Trac Error

I tried to remove two custom fields in the Admin tab, when I got the following message:

Trac Error

TracError: The Trac Environment needs to be upgraded.

Run "trac-admin /server/trac-projects/eventHorizon upgrade"

Now I get this on every Trac page.
How do I fix this?

Thank you for a great service!

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rs on Sat 09 Jan, 2010

Go to your Trac tab in, and if you’re the project owner you should see a form with a button to upgrade:


rs on Mon 11 Jan, 2010

There’s a bunch of custom fields thats been added by the timingestimator/burndown plugin (can’t remember which one it is). And everytime you delete those fields, it recreates it on the database and you’ll have to invoke “upgrade” again.

Support will be coming in the future to cherry pick plugins


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