Subversion Repository Public Repository


Diff Revisions 949 vs 950 for /trunk/Java/GWT/test/org/litesoft/ui/

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -1,260 +1,260 @@
1 - // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 - package org.litesoft.ui;
3 -
4 - import org.litesoft.core.typeutils.Objects;
5 - import java.util.*;
6 -
7 - import*;
8 - import*;
9 - import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.*;
10 - import org.litesoft.GWT.forms.client.components.*;
11 - import org.litesoft.GWT.forms.client.components.helpers.*;
12 - import org.litesoft.core.util.*;
13 - import org.litesoft.ui.def.*;
14 - import org.litesoft.ui.def.nonpublic.*;
15 - import*;
16 - import*;
17 - import*;
18 - import*;
19 -
20 - public class FactoryHelperTest extends GWTTestCase
21 - {
22 - private static final String DESICATED_FORM = //
23 - "Form(IntendedUse=Edit RootType=Test)\n" + //
24 - ".VerticalLayout()\n" + //
25 - "..Input(AttributeName=zAname)\n" + //
26 - "..Label(LabelID=Label1)\n" + //
27 - "..Input(AttributeName=stupid)\n" + //
28 - "..Form(RootType=SubTest)\n" + //
29 - "...VerticalLayout()\n" + //
30 - "....Input(AttributeName=zBname)\n" + //
31 - "....Label(LabelID=Label22)\n" + //
32 - "";
33 -
34 - private static final UiFormDef FORM_DEF;
35 - private static final FormMetaData zNullMetaData;
36 - private static final ActionMetaData NULL_ACTION_META_DATA = new ActionMetaData( new ActionUsage( "actionId", false),
37 - false,
38 - "extenrnaText",
39 - "toolTipNumeroUno");
40 -
41 - static {
42 - FORM_DEF = (UiFormDef) UiFormDef.rehydrate( UiDefFactory.INSTANCE,
43 - HierarchicalDataSimpleFactory.INSTANCE.createSource(
45 - FORM_DEF.prepareToRender();
46 - zNullMetaData = buildMetaDataFromDef( FORM_DEF );
47 - }
48 -
49 - public void testHelperFactories()
50 - throws Exception
51 - {
52 - UiInputDef zUiDef = new UiInputDef( "zAttrName" );
53 - UiComponentHelper zInputHelper = new UiComponentTestableHelperFactory().newInstance(
54 - new ComponentBusHelperImpl( new SimpleEventBus(), "ParentParentParent", "ServerPeerId" ), zUiDef,
55 - zNullMetaData, IntendedUse.ForView );
56 - assertNotNull(zInputHelper.getFormComponent());
57 - }
58 -
59 - public void testFormHandler()
60 - {
61 - final Widget[] zThis = new Widget[]{null};
62 - SimpleEventBus zBus = new SimpleEventBus();
63 - UiFormHandler zComponentHandler = new UiFormHandler( zBus, FORM_DEF );
64 -
65 - zComponentHandler.renderWidget( new UiFormHandler.Listener()
66 - {
67 - public void componentsRendered( Widget pWidget )
68 - {
69 - assertNotNull( pWidget );
70 - zThis[0] = pWidget;
71 - }
72 - } );
73 - assertNull( zThis[0] );
74 - zBus.publish( new FormComponentBusConstants.FormCreationResponsePackage( "thisnThat",
75 - zComponentHandler.getUniqueName(),
76 - zNullMetaData ) );
77 - assertNotNull( zThis[0] );
78 -
79 - testComponentEvents( zComponentHandler, zBus );
80 - }
81 -
82 - public void testComponentEvents( UiFormHandler pFormHandler, SimpleEventBus pClientEventBus) {
83 -
84 -
85 - UiComponentHelper zHelper = pFormHandler.getHelper( "zAname" );
86 - assertNotNull( zHelper );
87 - assertEquals (zHelper.getValue(), "");
88 - Map tmpMap = new HashMap( );
89 - tmpMap.put( "zAname", Boolean.FALSE.toString());
90 - pClientEventBus.publish( new FormComponentBusConstants.FormComponentEnabledUpdatePackage("source", pFormHandler.getUniqueName(),
