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Diff Revisions 758 vs 765 for /trunk/Java/GWT/Server/tests/org/litesoft/GWT/client/localstorage/

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
1 1 // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 2 package org.litesoft.GWT.client.localstorage;
3 3
4 + import java.util.*;
5 +
4 6 import junit.framework.*;
5 7
6 8 import org.litesoft.*;
  @@ -22,8 +24,221 @@
22 24 suite() );
23 25 }
24 26
25 - public void test_updateDrillDownSetWhenEntriesVisibleChanges()
27 + @Override
28 + protected void setUp()
29 + throws Exception
30 + {
31 + mStorage = new LocalStorageImpl( new Html5LocalStorageTestImpl( 4 ) );
32 + }
33 +
34 + private LocalStorage mStorage;
35 +
36 + private List<String> keySet()
37 + {
38 + List<String> zList = new ArrayList<String>( mStorage.keySet() );
39 + Collections.sort( zList );
40 + return zList;
41 + }
42 +
43 + private List<Map.Entry<String, String>> entrySet()
44 + {
45 + List<Map.Entry<String, String>> zList = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, String>>( mStorage.entrySet() );
46 + Collections.sort( zList, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, String>>()
47 + {
48 + @Override
49 + public int compare( Map.Entry<String, String> o1, Map.Entry<String, String> o2 )
50 + {
51 + return o1.getKey().compareTo( o2.getKey() );
52 + }
53 + } );
54 + return zList;
55 + }
56 +
57 + public void test_StorageOne()
58 + throws Exception
59 + {
60 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
61 + mStorage.put( "K1", "V1" );
62 + assertEquals( 1, mStorage.size() );
63 + assertEquals( "[K1]", mStorage.keySet().toString() );
64 + assertEquals( "V1", mStorage.get( "K1" ) );
65 + assertEquals( "[K1=V1]", mStorage.entrySet().toString() );
66 + assertEquals( "V1", mStorage.remove( "K1" ) );
67 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
68 +
69 + mStorage.put( "K1", "V1" );
70 + assertEquals( 1, mStorage.size() );
71 + assertEquals( "V1", mStorage.get( "K1" ) );
72 + mStorage.put( "K1", "V1B" );
73 + assertEquals( 1, mStorage.size() );
74 + assertEquals( "V1B", mStorage.get( "K1" ) );
75 + mStorage.clear();
76 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
77 + }
78 +
79 + public void test_StorageMany()
80 + throws Exception
81 + {
82 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
83 + mStorage.put( "K1", "V1" );
84 + mStorage.put( "K2", "V2" );
85 + mStorage.put( "K3", "V3" );
86 + mStorage.put( "K4", "V4" );
87 + assertEquals( 4, mStorage.size() );
88 + assertEquals( "[K1, K2, K3, K4]", keySet().toString() );
89 + assertEquals( "V1", mStorage.get( "K1" ) );
90 + assertEquals( "[K1=V1, K2=V2, K3=V3, K4=V4]", entrySet().toString() );
91 + assertEquals( "V1", mStorage.remove( "K1" ) );
92 + assertEquals( 3, mStorage.size() );
93 + assertEquals( "[K2=V2, K3=V3, K4=V4]", entrySet().toString() );
94 + assertEquals( "V2", mStorage.put( "K2", null ) );
95 + assertEquals( 2, mStorage.size() );
96 + assertEquals( "[K3=V3, K4=V4]", entrySet().toString() );
97 + mStorage.clear();
98 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
99 + }
100 +
101 + public void test_StorageTooMany()
102 + throws Exception
103 + {
104 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
105 + mStorage.put( "K1", "V1" );
106 + mStorage.put( "K2", "V2" );
107 + mStorage.put( "K3", "V3" );
108 + mStorage.put( "K4", "V4" );
109 + assertEquals( 4, mStorage.size() );
110 + assertEquals( "[K1=V1, K2=V2, K3=V3, K4=V4]", entrySet().toString() );
111 +
112 + try
113 + {
114 + mStorage.put( "K5", "V5" );
115 + fail( "Able to add the 5th entry" );
116 + }
117 + catch ( UnsupportedOperationException expected )
118 + {
119 + // expected
120 + }
121 + assertEquals( 4, mStorage.size() );
122 + assertEquals( "[K1=V1, K2=V2, K3=V3, K4=V4]", entrySet().toString() );
123 + }
124 +
125 + @SuppressWarnings({"RedundantCast", "SuspiciousMethodCalls"})
126 + public void test_StorageNullOrEmpties()
127 + throws Exception
128 + {
129 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
130 + try
131 + {
132 + mStorage.get( (Object) null );
133 + fail( "Able to get w/ null" );
134 + }
135 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException expected )
136 + {
137 + // expected
138 + }
139 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
140 + try
141 + {
142 + mStorage.get( (String) null );
143 + fail( "Able to get w/ null" );
144 + }
145 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException expected )
146 + {
147 + // expected
148 + }
149 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
150 + try
151 + {
152 + mStorage.get( "" );
153 + fail( "Able to get w/ empty" );
154 + }
155 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException expected )
156 + {
157 + // expected
158 + }
159 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
160 + try
161 + {
162 + mStorage.put( null, "V0" );
163 + fail( "Able to put w/ null" );
164 + }
165 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException expected )
166 + {
167 + // expected
168 + }
169 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
170 + try
171 + {
172 + mStorage.put( "", "V0" );
173 + fail( "Able to put w/ empty" );
174 + }
175 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException expected )
176 + {
177 + // expected
178 + }
179 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
180 + try
181 + {
182 + mStorage.remove( null );
183 + fail( "Able to remove w/ null" );
184 + }
185 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException expected )
186 + {
187 + // expected
188 + }
189 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
190 + try
191 + {
192 + mStorage.remove( "" );
193 + fail( "Able to remove w/ empty" );
194 + }
195 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException expected )
196 + {
197 + // expected
198 + }
199 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
200 + }
201 +
202 + public void test_StorageTrimmed()
26 203 throws Exception
27 204 {
205 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
206 + mStorage.put( " K1 ", "V1" );
207 + assertEquals( 1, mStorage.size() );
208 + assertEquals( "[K1]", mStorage.keySet().toString() );
209 + assertEquals( "V1", mStorage.get( " K1 " ) );
210 + assertEquals( "[K1=V1]", mStorage.entrySet().toString() );
211 + assertEquals( "V1", mStorage.remove( " K1 " ) );
212 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
213 + try
214 + {
215 + mStorage.get( " " );
216 + fail( "Able to get w/ empty" );
217 + }
218 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException expected )
219 + {
220 + // expected
221 + }
222 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
223 + try
224 + {
225 + mStorage.put( " ", "V0" );
226 + fail( "Able to put w/ empty" );
227 + }
228 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException expected )
229 + {
230 + // expected
231 + }
232 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
233 + try
234 + {
235 + mStorage.remove( " " );
236 + fail( "Able to remove w/ empty" );
237 + }
238 + catch ( IllegalArgumentException expected )
239 + {
240 + // expected
241 + }
242 + assertTrue( mStorage.isEmpty() );
28 243 }
29 244 }