Subversion Repository Public Repository


Diff Revisions 948 vs 950 for /trunk/GWT_Sandbox/FormEngine/src/com/temp/client/foundation/widget/input/fieldsupport/

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -1,322 +1,322 @@
1 - package;
2 -
3 - import org.litesoft.core.util.externalization.*;
4 -
5 - import*;
6 - import*;
7 - import*;
8 - import*;
9 - import*;
10 - import com.temp.shared.*;
11 - import com.temp.shared.utils.*;
12 - import com.temp.shared.validators.*;
13 -
14 - /**
15 - * Common abstract helper for the generated Widget versions of the InputField.
16 - */
17 - public abstract class AbstractGeneratedInputField<T, C extends AbstractGeneratedInputField<T, C>> extends AbstractNonProxyInputField<T, C> implements IsWidget {
18 - // Optionally set/changed
19 - private boolean required = false;
20 - private boolean errorLabel = true;
21 - private boolean extendedLabel = false;
22 - private boolean example = false;
23 - private LabelPosition labelPosition = LabelPosition.Left;
24 -
25 - // Optionally set
26 - private String helpLink;
27 -
28 - // The above must be set/changed BEFORE the widget is attached!
29 -
30 - private final NamedHorizontalPanel container = new NamedHorizontalPanel();
31 -
32 - public AbstractGeneratedInputField() {
33 - container.add( new Label( "!?!" ) );
34 - }
35 -
36 - @Override
37 - protected Panel getContainer() {
38 - return container;
39 - }
40 -
41 - @Override
42 - public Widget asWidget() {
43 - return container;
44 - }
45 -
46 - // Configuration Methods
47 -
48 - public final String getLabel() {
49 - return;
50 - }
51 -
52 - public final void setLabel( String labelPosition ) {
53 - assertBuildMode( "setLabel" );
54 - labelPosition = StringUtils.noEmpty( labelPosition );
55 - LabelPosition position = ObjectUtils.oneOfToStringIgnoreCase( labelPosition, LabelPosition.values() );
56 - if ( position == null ) {
57 - throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unacceptable LabelPosition of: " + labelPosition );
58 - }
59 - setValidatedLabelPosition( position );
60 - }
61 -
62 - public final LabelPosition getLabelPosition() {
63 - return labelPosition;
64 - }
65 -
66 - public final void setLabelPosition( LabelPosition labelPosition ) {
67 - assertBuildMode( "setLabelPosition" );
68 - Validate.notNull( "LabelPosition", labelPosition );
69 - setValidatedLabelPosition( labelPosition );
70 - }
71 -
72 - public C labelPosition( LabelPosition labelPosition ) {
73 - assertBuildMode( "labelPosition" );
74 - Validate.notNull( "LabelPosition", labelPosition );
75 - setValidatedLabelPosition( labelPosition );
76 - return inheritanceLeaf();
77 - }
78 -
79 - protected void setValidatedLabelPosition( LabelPosition labelPosition ) {
80 - this.labelPosition = labelPosition;
81 - }
82 -
83 - public final boolean isRequired() {
84 - return required;
85 - }
86 -
87 - public final void setRequired( boolean required ) {
88 - assertBuildMode( "setRequired" );
89 - setValidatedRequired( required );
90 - }
91 -
92 - public C required() {
93 - assertBuildMode( "required" );
94 - setValidatedRequired( true );
95 - return inheritanceLeaf();
96 - }
97 -
98 - protected void setValidatedRequired( boolean required ) {
99 - this.required = required;
100 - if ( required ) {
101 - setValidatedErrorLabel( true );
102 - }
103 - }
104 -
105 - public final boolean isErrorLabel() {
106 - return errorLabel;
107 - }
108 -
109 - public final void setErrorLabel( boolean errorLabel ) {
110 - assertBuildMode( "setErrorLabel" );
111 - setValidatedErrorLabel( errorLabel );
112 - }
113 -
114 - public C errorLabel() {
115 - assertBuildMode( "errorLabel" );
116 - setValidatedErrorLabel( true );
117 - return inheritanceLeaf();
118 - }
119 -
120 - protected void setValidatedErrorLabel( boolean errorLabel ) {
121 - this.errorLabel = errorLabel;
122 - }
123 -
124 - public final boolean isExtendedLabel() {
125 - return extendedLabel;