91 - tmpMap ));
92 -
93 - Map values = new HashMap( );
94 - values.put( "zAname", "newValue");
95 - pClientEventBus.publish( new FormComponentBusConstants.FormValuesUpdatePackage("source",
96 - pFormHandler.getUniqueName(),
97 - values
98 - ));
99 -
100 - assertEquals( zHelper.getValue(), "newValue");
101 - }
102 -
103 - public void testTextFieldHelper() {
104 - UiInputDef zLabelUiDef = new UiInputDef( "attribName");
105 - AttributeUsage zUsage = new AttributeUsage( zLabelUiDef.getAttributeName(), IntendedUse.ForView, false);
106 - SimpleEventBus zClientEventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
107 - UiInputHelper zHelper = new UiInputHelper( new ComponentBusHelperImpl( zClientEventBus, "ppanranr", "ServerPeerId"),
108 - IntendedUse.ForView, zLabelUiDef, new TextFieldMetaData(zUsage, false, "ext", "tooltip", true, 100));
109 - assertNotNull( zHelper );
110 - assertFalse( "newValue".equals(zHelper.getValue()) );
111 - assertTrue( zHelper.getFormComponent() instanceof FormTextField );
112 - zHelper.getFormComponent().setFocused( true );
113 - }
114 -
115 - public void testCheckBoxHelper() {
116 - UiInputDef zLabelUiDef = new UiInputDef( "attribName");
117 - AttributeUsage zUsage = new AttributeUsage( zLabelUiDef.getAttributeName(), IntendedUse.ForView, false);
118 - SimpleEventBus zClientEventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
119 - UiInputHelper zHelper = new UiInputHelper( new ComponentBusHelperImpl( zClientEventBus, "ppanranr", "ServerPeerId"),
120 - IntendedUse.ForView, zLabelUiDef, new CheckBoxMetaData(zUsage, false, "ext", "tooltip"));
121 - assertNotNull( zHelper );
122 - assertFalse( "newValue".equals(zHelper.getValue()) );
123 - assertTrue( zHelper.getFormComponent() instanceof FormCheckBox );
124 - zHelper.getFormComponent().setFocused( true );
125 - }
126 - /**
127 - * private builders below
128 - */
129 - private static FormMetaData buildMetaDataFromDef( UiFormDef pUiFormDef )
130 - {
131 - FormMetaData zFormMetaData = new FormMetaData( pUiFormDef.getFormUsage() );
132 - rBuildMetaDataFromDef( pUiFormDef, zFormMetaData );
133 - return zFormMetaData;
134 - }
135 -
136 - private static void rBuildMetaDataFromDef( UiDef pUiDef, FormMetaData pFormMetaData )
137 - {
138 - addToFormMetaDataByType (pUiDef, pFormMetaData);
139 - if ( pUiDef instanceof UiContainerDef ) {
140 - UiDef[] zArray = ((UiContainerDef) pUiDef).getChildrenHelper().getChildren();
141 - for ( int i = 0; i < zArray.length; i++ ) {
142 - UiDef zUiDef = zArray[i];
143 - rBuildMetaDataFromDef( zUiDef, pFormMetaData );
144 - }
145 - }
146 - }
147 -
148 - private static void addToFormMetaDataByType( UiDef pUiDef, FormMetaData pFormMetaData )
149 - {
150 - if (pUiDef instanceof UiLabelDef) {
151 - pFormMetaData.addLabel( buildNullLabelMetaData((UiLabelDef) pUiDef) );
152 - } else if (pUiDef instanceof UiActionDef) {
153 - pFormMetaData.addAction( NULL_ACTION_META_DATA );
154 - } else if (pUiDef instanceof UiAttributeNamedDef) {
155 - pFormMetaData.addAttribute( buildNullAttribute(pUiDef) );
156 - } else if (pUiDef instanceof UiFormDef) {
157 - // pFormMetaData.addSubForm( new FormMetaData( ((UiFormDef)pUiDef).getFormUsage() ));
158 - } else {
159 - pFormMetaData.addAttribute( buildNullAttribute(pUiDef) );
160 - }
161 - }
162 -
163 - private static LabelMetaData buildNullLabelMetaData( UiLabelDef pUiDef )
