Subversion Repository Public Repository


Diff Revisions 948 vs 950 for /trunk/Java/GWT/Client/src/org/litesoft/GWT/client/widgets/nonpublic/

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -1,263 +1,262 @@
1 - // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 - package org.litesoft.GWT.client.widgets.nonpublic;
3 -
4 - import org.litesoft.GWT.client.widgets.*;
5 - import org.litesoft.commonfoundation.typeutils.Objects;
6 - import org.litesoft.commonfoundation.typeutils.*;
7 - import org.litesoft.ui.*;
8 -
9 - import;
10 - import*;
11 - import*;
12 - import*;
13 -
14 - import java.util.*;
15 -
16 - public abstract class AbstractCellButton extends AbstractCssBackedButton {
17 - private static final String IMAGES_PATH = "common/images/";
18 -
19 - private static final String CACHED_GIF = ".gif";
20 -
21 - private static final String IMAGE_BUTTONS_FOLDER = "ImageButton/";
22 - private static final String IMAGE_BUTTON_ENABLED_GIF = "/Enabled" + CACHED_GIF;
23 - private static final String IMAGE_BUTTON_DISABLED_GIF = "/Disabled" + CACHED_GIF;
24 -
25 - private static final Set<String> sImageButtons = new HashSet<String>();
26 - private static final Set<String> sBackImages = new HashSet<String>();
27 - private static final Set<String> sForwardImages = new HashSet<String>();
28 - private static final Set<String> sBGCellImages = new HashSet<String>();
29 -
30 - protected static void prefetchImageButtonImages( String pButtonImageRef ) {
31 - if ( needsFetching( sImageButtons, pButtonImageRef ) ) {
32 - prefetchImage( buildImageButtonImageURL( pButtonImageRef, true ) );
33 - prefetchImage( buildImageButtonImageURL( pButtonImageRef, false ) );
34 - }
35 - }
36 -
37 - private static void prefetchBackImages( String pType ) {
38 - if ( needsFetching( sBackImages, pType ) ) {
39 - prefetchTypedImage( pType, "BackArrow" );
40 - }
41 - }
42 -
43 - private static void prefetchForwardImages( String pType ) {
44 - if ( needsFetching( sForwardImages, pType ) ) {
45 - prefetchTypedImage( pType, "ForwardArrowRegular" );
46 - prefetchTypedImage( pType, "ForwardArrowOver" );
47 - }
48 - }
49 -
50 - private static void prefetchBackgroupCellImages( String pType ) {
51 - if ( needsFetching( sBGCellImages, pType ) ) {
52 - for ( CompassPoint zPoint : CompassPoint.values() ) {
53 - if ( != zPoint ) {
54 - for ( State zState : ALL_STATES ) {
55 - prefetchTypedImage( pType, zState + "/" + );
56 - }
57 - }
58 - }
59 - }
60 - }
61 -
62 - private static void prefetchTypedImage( String pType, String pWhat ) {
63 - prefetchImage( IMAGES_PATH + pType + "/" + pWhat + CACHED_GIF );
64 - }
65 -
66 - private static void prefetchImage( String pImagePath ) {
67 - Image.prefetch( pImagePath );
68 - }
69 -
70 - private static boolean needsFetching( Set<String> pFetched, String pKey ) {
71 - if ( pFetched.contains( pKey ) ) {
72 - return false;
73 - }
74 - pFetched.add( pKey );
75 - return true;
76 - }
77 -
78 - protected static String buildImageButtonImageURL( String pButtonImageRef, boolean pEnabled ) {
80 - }
81 -
82 - private int mMinimumCellSize;
83 - protected String mTbodyClass;
84 - protected Element mInnerElement, mTD;
85 -
86 - public AbstractCellButton( int pPreImageWidth, DefButtonNamedTypedFactory pDefButtonFactory, int pPostImageWidth, String pSizeSuffix, //
87 - int pMinimumCellSize, Element pInnerElement ) {
88 - super( pDefButtonFactory.getName(), //
89 - createTableWrapper( pPreImageWidth, pInnerElement, pPostImageWidth, pMinimumCellSize, //
90 - pDefButtonFactory.getType(), // pTbodyClass
91 - pDefButtonFactory.getName(), // pTbodyClass
92 - pDefButtonFactory.getCustomStyle() ), // pTbodyClass
93 - pDefButtonFactory.getEnabledToolTip(), pDefButtonFactory.getDisabledToolTip() );
94 - mMinimumCellSize = pMinimumCellSize;