126 - }
127 -
128 - public final void setExtendedLabel( boolean extendedLabel ) {
129 - assertBuildMode( "setExtendedLabel" );
130 - setValidatedExtendedLabel( extendedLabel );
131 - }
132 -
133 - public C extendedLabel() {
134 - assertBuildMode( "extendedLabel" );
135 - setValidatedExtendedLabel( true );
136 - return inheritanceLeaf();
137 - }
138 -
139 - protected void setValidatedExtendedLabel( boolean extendedLabel ) {
140 - this.extendedLabel = extendedLabel;
141 - }
142 -
143 - public final boolean isExample() {
144 - return example;
145 - }
146 -
147 - public final void setExample( boolean example ) {
148 - assertBuildMode( "setExample" );
149 - setValidatedExample( example );
150 - }
151 -
152 - public C example() {
153 - assertBuildMode( "example" );
154 - setValidatedExample( true );
155 - return inheritanceLeaf();
156 - }
157 -
158 - protected void setValidatedExample( boolean example ) {
159 - this.example = example;
160 - }
161 -
162 - public final String getHelpLink() {
163 - return helpLink;
164 - }
165 -
166 - public final void setHelpLink( String helpLink ) {
167 - assertBuildMode( "setHelpLink" );
168 - setValidatedHelpLink( StringUtils.noEmpty( helpLink ) );
169 - }
170 -
171 - public C helpLink( String helpLink ) {
172 - assertBuildMode( "helpLink" );
173 - setValidatedHelpLink( StringUtils.noEmpty( helpLink ) );
174 - return inheritanceLeaf();
175 - }
176 -
177 - protected void setValidatedHelpLink( String helpLink ) {
178 - this.helpLink = helpLink;
179 - }
180 -
181 - // Anytime Methods
182 -
183 - // Widget/Component Accessor Methods
184 -
185 - // Support Methods...
186 -
187 - @Override
188 - protected void validatorAdded( ValueValidator<T> validator ) {
189 - CompleteInputFieldAccessor<T> fieldAccessor = checkRunMode();
190 - if ( fieldAccessor != null ) {
191 - updateStyle( fieldAccessor );
192 - }
193 - }
194 -
195 - @Override
196 - protected void updateErrorLabel( Widget errorLabel, E13nData error ) {
197 - String errorText = revolve( "updateErrorLabel", error );
198 - ((TextLabel) errorLabel).setText( errorText );
199 - UtilsGwt.setHidden( errorLabel, errorText == null );
200 - }
201 -
202 - protected CompleteInputFieldAccessor<T> buildActualWidget( E13nResolver resolver ) {
203 - container.setName( getName() );
204 - namedWidgets.add( container );
205 -
206 - InputFieldAccessor<T> accessor = createBaseAccessor();
207 - InputWidgetValidator<T> validator = accessor.getValidator();
208 -
209 - TextLabel labelTextLabel = null;
210 - TextLabel extendedTextLabel = null;
211 - if ( !LabelPosition.None.equals( labelPosition ) ) {
212 - labelTextLabel = createWrappingLabel( "labelLabel", true, resolver, "field-label" );
213 - extendedTextLabel = createWrappingLabel( "extendedLabel", extendedLabel, resolver, "field-extendedLabel" );
214 - }
215 - TextLabel exampleTextLabel = createWrappingLabel( "exampleLabel", example, resolver, "field-example" );
216 - TextLabel errorTextLabel = null;
217 - if ( validator != null ) {
218 - errorTextLabel = createClippingLabel( "field-error", errorLabel );
219 - if ( required ) {
220 - addTo( validator, RequiredValueValidator.INSTANCE );
221 - }
222 - augmentValidator( validator );
223 - validator.addValidators( getValidators() );
224 - }
225 - HelpWidget helpWidget = (helpLink != null) ? createHelpWidget() : null;
226 - CompleteInputFieldAccessor<T> completeAccessor = new CompleteInputFieldAccessor<T>( resolver, //
227 - labelTextLabel, //
228 - extendedTextLabel, //
229 - accessor, //
230 - helpWidget, //
231 - exampleTextLabel, //
232 - errorTextLabel );
233 - populate( container, completeAccessor );
234 - return completeAccessor;
235 - }
236 -
237 - protected HelpWidget createHelpWidget() {
238 - return addNamedWidgetWithNameExtension( new HelpWidget().link( helpLink ), "helpWidget" );
239 - }
240 -
241 - @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters")
