Subversion Repository Public Repository


Diff Revisions 948 vs 950 for /trunk/Java/GWT/OldClient/src/org/litesoft/GWT/forms/client/rpc/

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -1,239 +1,239 @@
1 - // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 - package org.litesoft.GWT.forms.client.rpc;
3 -
4 - import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.eventpackages.*;
5 - import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.nonpublic.*;
6 - import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.rpc.*;
7 - import org.litesoft.commonfoundation.typeutils.*;
8 - import org.litesoft.core.util.*;
9 - import*;
10 - import*;
11 -
12 - import*;
13 -
14 - /**
15 - * An image of all these events is available (as of 11/7/2007) on the vantos wiki as FormSystemEvents.
16 - * <p/>
17 - * Legend:
18 - * ----> to Server
19 - * <---- from Server
20 - * <p/>
21 - * ----> FormCreationRequestPackage
22 - * <---- FormCreationResponsePackage
23 - * ----> FormValuesRequestPackage
24 - * ----> FormComponentValueUpdatePackage
25 - * ----> FormActionRequestPackage
26 - * ----> FormDisposePackage
27 - * <---- ServicePeerToFormPackage
28 - * <---- TypedServicePeerXtraPackage
29 - */
30 - public interface FormComponentBusConstants {
31 - public static final String FormServicePeerFactory = "FormServicePeerFactory";
32 -
33 - static final String sCommaSpace = ", ";
34 -
35 - public static class FormCreationRequestPackage extends NoXtraEventPackage {
36 - /**
37 - * @deprecated GWT ONLY
38 - */
39 - public FormCreationRequestPackage() {
40 - }
41 -
42 - private FormUsage mFormUsage;
43 - private Serializable mInitializationPayload;
44 -
45 - public FormCreationRequestPackage( String pSource, String pFormServicePeerFactoryName,
46 - FormUsage pFormUsage, Serializable pInitializationPayload ) {
47 - super( pSource, FormServicePeerFactory, pFormServicePeerFactoryName );
48 - Objects.assertNotNull( "FormUsage", mFormUsage = pFormUsage );
49 - mInitializationPayload = pInitializationPayload;
50 - }
51 -
52 - public FormUsage getFormUsage() {
53 - return mFormUsage;
54 - }
55 -
56 - public Serializable getInitializationPayload() {
57 - return mInitializationPayload;
58 - }
59 -
60 - protected void augmentToString( StringBuilder pSB ) {
61 - super.augmentToString( pSB );
62 - pSB.append( mInitializationPayload );
63 - LineIndentUtil.newLine( pSB, 1 ).append( "FormUsage-" );
64 - mFormUsage.toStringBuilder( pSB, 2 );
65 - }
66 - }
67 -
68 - public static class FormCreationResponsePackage extends SerializablePayloadWithExceptiontextEventPackage {
69 - public static final String EVENT_TYPE = "FormCreationResponsePackage";
70 -
71 - /**
72 - * @deprecated GWT ONLY
73 - */
74 - public FormCreationResponsePackage() {
75 - }
76 -
77 - public FormCreationResponsePackage( String pSource, String pDest,
78 - ServicePeerToFormCreationData pFormCreationData ) {
79 - super( pSource, pDest, EVENT_TYPE, pFormCreationData );
80 - }
81 -
82 - public FormCreationResponsePackage( String pSource, String pDest, String pExceptionText ) {
83 - super( pSource, pDest, EVENT_TYPE, pExceptionText );
84 - }
85 -
86 - public ServicePeerToFormCreationData getFormCreationData() {
87 - return (ServicePeerToFormCreationData) getEventPayload();
88 - }
89 - }
90 -
91 - public static class FormResourceResponsePackage
92 - extends PayloadEventPackage<AttributeResourceOptionsResponseData>
93 - implements ChannelEventPackage {
94 - public static final String EVENT_TYPE = "FormResourceResponsePackage";
95 -
96 - private AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData mRequest;
97 -
98 - /**
99 - * @deprecated GWT ONLY
100 - */
101 - public FormResourceResponsePackage() {
102 - }
103 -
104 - public FormResourceResponsePackage( String pSource, String pDest,
105 - AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData pRequest,
106 - AttributeResourceOptionsResponseData pResponse ) {
107 - super( pSource, pDest, EVENT_TYPE, pResponse );
108 - Objects.assertNotNull( "Request", mRequest = pRequest );
109 - Objects.assertNotNull( "Response", pResponse );
110 - }
111 -
112 - public AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData getRequest() {
113 - return mRequest;
114 - }
115 -
116 - public AttributeResourceOptionsResponseData getResponse() {
117 - return getEventPayload();
118 - }
119 - }
120 -
121 - public static class FormResourceRequestPackage
122 - extends PayloadEventPackage<AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData>
123 - implements ChannelEventPackage {
124 - /**