95 - String zType = mTbodyClass = pDefButtonFactory.getType();
96 - mInnerElement = pInnerElement;
97 - mTD = mInnerElement.getParentElement();
98 - mTD.setPropertyString( "align", HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER.getTextAlignString() );
99 - mTD.setPropertyString( "verticalAlign", HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE.getVerticalAlignString() );
100 - addStyleName( "CellButton" );
101 - addStyleName( pDefButtonFactory.getSize() + pSizeSuffix + "CellButton" + pMinimumCellSize );
102 -
103 - if ( pPreImageWidth != 0 ) {
104 - prefetchBackImages( zType );
105 - }
106 - if ( pPostImageWidth != 0 ) {
107 - prefetchForwardImages( zType );
108 - }
109 - prefetchBackgroupCellImages( zType );
110 - }
111 -
112 - @Override
113 - public void fireEvent( GwtEvent<?> event ) {
114 - if ( isEnabled() ) {
115 - super.fireEvent( event );
116 - }
117 - }
118 -
119 - private static Element createTable() {
120 - return CommonElementHelper.createTable();
121 - }
122 -
123 - private static Element createTBody( String... pTbodyClasses ) {
124 - Element zTBody = DOM.createTBody();
125 - if ( Objects.isNotNullOrEmpty( pTbodyClasses ) ) {
126 - String zClasses = "";
127 - for ( String zClass : pTbodyClasses ) {
128 - zClasses = (zClasses + " " + Strings.deNull( zClass )).trim();
129 - }
130 - if ( zClasses.length() != 0 ) {
131 - zTBody.setClassName( zClasses );
132 - }
133 - }
134 - return zTBody;
135 - }
136 -
137 - private static Element createTR() {
138 - return DOM.createTR();
139 - }
140 -
141 - private static Element createTD( CompassPoint pPoint ) {
142 - Element zTD = DOM.createTD();
143 - zTD.setClassName( "CP_" + pPoint );
144 - return zTD;
145 - }
146 -
147 - private static CtrlElements createTableWrapper( int pPreImageWidth, Element pInnerElement, int pPostImageWidth, int pMinimumCellSize,
148 - String... pTbodyClasses ) {
149 - Element zWidthImg = null;
150 - Element zHeightImg = null;
151 - Element[][] zTDs = new Element[3][3];
152 - for ( CompassPoint zPoint : CompassPoint.values() ) {
153 - int zRow = zPoint.getRow();
154 - int zCol = zPoint.getCol();
155 - Element zInnerElement;
156 - if ( (zRow == 1) && (zCol == 1) ) {
157 - zInnerElement = pInnerElement;
158 - } else {
159 - Element zElement = createBorder( pMinimumCellSize );
160 - if ( (zRow == 0) && (zCol == 1) ) {
161 - zWidthImg = zElement;
162 - } else if ( (zRow == 1) && (zCol == 0) ) {
163 - zHeightImg = zElement;
164 - }
165 - zInnerElement = zElement;
166 - }
167 - zTDs[zRow][zCol] = appendChild( createTD( zPoint ), zInnerElement );
168 - }
169 - Element zTBody = createTBody( pTbodyClasses );
170 - appendChild( zTBody, createRow0( createTR(), zTDs ) );
171 - appendChild( zTBody, createRow1( createTR(), zTDs, pPreImageWidth, pPostImageWidth ) );
172 - appendChild( zTBody, createRow2( createTR(), zTDs ) );
173 - return new CtrlElements( appendChild( createTable(), zTBody ), zTBody, zWidthImg, zHeightImg );
174 - }
175 -
176 - private static Element createRow0( Element pTR, Element[][] pTDs ) {
177 - appendChild( pTR, pTDs[0][0] );
178 - appendChild( pTR, addColSpan( pTDs[0][1] ) );
179 - appendChild( pTR, pTDs[0][2] );
180 - return pTR;
181 - }
182 -
183 - private static Element createRow1( Element pTR, Element[][] pTDs, int pPreImageWidth, int pPostImageWidth ) {
184 - appendChild( pTR, pTDs[1][0] );
185 - appendChild( pTR, createTD( "CP_PreCenter", pPreImageWidth ) );
186 - appendChild( pTR, pTDs[1][1] );
187 - appendChild( pTR, createTD( "CP_PostCenter", pPostImageWidth ) );
188 - appendChild( pTR, pTDs[1][2] );
189 - return pTR;
190 - }
191 -
192 - private static Element createRow2( Element pTR, Element[][] pTDs ) {
193 - appendChild( pTR, pTDs[2][0] );
194 - appendChild( pTR, addColSpan( pTDs[2][1] ) );
195 - appendChild( pTR, pTDs[2][2] );