242 - protected void augmentValidator( InputWidgetValidator<T> validator ) {
243 - }
244 -
245 - @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
246 - protected void addTo( InputWidgetValidator<T> validator, ValueValidator valueValidator ) {
247 - validator.addValidator( valueValidator );
248 - }
249 -
250 - protected final TextLabel createWrappingLabel( String styleName, boolean create, E13nResolver resolver, String resolveKey ) {
251 - if ( create ) {
252 - String text = resolver.resolve( resolveKey );
253 - if ( text != null ) {
254 - return addNamedWidgetWithStyle( new WrappingLabel( text ), styleName );
255 - }
256 - }
257 - return null;
258 - }
259 -
260 - protected final TextLabel createClippingLabel( String styleName, boolean create ) {
261 - return create ? addNamedWidgetWithStyle( new ClippingLabel(), styleName ) : null;
262 - }
263 -
264 - private TextLabel createRequiredLabel() {
265 - return addNamedWidgetWithStyle( new NonWrappingLabel( required ? " * " : " ", true ), "requiredSpacer" );
266 - }
267 -
268 - protected void populate( HorizontalPanel container, CompleteInputFieldAccessor<T> completeAccessor ) {
269 - container.clear(); // Remove "Stand In"
270 - container.addStyleName( ObjectUtils.getSimpleClassName( this ) ); // Add Style on Container for Cascade customization!
271 -
272 - container.setHorizontalAlignment( HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT );
273 - container.setVerticalAlignment( HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP );
274 -
275 - VerticalPanel labelPanel = null;
276 - VerticalPanel centerPanel = UtilsGwt.vertical( "fieldCenter" );
277 -
278 - HelpWidget helpWidget = completeAccessor.getHelpWidget();
279 -
280 - switch ( labelPosition ) {
281 - default:
282 - case Left:
283 - container.add( labelPanel = UtilsGwt.vertical( "fieldLeft" ) );
284 - labelPanel.add( completeAccessor.getLabelLabel() );
285 - container.add( createRequiredLabel() );
286 - container.add( centerPanel );
287 - break;
288 - case Top:
289 - container.add( labelPanel = centerPanel );
290 - labelPanel.add( UtilsGwt.horizontal( completeAccessor.getLabelLabel(), createRequiredLabel() ) );
291 - break;
292 - case Right:
293 - container.add( centerPanel );
294 - container.add( labelPanel = UtilsGwt.vertical( "fieldRight" ) );
295 - labelPanel.add( UtilsGwt.horizontal( completeAccessor.getLabelLabel(), createRequiredLabel(), helpWidget ) );
296 - helpWidget = null;
297 - break;
298 - case None:
299 - break;
300 - }
301 - UtilsGwt.add( labelPanel, completeAccessor.getExtendedLabel() );
302 -
303 - // Add HelpWidget
304 - if ( helpWidget != null ) {
305 - container.add( UtilsGwt.add( UtilsGwt.vertical( "fieldRight" ), helpWidget ) );
306 - }
307 -
308 - // populate the Center
309 - centerPanel.add( completeAccessor.getInputWidget() );
310 - UtilsGwt.add( centerPanel, completeAccessor.getExampleLabel() );
311 - UtilsGwt.add( centerPanel, completeAccessor.getErrorLabel() );
312 - }
313 -
314 - protected <W extends Widget & HasName> InputFieldAccessor<T> createBaseAccessor( InputWidgetValueAdapter<T> valueAdapter, W inputWidget, String style,
315 - Focusable... focusables ) {
316 - InputWidgetValidator<T> validator = new InputWidgetValidator<T>( valueAdapter );
317 - InputWidgetChangeFilter<T> input = new InputWidgetChangeFilter<T>( validator );
318 - return new InputFieldAccessor<T>( input, validator, valueAdapter, addNamedWidgetWithStyle( inputWidget, style ), focusables );
319 - }
320 -
321 - abstract protected InputFieldAccessor<T> createBaseAccessor();
322 - }
1 + package;
2 +
3 + import org.litesoft.core.util.externalization.*;
4 +
5 + import*;
6 + import*;
7 + import*;
8 + import*;
9 + import*;
10 + import com.temp.shared.*;
11 + import com.temp.shared.utils.*;
12 + import com.temp.shared.validators.*;
13 +
14 + /**
15 + * Common abstract helper for the generated Widget versions of the InputField.
