Subversion Repository Public Repository


Diff Revisions 948 vs 950 for /trunk/Java/GWT/Client/src/org/litesoft/GWT/client/widgets/

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
1 - // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 - package org.litesoft.GWT.client.widgets;
3 -
4 - import org.litesoft.GWT.client.*;
5 - import org.litesoft.GWT.client.widgets.nonpublic.*;
6 - import org.litesoft.core.simpletypes.*;
7 - import org.litesoft.core.util.*;
8 - import org.litesoft.uipopupsupport.*;
9 -
10 - import*;
11 - import*;
12 -
13 - public abstract class AbstractContextPopup extends PopupPanel {
14 - private static final String ERROR_FROM = "AbstractContextPopup";
15 -
16 - protected AbstractContextPopup( boolean pAutoHide ) {
17 - super( pAutoHide );
18 - }
19 -
20 - protected void error( String pProblem, RuntimeException pRTE ) {
21 - AlertManager.alert( ERROR_FROM, "Contextual Options Error", pProblem, pRTE );
22 - }
23 -
24 - abstract protected Widget createPopupWidget();
25 -
26 - /**
27 - * Show the Context Popup, positioning it based on the pEvent's Client X & Y positions, and
28 - * the two provided Relative Rectangular "meeting" Points.
29 - *
30 - * @param pEvent !null - used to get the Target (Source) Element & the Mouse
31 - * location (Client X & Y)
32 - * @param pRectangleContainmentStrategy !null - Controls Popup location should any of the Popup be off screen.
33 - * @param pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint if not null then indicates to use the clicked on element's
34 - * location, size, and this "point" as the "meeting" point
35 - * @param pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint the Popup's "meeting" point. null defaults to "CornerTopLeft"
36 - */
37 - public void showContextPopup( Event pEvent, //
38 - RectangleContainmentStrategy pRectangleContainmentStrategy, //
39 - CommonRectangularPoint pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint, CommonRectangularPoint pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint ) {
40 - Widget zWidget;
41 - try {
42 - if ( null == (zWidget = createPopupWidget()) ) {
43 - error( "No Widget", null );
44 - return;
45 - }
46 - }
47 - catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
48 - error( e.getMessage(), e );
49 - return;
50 - }
51 -
52 - setWidget( zWidget );
53 -
54 - setPopupPositionAndShow( new MyPositionCallback( pRectangleContainmentStrategy, pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint, pEvent, //
55 - (pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint != null) ? //
56 - pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint : //
57 - CommonRectangularPoint.LeftTop ) );
58 - }
59 -
60 - @Override
61 - public void show() {
62 -;
63 - mSavedCaptureElement = DOM.getCaptureElement();
64 - if ( mSavedCaptureElement != null ) {
65 - DOM.releaseCapture( mSavedCaptureElement );
66 - }
67 - }
68 -
69 - private Element mSavedCaptureElement = null;
70 -
71 - @Override
72 - public void hide() {
73 - if ( mSavedCaptureElement != null ) {
74 - DOM.setCapture( mSavedCaptureElement );
75 - mSavedCaptureElement = null;
76 - }
77 - super.hide();
78 - }
79 -
80 - private class MyPositionCallback implements PositionCallback {
81 - private ContextPopupPositioner mPositioner;
82 -
83 - public MyPositionCallback( RectangleContainmentStrategy pRectangleContainmentStrategy, CommonRectangularPoint pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint,
84 - Event pEvent, CommonRectangularPoint pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint ) {
85 - SizeXY zClientSize = new SizeXY( Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight() );
86 - PointXY zClientPos = new PointXY( DOM.eventGetClientX( pEvent ), DOM.eventGetClientY( pEvent ) );
87 -
88 - if ( pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint == null ) {
89 - mPositioner = new ContextPopupPositioner( pRectangleContainmentStrategy, pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint,//
90 - zClientPos, zClientSize );
91 - } else {
92 - Element zTargetElement = DOM.eventGetTarget( pEvent );
93 - int zSrcElementXpos = DOM.getAbsoluteLeft( zTargetElement );
94 - int zSrcElementYpos = DOM.getAbsoluteTop( zTargetElement );
95 - int zSrcElementXsize = CommonElementHelper.getOffsetWidth( zTargetElement );
96 - int zSrcElementYsize = CommonElementHelper.getOffsetHeight( zTargetElement );
97 - Rect zSourceElementRect = new Rect( zSrcElementXpos, zSrcElementYpos, //
98 - zSrcElementXsize, zSrcElementYsize );
99 - mPositioner = new SourceRelativeContextPopupPositioner( pRectangleContainmentStrategy, pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint, zClientPos, zClientSize,
100 - pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint, zSourceElementRect );
101 - }
102 - }
103 -
104 - @Override
105 - public String toString() {
106 - return mPositioner.toString();
107 - }
108 -
109 - @Override
110 - public void setPosition( int pPopupXsize, int pPopupYsize ) {
111 - adjustPopup( mPositioner.determinePosition( new Rect( 0, 0, pPopupXsize, pPopupYsize ) ) );
112 - }
113 -
114 - protected void adjustPopup( Rect pRect ) {
115 - setPopupPosition( pRect.getXpos(), pRect.getYpos() );
116 - }
117 - }
118 - }
1 + // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 + package org.litesoft.GWT.client.widgets;
3 +
4 + import org.litesoft.GWT.client.*;
5 + import org.litesoft.GWT.client.widgets.nonpublic.*;
6 + import org.litesoft.core.simpletypes.*;
7 + import org.litesoft.core.util.*;
8 + import org.litesoft.uipopupsupport.*;
9 +
10 + import*;
11 + import*;
12 +
13 + public abstract class AbstractContextPopup extends PopupPanel {
14 + private static final String ERROR_FROM = "AbstractContextPopup";
15 +
16 + protected AbstractContextPopup( boolean pAutoHide ) {
17 + super( pAutoHide );
18 + }
19 +
20 + protected void error( String pProblem, RuntimeException pRTE ) {
21 + AlertManager.alert( ERROR_FROM, "Contextual Options Error", pProblem, pRTE );
22 + }
23 +
24 + abstract protected Widget createPopupWidget();
25 +
26 + /**
27 + * Show the Context Popup, positioning it based on the pEvent's Client X & Y positions, and
28 + * the two provided Relative Rectangular "meeting" Points.