196 - return pTR;
197 - }
198 -
199 - private static Element addColSpan( Element pElement ) {
200 - pElement.setPropertyInt( "colSpan", 3 );
201 - return pElement;
202 - }
203 -
204 - private static Element createTD( String pClass, int pImageWidth ) {
205 - Element zTD = DOM.createTD();
206 - zTD.setClassName( pClass );
207 - Element zImg = createImg();
208 - if ( pImageWidth > 0 ) {
209 - zImg.setAttribute( "width", "" + pImageWidth );
210 - }
211 - return appendChild( zTD, zImg );
212 - }
213 -
214 - private static Element appendChild( Element pParent, Element pNewChild ) {
215 - pParent.appendChild( pNewChild );
216 - return pParent;
217 - }
218 -
219 - private static Element createBorder( int pMinimumCellSize ) {
220 - Element zElement = createImg();
221 - zElement.getStyle().setPropertyPx( "width", pMinimumCellSize );
222 - zElement.getStyle().setPropertyPx( "height", pMinimumCellSize );
223 - return zElement;
224 - }
225 -
226 - private static Element createImg() {
227 - Element zElement = DOM.createImg();
228 - zElement.setPropertyString( "src", TransparentImage.URL );
229 - return zElement;
230 - }
231 -
232 - @Override
233 - public void setWidth( String width ) {
234 - int zSize = parseSize( width );
235 - if ( zSize > 0 ) {
236 - mCtrlElements.getWidth().getStyle().setPropertyPx( "width", zSize );
237 - }
238 - }
239 -
240 - @Override
241 - public void setHeight( String height ) {
242 - int zSize = parseSize( height );
243 - if ( zSize > 0 ) {
244 - mCtrlElements.getHeight().getStyle().setPropertyPx( "height", zSize );
245 - }
246 - }
247 -
248 - private int parseSize( String pSize ) {
249 - if ( pSize != null ) {
250 - pSize = pSize.trim().toUpperCase();
251 - if ( pSize.endsWith( "PX" ) ) {
252 - pSize = pSize.substring( 0, pSize.length() - 2 ).trim();
253 - }
254 - try {
255 - return Integer.parseInt( pSize ) - (mMinimumCellSize + mMinimumCellSize);
256 - }
257 - catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
258 - // Whatever!
259 - }
260 - }
261 - return 0;
262 - }
263 - }
1 + // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 + package org.litesoft.GWT.client.widgets.nonpublic;
3 +
4 + import org.litesoft.GWT.client.widgets.*;
5 + import org.litesoft.commonfoundation.base.*;
6 + import org.litesoft.ui.*;
7 +
8 + import;
9 + import*;
10 + import*;
11 + import*;
12 +
13 + import java.util.*;
14 +
15 + public abstract class AbstractCellButton extends AbstractCssBackedButton {
16 + private static final String IMAGES_PATH = "common/images/";
17 +
18 + private static final String CACHED_GIF = ".gif";
19 +
20 + private static final String IMAGE_BUTTONS_FOLDER = "ImageButton/";
21 + private static final String IMAGE_BUTTON_ENABLED_GIF = "/Enabled" + CACHED_GIF;
22 + private static final String IMAGE_BUTTON_DISABLED_GIF = "/Disabled" + CACHED_GIF;
23 +
24 + private static final Set<String> sImageButtons = new HashSet<String>();
25 + private static final Set<String> sBackImages = new HashSet<String>();
26 + private static final Set<String> sForwardImages = new HashSet<String>();
27 + private static final Set<String> sBGCellImages = new HashSet<String>();
28 +
29 + protected static void prefetchImageButtonImages( String pButtonImageRef ) {
30 + if ( needsFetching( sImageButtons, pButtonImageRef ) ) {
31 + prefetchImage( buildImageButtonImageURL( pButtonImageRef, true ) );
32 + prefetchImage( buildImageButtonImageURL( pButtonImageRef, false ) );
33 + }
34 + }
35 +
36 + private static void prefetchBackImages( String pType ) {
37 + if ( needsFetching( sBackImages, pType ) ) {
38 + prefetchTypedImage( pType, "BackArrow" );
39 + }
40 + }
41 +
42 + private static void prefetchForwardImages( String pType ) {
43 + if ( needsFetching( sForwardImages, pType ) ) {
44 + prefetchTypedImage( pType, "ForwardArrowRegular" );
