Subversion Repository Public Repository


Diff Revisions 612 vs 613 for /trunk/Java/GWT/Client/src/com/google/gwt/gen2/table/client/

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
17 17
18 18 import java.util.*;
19 19
20 - import*;
21 20 import*;
22 21 import*;
23 22 import*;
  @@ -397,21 +396,7 @@
397 396 */
398 397 public PagingScrollTable( TableModel<RowType> tableModel, FixedWidthGrid dataTable, FixedWidthFlexTable headerTable, TableDefinition<RowType> tableDefinition )
399 398 {
400 - this( tableModel, dataTable, headerTable, tableDefinition, GWT.<ScrollTableImages>create( ScrollTableImages.class ) );
401 - }
402 -
403 - /**
404 - * Construct a new {@link PagingScrollTable} with custom images.
405 - *
406 - * @param tableModel the underlying table model
407 - * @param dataTable the table used to display data
408 - * @param headerTable the header table
409 - * @param tableDefinition the column definitions
410 - * @param images the images to use in the table
411 - */
412 - public PagingScrollTable( TableModel<RowType> tableModel, FixedWidthGrid dataTable, FixedWidthFlexTable headerTable, TableDefinition<RowType> tableDefinition, ScrollTableImages images )
413 - {
414 - super( dataTable, headerTable, images );
399 + super( dataTable, headerTable );
415 400 this.tableModel = tableModel;
416 401 setTableDefinition( tableDefinition );
417 402 refreshVisibleColumnDefinitions();