History for Trouble with initial push of a very large repo

Page: 12
11 years ago
TheHarvesteR picture
rs picture
TheHarvesteR picture
TheHarvesteR picture

Comment: About 18GB, counting project files and version control metadata. Well, after a day of doing small bite-sized pushes, we're almost done uploading. Just a few more gigs to go. CheersAbout 18GB, counting project files and version control metadata. Well, after a day of doing small bite-sized pushes, we're almost done uploading. Just a few more gigs to go. BTW, I'm back to using ssh now, https is downloading faster it seems, but it's not uploading very well, and ssh doens't ask for the password all the time. :) Cheers

TheHarvesteR picture
rs picture
TheHarvesteR picture
TheHarvesteR picture
TheHarvesteR picture
TheHarvesteR picture
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