45 + prefetchTypedImage( pType, "ForwardArrowOver" );
46 + }
47 + }
48 +
49 + private static void prefetchBackgroupCellImages( String pType ) {
50 + if ( needsFetching( sBGCellImages, pType ) ) {
51 + for ( CompassPoint zPoint : CompassPoint.values() ) {
52 + if ( != zPoint ) {
53 + for ( State zState : ALL_STATES ) {
54 + prefetchTypedImage( pType, zState + "/" + );
55 + }
56 + }
57 + }
58 + }
59 + }
60 +
61 + private static void prefetchTypedImage( String pType, String pWhat ) {
62 + prefetchImage( IMAGES_PATH + pType + "/" + pWhat + CACHED_GIF );
63 + }
64 +
65 + private static void prefetchImage( String pImagePath ) {
66 + Image.prefetch( pImagePath );
67 + }
68 +
69 + private static boolean needsFetching( Set<String> pFetched, String pKey ) {
70 + if ( pFetched.contains( pKey ) ) {
71 + return false;
72 + }
73 + pFetched.add( pKey );
74 + return true;
75 + }
76 +
77 + protected static String buildImageButtonImageURL( String pButtonImageRef, boolean pEnabled ) {
79 + }
80 +
81 + private int mMinimumCellSize;
82 + protected String mTbodyClass;
83 + protected Element mInnerElement, mTD;
84 +
85 + public AbstractCellButton( int pPreImageWidth, DefButtonNamedTypedFactory pDefButtonFactory, int pPostImageWidth, String pSizeSuffix, //
86 + int pMinimumCellSize, Element pInnerElement ) {
87 + super( pDefButtonFactory.getName(), //
88 + createTableWrapper( pPreImageWidth, pInnerElement, pPostImageWidth, pMinimumCellSize, //
89 + pDefButtonFactory.getType(), // pTbodyClass
90 + pDefButtonFactory.getName(), // pTbodyClass
91 + pDefButtonFactory.getCustomStyle() ), // pTbodyClass
92 + pDefButtonFactory.getEnabledToolTip(), pDefButtonFactory.getDisabledToolTip() );
93 + mMinimumCellSize = pMinimumCellSize;
94 + String zType = mTbodyClass = pDefButtonFactory.getType();
95 + mInnerElement = pInnerElement;
96 + mTD = mInnerElement.getParentElement();
97 + mTD.setPropertyString( "align", HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER.getTextAlignString() );
98 + mTD.setPropertyString( "verticalAlign", HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE.getVerticalAlignString() );
99 + addStyleName( "CellButton" );
100 + addStyleName( pDefButtonFactory.getSize() + pSizeSuffix + "CellButton" + pMinimumCellSize );
101 +
102 + if ( pPreImageWidth != 0 ) {
103 + prefetchBackImages( zType );
104 + }
105 + if ( pPostImageWidth != 0 ) {
106 + prefetchForwardImages( zType );
107 + }
108 + prefetchBackgroupCellImages( zType );
109 + }
110 +
111 + @Override
112 + public void fireEvent( GwtEvent<?> event ) {
113 + if ( isEnabled() ) {
114 + super.fireEvent( event );
115 + }
116 + }
117 +
118 + private static Element createTable() {
119 + return CommonElementHelper.createTable();
120 + }
121 +
122 + private static Element createTBody( String... pTbodyClasses ) {
123 + Element zTBody = DOM.createTBody();
124 + if ( Currently.isNotNullOrEmpty( pTbodyClasses ) ) {
125 + String zClasses = "";
126 + for ( String zClass : pTbodyClasses ) {
127 + zClasses = (zClasses + " " + ConstrainTo.notNull( zClass )).trim();
128 + }
129 + if ( zClasses.length() != 0 ) {
130 + zTBody.setClassName( zClasses );
131 + }
132 + }
133 + return zTBody;
134 + }
135 +
136 + private static Element createTR() {
137 + return DOM.createTR();
138 + }
139 +
140 + private static Element createTD( CompassPoint pPoint ) {
141 + Element zTD = DOM.createTD();
142 + zTD.setClassName( "CP_" + pPoint );
143 + return zTD;
144 + }
145 +
146 + private static CtrlElements createTableWrapper( int pPreImageWidth, Element pInnerElement, int pPostImageWidth, int pMinimumCellSize,
147 + String... pTbodyClasses ) {
148 + Element zWidthImg = null;
149 + Element zHeightImg = null;
150 + Element[][] zTDs = new Element[3][3];
151 + for ( CompassPoint zPoint : CompassPoint.values() ) {
