
123 + String zOverflow = PLUS_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN;
124 + if ( isPortalDebugMode() ) {
125 + zHeight = "300";
126 + zDebugDiv = "<div id='dbg'></div>";
127 + zOverflow = "";
128 + }
129 + return new TemplateControl( PORTAL_PAGE, //
130 + "InitScript", "portalsupport/PortalFrameScript.js", //
131 + "CSSfileRef", cachedCSSfileRef(), //
132 + "CSSclass", cachedCSSclass(), //
133 + "BodyStyle", BODY_STYLE_LESS_OVERFLOW + zOverflow, //
134 + "Version", getApplicationVersion(), //
135 + "Height", zHeight, //
136 + "DebugDiv", zDebugDiv, //
137 + KEY_SERVLET_RELATIVE_REFERENCE, mServletRelativeReference );
138 + }
139 + if ( pQuery.startsWith( QUERY_SW_LOGIN_PAGE_REQUEST ) ) {
140 + String zMessage = ConstrainTo.significantOrNull( ServerEventBusSessionMapper.getLogoutMessage( pRequest, this ) );
141 + return createLoginPage( (zMessage != null) ? zMessage : "&nbsp;" );
142 + }
143 + if ( pQuery.startsWith( QUERY_SW_LOGOUT_PAGE_REQUEST ) ) {
144 + return new TemplateControl( getLogoutReader(), //
145 + "InitScript", "portalsupport/LogoutScript.js", //
146 + "CSSfileRef", cachedCSSfileRef(), //
147 + "CSSclass", cachedCSSclass(), //
148 + "BodyStyle", FULL_BODY_STYLE, //
149 + "Version", getApplicationVersion(), //
150 + "SubmitAction", mServletRelativeReference + "?Logout" );
151 + }
152 + if ( pQuery.startsWith( QUERY_SW_STATUS ) ) {
153 + int at = pQuery.indexOf( ')' );
154 + if ( at != -1 ) {
155 + return getStatus( pRequest, pQuery.substring( QUERY_SW_STATUS.length(), at ).trim() );
156 + }
157 + }
158 + return null;
159 + }
160 +
161 + private TemplateControl createLoginPage( String pMessage )
162 + throws IOException {
163 + return new TemplateControl( getLoginReader(), "InitScript", "portalsupport/LoginScript.js", //
164 + "CSSfileRef", cachedCSSfileRef(), //
165 + "CSSclass", cachedCSSclass(), //
166 + "BodyStyle", FULL_BODY_STYLE, //
167 + "Version", getApplicationVersion(), //
168 + "SubmitAction", mServletRelativeReference + "?Login", //
169 + "LoginName", "LoginName", //
170 + "Password", "Passwd", //
171 + "Message", (pMessage != null) ? pMessage : "&nbsp;" );
172 + }
173 +
174 + private TemplateControl loginRequest( HttpServletRequest pRequest, String pLoginName, String pPassword )
175 + throws IOException {
176 + pLoginName = ConstrainTo.significantOrNull( pLoginName );
177 +
178 + String zError = null;
179 + ClientWindowInstanceDataManager zDataManager = null;
180 + try {
181 + ISystemUser zSystemUser = authenticate( pLoginName, pPassword );
182 + if ( zSystemUser == null ) {
183 + zError = "Invalid User";
184 + } else {
185 + zDataManager = getAuthenticationService().createNewClientWindowInstanceData( zSystemUser );
186 + }
187 + }
188 + catch ( AuthenticationException e ) {
189 + zError = e.getMessage();
190 + }
191 + catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
192 + getLogger().error.log( e );
193 + zError = "Authentication Issue";
194 + }
195 +
196 + if ( zError != null ) {
197 + return createLoginPage( zError );
198 + }
199 +
200 + ServerEventBus zTempSEB = createTemporarySEB( "portal LoginRequest", pRequest, zDataManager );
201 +
202 + int zClientIdNumber = zTempSEB.getClientIdNumber();
203 + String zNewEncodedClientId = ClientIdCodec.encode( zClientIdNumber );
204 + String windowName = mWindowNameClientIdCodec.createWindowName( zNewEncodedClientId );
205 +
206 + return new TemplateControl( LA_PAGE, //
207 + "CSSfileRef", cachedCSSfileRef(), //
208 + "CSSclass", cachedCSSclass(), //
209 + "BodyStyle", FULL_BODY_STYLE, //
210 + "Version", getApplicationVersion(), //
211 + "URL", mAppPageURL, //
212 + "WinName", windowName, //
213 + "LaunchAppParams", "directories=0," + //
214 + "location=0," + //
215 + "menubar=0," + //
216 + "scrollbars=0," + //
217 + "status=1," + //
218 + "toolbar=0," + //
219 + // "hotkeys=0" + // Netscape!, FireFox?, IE?
220 + // "screenX=nnnn,screenY=nnnn," + // Netscape!, FireFox?,
221 + // IE?