125 - * @deprecated GWT ONLY
126 - */
127 - public FormResourceRequestPackage() {
128 - }
129 -
130 - public FormResourceRequestPackage( String pSource, String pDest,
131 - AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData pRequest ) {
132 - super( pSource, pDest, null, pRequest );
133 - Objects.assertNotNull( "Request", pRequest );
134 - }
135 -
136 - public AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData getRequest() {
137 - return getEventPayload();
138 - }
139 - }
140 -
141 - public static class FormValuesRequestPackage extends StringPayloadEventPackage {
142 - private Integer mAsyncMessageNumber;
143 -
144 - /**
145 - * @deprecated GWT ONLY
146 - */
147 - public FormValuesRequestPackage() {
148 - }
149 -
150 - public FormValuesRequestPackage( String pSource, String pDest, Integer pAsyncMessageNumber,
151 - String pRootTypeKeyOrNullForNew ) {
152 - super( pSource, pDest, null, pRootTypeKeyOrNullForNew );
153 - mAsyncMessageNumber = pAsyncMessageNumber;
154 - }
155 -
156 - public Integer getAsyncMessageNumber() {
157 - return mAsyncMessageNumber;
158 - }
159 -
160 - public String getKey() {
161 - return getEventPayload();
162 - }
163 - }
164 -
165 - public static class FormDisposePackage extends NoXtraEventPackage {
166 - /**
167 - * @deprecated GWT ONLY
168 - */
169 - public FormDisposePackage() {
170 - }
171 -
172 - public FormDisposePackage( String pSource, String pDest ) {
173 - super( pSource, pDest, null );
174 - }
175 - }
176 -
177 - public static class FormToServicePeerPackage extends SerializablePayloadEventPackage {
178 - /**
179 - * @deprecated GWT ONLY
180 - */
181 - public FormToServicePeerPackage() {
182 - }
183 -
184 - public FormToServicePeerPackage( String pSource, String pDest,
185 - FormToServicePeerData pToServicePeerData ) {
186 - super( pSource, pDest, null, pToServicePeerData );
187 - Objects.assertNotNull( "ToServicePeerData", pToServicePeerData );
188 - }
189 -
190 - public FormToServicePeerData getToServicePeerData() {
191 - return (FormToServicePeerData) getEventPayload();
192 - }
193 - }
194 -
195 - public static class ServicePeerToFormPackage extends SerializablePayloadWithExceptiontextEventPackage {
196 - public static final String RESPONSE_FROM_REQUEST_VALUES = "ResponseFromRequestValues";
197 - public static final String UNSOLICITED_DATA = "UnsolicitedData";
198 -
199 - /**
200 - * @deprecated GWT ONLY
201 - */
202 - public ServicePeerToFormPackage() {
203 - }
204 -
205 - private ServicePeerToFormPackage( String pSource, String pDest, String pType,
206 - ServicePeerToFormData pToFormData ) {
207 - super( pSource, pDest, pType, pToFormData );
208 - }
209 -
210 - private ServicePeerToFormPackage( String pSource, String pDest, String pType, String pExceptionText ) {
211 - super( pSource, pDest, pType, pExceptionText );
212 - }
213 -
214 - public static ServicePeerToFormPackage responseFromRequestValues( String pSource, String pDest,
215 - ServicePeerToFormData pToFormData ) {
216 - return new ServicePeerToFormPackage( pSource, pDest, RESPONSE_FROM_REQUEST_VALUES, pToFormData );
217 - }
218 -
219 - public static ServicePeerToFormPackage responseFromRequestValues( String pSource, String pDest,
220 - String pExceptionText ) {
221 - return new ServicePeerToFormPackage( pSource, pDest, RESPONSE_FROM_REQUEST_VALUES,
222 - pExceptionText );
223 - }
224 -
225 - public static ServicePeerToFormPackage unsolicitedData( String pSource, String pDest,
226 - ServicePeerToFormData pToFormData ) {
227 - return new ServicePeerToFormPackage( pSource, pDest, UNSOLICITED_DATA, pToFormData );
228 - }
229 -
230 - public static ServicePeerToFormPackage unsolicitedData( String pSource, String pDest,
231 - String pExceptionText ) {
232 - return new ServicePeerToFormPackage( pSource, pDest, UNSOLICITED_DATA, pExceptionText );
233 - }
234 -
235 - public ServicePeerToFormData getToFormData() {
236 - return (ServicePeerToFormData) getEventPayload();
237 - }
238 - }
239 - }
1 + // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 + package org.litesoft.GWT.forms.client.rpc;
3 +
4 + import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.eventpackages.*;
5 + import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.nonpublic.*;
6 + import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.rpc.*;
7 + import org.litesoft.commonfoundation.base.*;
8 + import org.litesoft.core.util.*;
9 + import*;
10 + import*;
11 +
12 + import*;
13 +
14 + /**
15 + * An image of all these events is available (as of 11/7/2007) on the vantos wiki as FormSystemEvents.