164 - {
165 - return new LabelMetaData( new LabelUsage(pUiDef.getLabelID()), "extyText");
166 - }
167 -
168 - private static AttributeMetaData buildNullAttribute( UiDef pUiDef )
169 - {
170 - if (pUiDef instanceof UiInputDef ) {
171 - UiInputDef zUiInputDef = (UiInputDef) pUiDef;
172 - return getNullTextFieldMetaData(zUiInputDef);
173 - } else if (pUiDef instanceof UiHorizontalLayoutDef ) {
174 - return null;
175 - } else if (pUiDef instanceof UiVerticalLayoutDef ) {
176 - return null;
177 - } else {
178 - return null;
179 - }
180 - }
181 -
182 -
183 - private static TextFieldMetaData getNullTextFieldMetaData( UiInputDef pIntendedUse )
184 - {
185 - return new TextFieldMetaData( pIntendedUse.getAttributeUsage( pIntendedUse.getIntendedUse()), false, "extnerna",
186 - "tooltiptt", true, 100);
187 - }
188 - // public void testCreation()
189 - // throws Exception {
190 - //
191 - // recurseTree( FORM_DEF);
192 - // }
193 - //
194 - // private void recurseTree( UiDef pUiDef ) {
195 - // if ( pUiDef instanceof UiContainerDef ) {
196 - // UiDef[] zArray = ((UiContainerDef) pUiDef).getChildrenHelper().getChildren();
197 - // for ( int i=0; i<zArray.length; i++)
198 - // {
199 - // UiDef zUiDef = zArray[i];
200 - // recurseTree( zUiDef );
201 - // }
202 - // } else {
203 - // try {
204 - // NeverToBeUsedFactoryFactory zUsedFactoryFactory = NeverToBeUsedFactoryFactory.INSTANCE;
205 - //// zUsedFactoryFactory.switchToTestableFactories();
206 - // String zToolTip = "This is a toolTip";
207 - // SimpleEventBus zBus = new SimpleEventBus();
208 - // UiComponentHelper zHelper =
209 - // zUsedFactoryFactory.create( zBus, pUiDef, zNullMetaData );
210 - // checkFormComponent( zBus, zHelper, zToolTip );
211 - // } catch ( Exception e ) {
212 - // fail( e.getMessage() );
213 - // }
214 - // }
215 - //
216 - // }
217 - //
218 - // private static final String VALUE_1 = "first value";
219 - // private static final String VALUE_2 = "changed value";
220 - //
221 - // private void checkFormComponent( EventBus pBus, UiComponentHelper pHelper, String pToolTip ) {
222 - // // do whatever work needed here: add to visual container or whatever
223 - // MockFormComponent zMockFormComponent = (MockFormComponent) pHelper.getFormComponent();
224 - // assertNotNull( zMockFormComponent );
225 - //
226 - // // check changed - from component
227 - // pHelper.setValue( "something");
228 - // assertFalse( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
229 - // pHelper.setValue( VALUE_1);
230 - // zMockFormComponent.fireChangeListeners();
231 - // assertTrue( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
232 - //
233 - // // check changed - from change listener (server-side change)
234 - // pHelper.setValue( VALUE_1);
235 - // zMockFormComponent.fireChangeListeners();
236 - // assertFalse( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
237 - // pBus.publish( new FormComponentBusConstants.FormComponentEnabledUpdatePackage(
238 - // "thisIsntUsed",
239 - // pHelper.getComponentName(),
240 - // null, VALUE_2 ));
241 - // assertTrue( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
242 - //
243 - // // check ability to clear changed and then through on blur
244 - // pHelper.setValue( VALUE_2 );
245 - // zMockFormComponent.fireChangeListeners();
246 - // assertFalse( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