222 + // width=100,height=100," +
223 + "resizable=1" );
224 + }
225 +
226 + // Login (from HTML page):
227 + // Client:
228 + // launchApp
229 + // shouldShow:Logout | was:Login
230 + // requesting:ServerApp?LogoutPageRequest-0.08359760784499176
231 + // showing:Logout
232 + // ClientOpen:1
233 + // requesting:ServerApp?ClientOpen:1-0.8351432026643422
234 + // shouldShow:Login | was:Logout
235 + // requesting:ServerApp?LoginPageRequest-0.530483180532334
236 + // showing:Login
237 + //
238 + // Server:
239 + // service: Login
240 + // service: LogoutPageRequest-0.08359760784499176
241 + // 2008-02-22 12:56:11.265 | Application Client Start Up
242 + // [INFO] org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.server.AbstractServerApp - initialize Page Request, existing: 1 -> 1
243 + // 2008-02-22 12:56:28.562 | Client AppInitialization
244 + // service: ClientOpen:1-0.8351432026643422
245 + // 2008-02-22 12:56:28.750 | Client AppReady
246 +
247 + // App Window Close:
248 + // Client:
249 + // ClientClose:1
250 + // requesting:ServerApp?ClientClose:1-0.49865901930227324
251 + // shouldShow:Login
252 + //
253 + // Server:
254 + // service: ClientClose:1-0.49865901930227324
255 + // [INFO] org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.server.AbstractServerApp - ClientDead: 1
256 +
257 + /**
258 + * Logout the current user! Should NOT Error
259 + */
260 + protected void logout( HttpServletRequest pRequest ) {
261 + ServerEventBusSessionMapper.dropAllServerEventBusesFor( pRequest, this, "HtmlLauncher-Logout" );
262 + }
263 +
264 + protected boolean isLoggedIn( HttpServletRequest pRequest ) {
265 + return ServerEventBusSessionMapper.anyServerEventBusesFor( pRequest, this );
266 + }
267 +
268 + private TemplateControl getStatus( HttpServletRequest pRequest, String pParameters ) {
269 + boolean noPopup = false;
270 + if ( pParameters.length() != 0 ) {
271 + List<Integer> zAdds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
272 + List<Integer> zDrops = new ArrayList<Integer>();
273 +
274 + String s = pParameters + ",";
275 + for ( int at; -1 != (at = s.indexOf( ',' )); s = s.substring( at + 1 ) ) {
276 + if ( at > 0 ) {
277 + String zParam = s.substring( 0, at );
278 + if ( NO_POPUP.equals( zParam ) ) {
279 + noPopup = true;
280 + continue;
281 + }
282 + if ( at > 1 ) {
283 + Integer zClientID = ClientIdCodec.decode( zParam.substring( 1 ) );
284 + if ( zClientID != null ) {
285 + if ( s.charAt( 0 ) == '+' ) {
286 + zAdds.add( zClientID );
287 + continue;
288 + }
289 + if ( s.charAt( 0 ) == '-' ) {
290 + zDrops.add( zClientID );
291 + continue;
292 + }
293 + }
294 + }
295 + }
296 + return null;
297 + }
298 +
299 + if ( !zDrops.isEmpty() ) {
300 + getLogger().debug.log( "Status Drops: ", zDrops );
301 + }
302 + if ( !zAdds.isEmpty() ) {
303 + getLogger().debug.log( "Status Adds: ", zAdds );
304 + }
305 + }
306 + if ( noPopup ) {
307 + logout( pRequest );
308 + ServerEventBusSessionMapper.setLogoutMessage( pRequest, this, "Pop-up Blocked!" );
309 + }
310 + boolean zLoggedIn = isLoggedIn( pRequest );
311 + String zLL = zLoggedIn ? QUERY_EQ_LOGOUT : QUERY_EQ_LOGIN;
312 + return new TemplateControl( new StringReader( "shouldShow" + zLL + "();" ), new String[0] );
313 + }
314 +
315 + private static final String LA_PAGE =
316 + "<html><head><title>Launch App</title>%.CSSfileRef.%</head>" + "<body class='%.CSSclass.%' style='%.BodyStyle.%'>Launch App...<script>\n" +
317 + "try{window.parent.launchApp( '%.URL.%', '%.WinName.%', '%.LaunchAppParams.%' );}\n" +
318 + "catch ( e ){alert( 'Unable to Launch App:\\nvs\\n%.Version.%\\n\\n' + e );}\n" + "</script></body></html>";
319 +
320 + private static final String PORTAL_PAGE =
321 + "<html><head><title>Portal Frame</title>%.CSSfileRef.%</head><body class='%.CSSclass.%' style='%.BodyStyle.%'>\n" +
322 + "<iframe id='LLframe' src='portalsupport/EmptyPage.html' style='%.BodyStyle.%' width='100%' height='%.Height.%' allowTransparency='true'></iframe>" +
323 + "<div id='Version'>%.Version.%</div>%.DebugDiv.%<script type='text/javascript' src='%.InitScript.%'></script>\n" +
324 + "<script>initPage( '%.ServletRelativeReference.%' );</script></body></html>";
325 + }