16 + */
17 + public abstract class AbstractGeneratedInputField<T, C extends AbstractGeneratedInputField<T, C>> extends AbstractNonProxyInputField<T, C> implements IsWidget {
18 + // Optionally set/changed
19 + private boolean required = false;
20 + private boolean errorLabel = true;
21 + private boolean extendedLabel = false;
22 + private boolean example = false;
23 + private LabelPosition labelPosition = LabelPosition.Left;
24 +
25 + // Optionally set
26 + private String helpLink;
27 +
28 + // The above must be set/changed BEFORE the widget is attached!
29 +
30 + private final NamedHorizontalPanel container = new NamedHorizontalPanel();
31 +
32 + public AbstractGeneratedInputField() {
33 + container.add( new Label( "!?!" ) );
34 + }
35 +
36 + @Override
37 + protected Panel getContainer() {
38 + return container;
39 + }
40 +
41 + @Override
42 + public Widget asWidget() {
43 + return container;
44 + }
45 +
46 + // Configuration Methods
47 +
48 + public final String getLabel() {
49 + return;
50 + }
51 +
52 + public final void setLabel( String labelPosition ) {
53 + assertBuildMode( "setLabel" );
54 + labelPosition = StringUtils.noEmpty( labelPosition );
55 + LabelPosition position = ObjectUtils.oneOfToStringIgnoreCase( labelPosition, LabelPosition.values() );
56 + if ( position == null ) {
57 + throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unacceptable LabelPosition of: " + labelPosition );
58 + }
59 + setValidatedLabelPosition( position );
60 + }
61 +
62 + public final LabelPosition getLabelPosition() {
63 + return labelPosition;
64 + }
65 +
66 + public final void setLabelPosition( LabelPosition labelPosition ) {
67 + assertBuildMode( "setLabelPosition" );
68 + Validate.notNull( "LabelPosition", labelPosition );
69 + setValidatedLabelPosition( labelPosition );
70 + }
71 +
72 + public C labelPosition( LabelPosition labelPosition ) {
73 + assertBuildMode( "labelPosition" );
74 + Validate.notNull( "LabelPosition", labelPosition );
75 + setValidatedLabelPosition( labelPosition );
76 + return inheritanceLeaf();
77 + }
78 +
79 + protected void setValidatedLabelPosition( LabelPosition labelPosition ) {
80 + this.labelPosition = labelPosition;
81 + }
82 +
83 + public final boolean isRequired() {
84 + return required;
85 + }
86 +
87 + public final void setRequired( boolean required ) {
88 + assertBuildMode( "setRequired" );
89 + setValidatedRequired( required );
90 + }
91 +
92 + public C required() {
93 + assertBuildMode( "required" );
94 + setValidatedRequired( true );
95 + return inheritanceLeaf();
96 + }
97 +
98 + protected void setValidatedRequired( boolean required ) {
99 + this.required = required;
100 + if ( required ) {
101 + setValidatedErrorLabel( true );
102 + }
103 + }
104 +
105 + public final boolean isErrorLabel() {
106 + return errorLabel;
107 + }
108 +
109 + public final void setErrorLabel( boolean errorLabel ) {
110 + assertBuildMode( "setErrorLabel" );
111 + setValidatedErrorLabel( errorLabel );
112 + }
113 +
114 + public C errorLabel() {
115 + assertBuildMode( "errorLabel" );
116 + setValidatedErrorLabel( true );
117 + return inheritanceLeaf();
118 + }
119 +
120 + protected void setValidatedErrorLabel( boolean errorLabel ) {
121 + this.errorLabel = errorLabel;
122 + }
123 +
124 + public final boolean isExtendedLabel() {
125 + return extendedLabel;
126 + }
127 +
128 + public final void setExtendedLabel( boolean extendedLabel ) {
129 + assertBuildMode( "setExtendedLabel" );
130 + setValidatedExtendedLabel( extendedLabel );
131 + }
132 +
133 + public C extendedLabel() {
134 + assertBuildMode( "extendedLabel" );