152 + int zRow = zPoint.getRow();
153 + int zCol = zPoint.getCol();
154 + Element zInnerElement;
155 + if ( (zRow == 1) && (zCol == 1) ) {
156 + zInnerElement = pInnerElement;
157 + } else {
158 + Element zElement = createBorder( pMinimumCellSize );
159 + if ( (zRow == 0) && (zCol == 1) ) {
160 + zWidthImg = zElement;
161 + } else if ( (zRow == 1) && (zCol == 0) ) {
162 + zHeightImg = zElement;
163 + }
164 + zInnerElement = zElement;
165 + }
166 + zTDs[zRow][zCol] = appendChild( createTD( zPoint ), zInnerElement );
167 + }
168 + Element zTBody = createTBody( pTbodyClasses );
169 + appendChild( zTBody, createRow0( createTR(), zTDs ) );
170 + appendChild( zTBody, createRow1( createTR(), zTDs, pPreImageWidth, pPostImageWidth ) );
171 + appendChild( zTBody, createRow2( createTR(), zTDs ) );
172 + return new CtrlElements( appendChild( createTable(), zTBody ), zTBody, zWidthImg, zHeightImg );
173 + }
174 +
175 + private static Element createRow0( Element pTR, Element[][] pTDs ) {
176 + appendChild( pTR, pTDs[0][0] );
177 + appendChild( pTR, addColSpan( pTDs[0][1] ) );
178 + appendChild( pTR, pTDs[0][2] );
179 + return pTR;
180 + }
181 +
182 + private static Element createRow1( Element pTR, Element[][] pTDs, int pPreImageWidth, int pPostImageWidth ) {
183 + appendChild( pTR, pTDs[1][0] );
184 + appendChild( pTR, createTD( "CP_PreCenter", pPreImageWidth ) );
185 + appendChild( pTR, pTDs[1][1] );
186 + appendChild( pTR, createTD( "CP_PostCenter", pPostImageWidth ) );
187 + appendChild( pTR, pTDs[1][2] );
188 + return pTR;
189 + }
190 +
191 + private static Element createRow2( Element pTR, Element[][] pTDs ) {
192 + appendChild( pTR, pTDs[2][0] );
193 + appendChild( pTR, addColSpan( pTDs[2][1] ) );
194 + appendChild( pTR, pTDs[2][2] );
195 + return pTR;
196 + }
197 +
198 + private static Element addColSpan( Element pElement ) {
199 + pElement.setPropertyInt( "colSpan", 3 );
200 + return pElement;
201 + }
202 +
203 + private static Element createTD( String pClass, int pImageWidth ) {
204 + Element zTD = DOM.createTD();
205 + zTD.setClassName( pClass );
206 + Element zImg = createImg();
207 + if ( pImageWidth > 0 ) {
208 + zImg.setAttribute( "width", "" + pImageWidth );
209 + }
210 + return appendChild( zTD, zImg );
211 + }
212 +
213 + private static Element appendChild( Element pParent, Element pNewChild ) {
214 + pParent.appendChild( pNewChild );
215 + return pParent;
216 + }
217 +
218 + private static Element createBorder( int pMinimumCellSize ) {
219 + Element zElement = createImg();
220 + zElement.getStyle().setPropertyPx( "width", pMinimumCellSize );
221 + zElement.getStyle().setPropertyPx( "height", pMinimumCellSize );
222 + return zElement;
223 + }
224 +
225 + private static Element createImg() {
226 + Element zElement = DOM.createImg();
227 + zElement.setPropertyString( "src", TransparentImage.URL );
228 + return zElement;
229 + }
230 +
231 + @Override
232 + public void setWidth( String width ) {
233 + int zSize = parseSize( width );
234 + if ( zSize > 0 ) {
235 + mCtrlElements.getWidth().getStyle().setPropertyPx( "width", zSize );
236 + }
237 + }
238 +
239 + @Override
240 + public void setHeight( String height ) {
241 + int zSize = parseSize( height );
242 + if ( zSize > 0 ) {
243 + mCtrlElements.getHeight().getStyle().setPropertyPx( "height", zSize );
244 + }
245 + }
246 +
247 + private int parseSize( String pSize ) {
248 + if ( pSize != null ) {
249 + pSize = pSize.trim().toUpperCase();
250 + if ( pSize.endsWith( "PX" ) ) {
251 + pSize = pSize.substring( 0, pSize.length() - 2 ).trim();
252 + }
253 + try {
254 + return Integer.parseInt( pSize ) - (mMinimumCellSize + mMinimumCellSize);
255 + }
256 + catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
257 + // Whatever!
258 + }
259 + }
260 + return 0;
261 + }
262 + }