16 + * <p/>
17 + * Legend:
18 + * ----> to Server
19 + * <---- from Server
20 + * <p/>
21 + * ----> FormCreationRequestPackage
22 + * <---- FormCreationResponsePackage
23 + * ----> FormValuesRequestPackage
24 + * ----> FormComponentValueUpdatePackage
25 + * ----> FormActionRequestPackage
26 + * ----> FormDisposePackage
27 + * <---- ServicePeerToFormPackage
28 + * <---- TypedServicePeerXtraPackage
29 + */
30 + public interface FormComponentBusConstants {
31 + public static final String FormServicePeerFactory = "FormServicePeerFactory";
32 +
33 + static final String sCommaSpace = ", ";
34 +
35 + public static class FormCreationRequestPackage extends NoXtraEventPackage {
36 + /**
37 + * @deprecated GWT ONLY
38 + */
39 + public FormCreationRequestPackage() {
40 + }
41 +
42 + private FormUsage mFormUsage;
43 + private Serializable mInitializationPayload;
44 +
45 + public FormCreationRequestPackage( String pSource, String pFormServicePeerFactoryName,
46 + FormUsage pFormUsage, Serializable pInitializationPayload ) {
47 + super( pSource, FormServicePeerFactory, pFormServicePeerFactoryName );
48 + Confirm.isNotNull( "FormUsage", mFormUsage = pFormUsage );
49 + mInitializationPayload = pInitializationPayload;
50 + }
51 +
52 + public FormUsage getFormUsage() {
53 + return mFormUsage;
54 + }
55 +
56 + public Serializable getInitializationPayload() {
57 + return mInitializationPayload;
58 + }
59 +
60 + protected void augmentToString( StringBuilder pSB ) {
61 + super.augmentToString( pSB );
62 + pSB.append( mInitializationPayload );
63 + LineIndentUtil.newLine( pSB, 1 ).append( "FormUsage-" );
64 + mFormUsage.toStringBuilder( pSB, 2 );
65 + }
66 + }
67 +
68 + public static class FormCreationResponsePackage extends SerializablePayloadWithExceptiontextEventPackage {
69 + public static final String EVENT_TYPE = "FormCreationResponsePackage";
70 +
71 + /**
72 + * @deprecated GWT ONLY
73 + */
74 + public FormCreationResponsePackage() {
75 + }
76 +
77 + public FormCreationResponsePackage( String pSource, String pDest,
78 + ServicePeerToFormCreationData pFormCreationData ) {
79 + super( pSource, pDest, EVENT_TYPE, pFormCreationData );
80 + }
81 +
82 + public FormCreationResponsePackage( String pSource, String pDest, String pExceptionText ) {
83 + super( pSource, pDest, EVENT_TYPE, pExceptionText );
84 + }
85 +
86 + public ServicePeerToFormCreationData getFormCreationData() {
87 + return (ServicePeerToFormCreationData) getEventPayload();
88 + }
89 + }
90 +
91 + public static class FormResourceResponsePackage
92 + extends PayloadEventPackage<AttributeResourceOptionsResponseData>
93 + implements ChannelEventPackage {
94 + public static final String EVENT_TYPE = "FormResourceResponsePackage";
95 +
96 + private AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData mRequest;
97 +
98 + /**
99 + * @deprecated GWT ONLY
100 + */
101 + public FormResourceResponsePackage() {
102 + }
103 +
104 + public FormResourceResponsePackage( String pSource, String pDest,
105 + AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData pRequest,
106 + AttributeResourceOptionsResponseData pResponse ) {
107 + super( pSource, pDest, EVENT_TYPE, pResponse );
108 + Confirm.isNotNull( "Request", mRequest = pRequest );
109 + Confirm.isNotNull( "Response", pResponse );
110 + }
111 +
112 + public AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData getRequest() {
113 + return mRequest;
114 + }
115 +
116 + public AttributeResourceOptionsResponseData getResponse() {
117 + return getEventPayload();
118 + }
119 + }
120 +
121 + public static class FormResourceRequestPackage
122 + extends PayloadEventPackage<AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData>
123 + implements ChannelEventPackage {
124 + /**
125 + * @deprecated GWT ONLY
126 + */
127 + public FormResourceRequestPackage() {
128 + }
129 +