29 + *
30 + * @param pEvent !null - used to get the Target (Source) Element & the Mouse
31 + * location (Client X & Y)
32 + * @param pRectangleContainmentStrategy !null - Controls Popup location should any of the Popup be off screen.
33 + * @param pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint if not null then indicates to use the clicked on element's
34 + * location, size, and this "point" as the "meeting" point
35 + * @param pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint the Popup's "meeting" point. null defaults to "CornerTopLeft"
36 + */
37 + public void showContextPopup( Event pEvent, //
38 + RectangleContainmentStrategy pRectangleContainmentStrategy, //
39 + CommonRectangularPoint pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint, CommonRectangularPoint pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint ) {
40 + Widget zWidget;
41 + try {
42 + if ( null == (zWidget = createPopupWidget()) ) {
43 + error( "No Widget", null );
44 + return;
45 + }
46 + }
47 + catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
48 + error( e.getMessage(), e );
49 + return;
50 + }
51 +
52 + setWidget( zWidget );
53 +
54 + setPopupPositionAndShow( new MyPositionCallback( pRectangleContainmentStrategy, pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint, pEvent, //
55 + (pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint != null) ? //
56 + pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint : //
57 + CommonRectangularPoint.LeftTop ) );
58 + }
59 +
60 + @Override
61 + public void show() {
62 +;
63 + mSavedCaptureElement = DOM.getCaptureElement();
64 + if ( mSavedCaptureElement != null ) {
65 + DOM.releaseCapture( mSavedCaptureElement );
66 + }
67 + }
68 +
69 + private Element mSavedCaptureElement = null;
70 +
71 + @Override
72 + public void hide() {
73 + if ( mSavedCaptureElement != null ) {
74 + DOM.setCapture( mSavedCaptureElement );
75 + mSavedCaptureElement = null;
76 + }
77 + super.hide();
78 + }
79 +
80 + private class MyPositionCallback implements PositionCallback {
81 + private ContextPopupPositioner mPositioner;
82 +
83 + public MyPositionCallback( RectangleContainmentStrategy pRectangleContainmentStrategy, CommonRectangularPoint pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint,
84 + Event pEvent, CommonRectangularPoint pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint ) {
85 + SizeXY zClientSize = new SizeXY( Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight() );
86 + PointXY zClientPos = new PointXY( DOM.eventGetClientX( pEvent ), DOM.eventGetClientY( pEvent ) );
87 +
88 + if ( pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint == null ) {
89 + mPositioner = new ContextPopupPositioner( pRectangleContainmentStrategy, pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint,//
90 + zClientPos, zClientSize );
91 + } else {
92 + Element zTargetElement = DOM.eventGetTarget( pEvent );
93 + int zSrcElementXpos = DOM.getAbsoluteLeft( zTargetElement );
94 + int zSrcElementYpos = DOM.getAbsoluteTop( zTargetElement );
95 + int zSrcElementXsize = CommonElementHelper.getOffsetWidth( zTargetElement );
96 + int zSrcElementYsize = CommonElementHelper.getOffsetHeight( zTargetElement );
97 + Rect zSourceElementRect = new Rect( zSrcElementXpos, zSrcElementYpos, //
98 + zSrcElementXsize, zSrcElementYsize );
99 + mPositioner = new SourceRelativeContextPopupPositioner( pRectangleContainmentStrategy, pPopupRelativeMeetingPoint, zClientPos, zClientSize,
100 + pSourceElementRelativeMeetingPoint, zSourceElementRect );
101 + }
102 + }
103 +
104 + @Override
105 + public String toString() {
106 + return mPositioner.toString();
107 + }
108 +
109 + @Override
110 + public void setPosition( int pPopupXsize, int pPopupYsize ) {
111 + adjustPopup( mPositioner.determinePosition( new Rect( 0, 0, pPopupXsize, pPopupYsize ) ) );
112 + }
113 +
114 + protected void adjustPopup( Rect pRect ) {
115 + setPopupPosition( pRect.getXpos(), pRect.getYpos() );
116 + }
117 + }
118 + }