135 + setValidatedExtendedLabel( true );
136 + return inheritanceLeaf();
137 + }
138 +
139 + protected void setValidatedExtendedLabel( boolean extendedLabel ) {
140 + this.extendedLabel = extendedLabel;
141 + }
142 +
143 + public final boolean isExample() {
144 + return example;
145 + }
146 +
147 + public final void setExample( boolean example ) {
148 + assertBuildMode( "setExample" );
149 + setValidatedExample( example );
150 + }
151 +
152 + public C example() {
153 + assertBuildMode( "example" );
154 + setValidatedExample( true );
155 + return inheritanceLeaf();
156 + }
157 +
158 + protected void setValidatedExample( boolean example ) {
159 + this.example = example;
160 + }
161 +
162 + public final String getHelpLink() {
163 + return helpLink;
164 + }
165 +
166 + public final void setHelpLink( String helpLink ) {
167 + assertBuildMode( "setHelpLink" );
168 + setValidatedHelpLink( StringUtils.noEmpty( helpLink ) );
169 + }
170 +
171 + public C helpLink( String helpLink ) {
172 + assertBuildMode( "helpLink" );
173 + setValidatedHelpLink( StringUtils.noEmpty( helpLink ) );
174 + return inheritanceLeaf();
175 + }
176 +
177 + protected void setValidatedHelpLink( String helpLink ) {
178 + this.helpLink = helpLink;
179 + }
180 +
181 + // Anytime Methods
182 +
183 + // Widget/Component Accessor Methods
184 +
185 + // Support Methods...
186 +
187 + @Override
188 + protected void validatorAdded( ValueValidator<T> validator ) {
189 + CompleteInputFieldAccessor<T> fieldAccessor = checkRunMode();
190 + if ( fieldAccessor != null ) {
191 + updateStyle( fieldAccessor );
192 + }
193 + }
194 +
195 + @Override
196 + protected void updateErrorLabel( Widget errorLabel, E13nData error ) {
197 + String errorText = revolve( "updateErrorLabel", error );
198 + ((TextLabel) errorLabel).setText( errorText );
199 + UtilsGwt.setHidden( errorLabel, errorText == null );
200 + }
201 +
202 + protected CompleteInputFieldAccessor<T> buildActualWidget( E13nResolver resolver ) {
203 + container.setName( getName() );
204 + namedWidgets.add( container );
205 +
206 + InputFieldAccessor<T> accessor = createBaseAccessor();
207 + InputWidgetValidator<T> validator = accessor.getValidator();
208 +
209 + TextLabel labelTextLabel = null;
210 + TextLabel extendedTextLabel = null;
211 + if ( !LabelPosition.None.equals( labelPosition ) ) {
212 + labelTextLabel = createWrappingLabel( "labelLabel", true, resolver, "field-label" );
213 + extendedTextLabel = createWrappingLabel( "extendedLabel", extendedLabel, resolver, "field-extendedLabel" );
214 + }
215 + TextLabel exampleTextLabel = createWrappingLabel( "exampleLabel", example, resolver, "field-example" );
216 + TextLabel errorTextLabel = null;
217 + if ( validator != null ) {
218 + errorTextLabel = createClippingLabel( "field-error", errorLabel );
219 + if ( required ) {
220 + addTo( validator, RequiredValueValidator.INSTANCE );
221 + }
222 + augmentValidator( validator );
223 + validator.addValidators( getValidators() );
224 + }
225 + HelpWidget helpWidget = (helpLink != null) ? createHelpWidget() : null;
226 + CompleteInputFieldAccessor<T> completeAccessor = new CompleteInputFieldAccessor<T>( resolver, //
227 + labelTextLabel, //
228 + extendedTextLabel, //
229 + accessor, //
230 + helpWidget, //
231 + exampleTextLabel, //
232 + errorTextLabel );
233 + populate( container, completeAccessor );
234 + return completeAccessor;
235 + }
236 +
237 + protected HelpWidget createHelpWidget() {
238 + return addNamedWidgetWithNameExtension( new HelpWidget().link( helpLink ), "helpWidget" );
239 + }
240 +
241 + @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters")