130 + public FormResourceRequestPackage( String pSource, String pDest,
131 + AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData pRequest ) {
132 + super( pSource, pDest, null, pRequest );
133 + Confirm.isNotNull( "Request", pRequest );
134 + }
135 +
136 + public AttributeResourceOptionsRequestData getRequest() {
137 + return getEventPayload();
138 + }
139 + }
140 +
141 + public static class FormValuesRequestPackage extends StringPayloadEventPackage {
142 + private Integer mAsyncMessageNumber;
143 +
144 + /**
145 + * @deprecated GWT ONLY
146 + */
147 + public FormValuesRequestPackage() {
148 + }
149 +
150 + public FormValuesRequestPackage( String pSource, String pDest, Integer pAsyncMessageNumber,
151 + String pRootTypeKeyOrNullForNew ) {
152 + super( pSource, pDest, null, pRootTypeKeyOrNullForNew );
153 + mAsyncMessageNumber = pAsyncMessageNumber;
154 + }
155 +
156 + public Integer getAsyncMessageNumber() {
157 + return mAsyncMessageNumber;
158 + }
159 +
160 + public String getKey() {
161 + return getEventPayload();
162 + }
163 + }
164 +
165 + public static class FormDisposePackage extends NoXtraEventPackage {
166 + /**
167 + * @deprecated GWT ONLY
168 + */
169 + public FormDisposePackage() {
170 + }
171 +
172 + public FormDisposePackage( String pSource, String pDest ) {
173 + super( pSource, pDest, null );
174 + }
175 + }
176 +
177 + public static class FormToServicePeerPackage extends SerializablePayloadEventPackage {
178 + /**
179 + * @deprecated GWT ONLY
180 + */
181 + public FormToServicePeerPackage() {
182 + }
183 +
184 + public FormToServicePeerPackage( String pSource, String pDest,
185 + FormToServicePeerData pToServicePeerData ) {
186 + super( pSource, pDest, null, pToServicePeerData );
187 + Confirm.isNotNull( "ToServicePeerData", pToServicePeerData );
188 + }
189 +
190 + public FormToServicePeerData getToServicePeerData() {
191 + return (FormToServicePeerData) getEventPayload();
192 + }
193 + }
194 +
195 + public static class ServicePeerToFormPackage extends SerializablePayloadWithExceptiontextEventPackage {
196 + public static final String RESPONSE_FROM_REQUEST_VALUES = "ResponseFromRequestValues";
197 + public static final String UNSOLICITED_DATA = "UnsolicitedData";
198 +
199 + /**
200 + * @deprecated GWT ONLY
201 + */
202 + public ServicePeerToFormPackage() {
203 + }
204 +
205 + private ServicePeerToFormPackage( String pSource, String pDest, String pType,
206 + ServicePeerToFormData pToFormData ) {
207 + super( pSource, pDest, pType, pToFormData );
208 + }
209 +
210 + private ServicePeerToFormPackage( String pSource, String pDest, String pType, String pExceptionText ) {
211 + super( pSource, pDest, pType, pExceptionText );
212 + }
213 +
214 + public static ServicePeerToFormPackage responseFromRequestValues( String pSource, String pDest,
215 + ServicePeerToFormData pToFormData ) {
216 + return new ServicePeerToFormPackage( pSource, pDest, RESPONSE_FROM_REQUEST_VALUES, pToFormData );
217 + }
218 +
219 + public static ServicePeerToFormPackage responseFromRequestValues( String pSource, String pDest,
220 + String pExceptionText ) {
221 + return new ServicePeerToFormPackage( pSource, pDest, RESPONSE_FROM_REQUEST_VALUES,
222 + pExceptionText );
223 + }
224 +
225 + public static ServicePeerToFormPackage unsolicitedData( String pSource, String pDest,
226 + ServicePeerToFormData pToFormData ) {
227 + return new ServicePeerToFormPackage( pSource, pDest, UNSOLICITED_DATA, pToFormData );
228 + }
229 +
230 + public static ServicePeerToFormPackage unsolicitedData( String pSource, String pDest,
231 + String pExceptionText ) {
232 + return new ServicePeerToFormPackage( pSource, pDest, UNSOLICITED_DATA, pExceptionText );
233 + }
234 +
235 + public ServicePeerToFormData getToFormData() {
236 + return (ServicePeerToFormData) getEventPayload();
237 + }
238 + }
239 + }