247 - // pHelper.setValue( "somethingsdfsdf else");
248 - // zMockFormComponent.fireBlurListeners();
249 - // assertTrue( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
250 - //
251 - // // check focused
252 - // assertFalse( zMockFormComponent.isFocused() );
253 - // zMockFormComponent.fireFocusListeners();
254 - // assertTrue( zMockFormComponent.isFocused() );
255 - // }
256 - public String getModuleName()
257 - {
258 - return "org.litesoft.GWT_test";
259 - }
260 - }
1 + // This Source Code is in the Public Domain per:
2 + package org.litesoft.ui;
3 +
4 + import org.litesoft.core.typeutils.Objects;
5 + import java.util.*;
6 +
7 + import*;
8 + import*;
9 + import org.litesoft.GWT.eventbus.client.*;
10 + import org.litesoft.GWT.forms.client.components.*;
11 + import org.litesoft.GWT.forms.client.components.helpers.*;
12 + import org.litesoft.core.util.*;
13 + import org.litesoft.ui.def.*;
14 + import org.litesoft.ui.def.nonpublic.*;
15 + import*;
16 + import*;
17 + import*;
18 + import*;
19 +
20 + public class FactoryHelperTest extends GWTTestCase
21 + {
22 + private static final String DESICATED_FORM = //
23 + "Form(IntendedUse=Edit RootType=Test)\n" + //
24 + ".VerticalLayout()\n" + //
25 + "..Input(AttributeName=zAname)\n" + //
26 + "..Label(LabelID=Label1)\n" + //
27 + "..Input(AttributeName=stupid)\n" + //
28 + "..Form(RootType=SubTest)\n" + //
29 + "...VerticalLayout()\n" + //
30 + "....Input(AttributeName=zBname)\n" + //
31 + "....Label(LabelID=Label22)\n" + //
32 + "";
33 +
34 + private static final UiFormDef FORM_DEF;
35 + private static final FormMetaData zNullMetaData;
36 + private static final ActionMetaData NULL_ACTION_META_DATA = new ActionMetaData( new ActionUsage( "actionId", false),
37 + false,
38 + "extenrnaText",
39 + "toolTipNumeroUno");
40 +
41 + static {
42 + FORM_DEF = (UiFormDef) UiFormDef.rehydrate( UiDefFactory.INSTANCE,
43 + HierarchicalDataSimpleFactory.INSTANCE.createSource(
45 + FORM_DEF.prepareToRender();
46 + zNullMetaData = buildMetaDataFromDef( FORM_DEF );
47 + }
48 +
49 + public void testHelperFactories()
50 + throws Exception
51 + {
52 + UiInputDef zUiDef = new UiInputDef( "zAttrName" );
53 + UiComponentHelper zInputHelper = new UiComponentTestableHelperFactory().newInstance(
54 + new ComponentBusHelperImpl( new SimpleEventBus(), "ParentParentParent", "ServerPeerId" ), zUiDef,
55 + zNullMetaData, IntendedUse.ForView );
56 + assertNotNull(zInputHelper.getFormComponent());
57 + }
58 +
59 + public void testFormHandler()
60 + {
61 + final Widget[] zThis = new Widget[]{null};
62 + SimpleEventBus zBus = new SimpleEventBus();
63 + UiFormHandler zComponentHandler = new UiFormHandler( zBus, FORM_DEF );
64 +
65 + zComponentHandler.renderWidget( new UiFormHandler.Listener()
66 + {
67 + public void componentsRendered( Widget pWidget )
68 + {
69 + assertNotNull( pWidget );
70 + zThis[0] = pWidget;
71 + }
72 + } );
73 + assertNull( zThis[0] );
74 + zBus.publish( new FormComponentBusConstants.FormCreationResponsePackage( "thisnThat",
75 + zComponentHandler.getUniqueName(),
76 + zNullMetaData ) );
77 + assertNotNull( zThis[0] );
78 +
79 + testComponentEvents( zComponentHandler, zBus );
80 + }
81 +
82 + public void testComponentEvents( UiFormHandler pFormHandler, SimpleEventBus pClientEventBus) {
83 +
84 +
85 + UiComponentHelper zHelper = pFormHandler.getHelper( "zAname" );
86 + assertNotNull( zHelper );