242 + protected void augmentValidator( InputWidgetValidator<T> validator ) {
243 + }
244 +
245 + @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
246 + protected void addTo( InputWidgetValidator<T> validator, ValueValidator valueValidator ) {
247 + validator.addValidator( valueValidator );
248 + }
249 +
250 + protected final TextLabel createWrappingLabel( String styleName, boolean create, E13nResolver resolver, String resolveKey ) {
251 + if ( create ) {
252 + String text = resolver.resolve( resolveKey );
253 + if ( text != null ) {
254 + return addNamedWidgetWithStyle( new WrappingLabel( text ), styleName );
255 + }
256 + }
257 + return null;
258 + }
259 +
260 + protected final TextLabel createClippingLabel( String styleName, boolean create ) {
261 + return create ? addNamedWidgetWithStyle( new ClippingLabel(), styleName ) : null;
262 + }
263 +
264 + private TextLabel createRequiredLabel() {
265 + return addNamedWidgetWithStyle( new NonWrappingLabel( required ? " * " : " ", true ), "requiredSpacer" );
266 + }
267 +
268 + protected void populate( HorizontalPanel container, CompleteInputFieldAccessor<T> completeAccessor ) {
269 + container.clear(); // Remove "Stand In"
270 + container.addStyleName( ObjectUtils.getSimpleClassName( this ) ); // Add Style on Container for Cascade customization!
271 +
272 + container.setHorizontalAlignment( HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT );
273 + container.setVerticalAlignment( HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP );
274 +
275 + VerticalPanel labelPanel = null;
276 + VerticalPanel centerPanel = UtilsGwt.vertical( "fieldCenter" );
277 +
278 + HelpWidget helpWidget = completeAccessor.getHelpWidget();
279 +
280 + switch ( labelPosition ) {
281 + default:
282 + case Left:
283 + container.add( labelPanel = UtilsGwt.vertical( "fieldLeft" ) );
284 + labelPanel.add( completeAccessor.getLabelLabel() );
285 + container.add( createRequiredLabel() );
286 + container.add( centerPanel );
287 + break;
288 + case Top:
289 + container.add( labelPanel = centerPanel );
290 + labelPanel.add( UtilsGwt.horizontal( completeAccessor.getLabelLabel(), createRequiredLabel() ) );
291 + break;
292 + case Right:
293 + container.add( centerPanel );
294 + container.add( labelPanel = UtilsGwt.vertical( "fieldRight" ) );
295 + labelPanel.add( UtilsGwt.horizontal( completeAccessor.getLabelLabel(), createRequiredLabel(), helpWidget ) );
296 + helpWidget = null;
297 + break;
298 + case None:
299 + break;
300 + }
301 + UtilsGwt.add( labelPanel, completeAccessor.getExtendedLabel() );
302 +
303 + // Add HelpWidget
304 + if ( helpWidget != null ) {
305 + container.add( UtilsGwt.add( UtilsGwt.vertical( "fieldRight" ), helpWidget ) );
306 + }
307 +
308 + // populate the Center
309 + centerPanel.add( completeAccessor.getInputWidget() );
310 + UtilsGwt.add( centerPanel, completeAccessor.getExampleLabel() );
311 + UtilsGwt.add( centerPanel, completeAccessor.getErrorLabel() );
312 + }
313 +
314 + protected <W extends Widget & HasName> InputFieldAccessor<T> createBaseAccessor( InputWidgetValueAdapter<T> valueAdapter, W inputWidget, String style,
315 + Focusable... focusables ) {
316 + InputWidgetValidator<T> validator = new InputWidgetValidator<T>( valueAdapter );
317 + InputWidgetChangeFilter<T> input = new InputWidgetChangeFilter<T>( validator );
318 + return new InputFieldAccessor<T>( input, validator, valueAdapter, addNamedWidgetWithStyle( inputWidget, style ), focusables );
319 + }
320 +
321 + abstract protected InputFieldAccessor<T> createBaseAccessor();
322 + }