87 + assertEquals (zHelper.getValue(), "");
88 + Map tmpMap = new HashMap( );
89 + tmpMap.put( "zAname", Boolean.FALSE.toString());
90 + pClientEventBus.publish( new FormComponentBusConstants.FormComponentEnabledUpdatePackage("source", pFormHandler.getUniqueName(),
91 + tmpMap ));
92 +
93 + Map values = new HashMap( );
94 + values.put( "zAname", "newValue");
95 + pClientEventBus.publish( new FormComponentBusConstants.FormValuesUpdatePackage("source",
96 + pFormHandler.getUniqueName(),
97 + values
98 + ));
99 +
100 + assertEquals( zHelper.getValue(), "newValue");
101 + }
102 +
103 + public void testTextFieldHelper() {
104 + UiInputDef zLabelUiDef = new UiInputDef( "attribName");
105 + AttributeUsage zUsage = new AttributeUsage( zLabelUiDef.getAttributeName(), IntendedUse.ForView, false);
106 + SimpleEventBus zClientEventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
107 + UiInputHelper zHelper = new UiInputHelper( new ComponentBusHelperImpl( zClientEventBus, "ppanranr", "ServerPeerId"),
108 + IntendedUse.ForView, zLabelUiDef, new TextFieldMetaData(zUsage, false, "ext", "tooltip", true, 100));
109 + assertNotNull( zHelper );
110 + assertFalse( "newValue".equals(zHelper.getValue()) );
111 + assertTrue( zHelper.getFormComponent() instanceof FormTextField );
112 + zHelper.getFormComponent().setFocused( true );
113 + }
114 +
115 + public void testCheckBoxHelper() {
116 + UiInputDef zLabelUiDef = new UiInputDef( "attribName");
117 + AttributeUsage zUsage = new AttributeUsage( zLabelUiDef.getAttributeName(), IntendedUse.ForView, false);
118 + SimpleEventBus zClientEventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
119 + UiInputHelper zHelper = new UiInputHelper( new ComponentBusHelperImpl( zClientEventBus, "ppanranr", "ServerPeerId"),
120 + IntendedUse.ForView, zLabelUiDef, new CheckBoxMetaData(zUsage, false, "ext", "tooltip"));
121 + assertNotNull( zHelper );
122 + assertFalse( "newValue".equals(zHelper.getValue()) );
123 + assertTrue( zHelper.getFormComponent() instanceof FormCheckBox );
124 + zHelper.getFormComponent().setFocused( true );
125 + }
126 + /**
127 + * private builders below
128 + */
129 + private static FormMetaData buildMetaDataFromDef( UiFormDef pUiFormDef )
130 + {
131 + FormMetaData zFormMetaData = new FormMetaData( pUiFormDef.getFormUsage() );
132 + rBuildMetaDataFromDef( pUiFormDef, zFormMetaData );
133 + return zFormMetaData;
134 + }
135 +
136 + private static void rBuildMetaDataFromDef( UiDef pUiDef, FormMetaData pFormMetaData )
137 + {
138 + addToFormMetaDataByType (pUiDef, pFormMetaData);
139 + if ( pUiDef instanceof UiContainerDef ) {
140 + UiDef[] zArray = ((UiContainerDef) pUiDef).getChildrenHelper().getChildren();
141 + for ( int i = 0; i < zArray.length; i++ ) {
142 + UiDef zUiDef = zArray[i];
143 + rBuildMetaDataFromDef( zUiDef, pFormMetaData );
144 + }
145 + }
146 + }
147 +
148 + private static void addToFormMetaDataByType( UiDef pUiDef, FormMetaData pFormMetaData )
149 + {
150 + if (pUiDef instanceof UiLabelDef) {
151 + pFormMetaData.addLabel( buildNullLabelMetaData((UiLabelDef) pUiDef) );
152 + } else if (pUiDef instanceof UiActionDef) {
153 + pFormMetaData.addAction( NULL_ACTION_META_DATA );
154 + } else if (pUiDef instanceof UiAttributeNamedDef) {
155 + pFormMetaData.addAttribute( buildNullAttribute(pUiDef) );
156 + } else if (pUiDef instanceof UiFormDef) {
157 + // pFormMetaData.addSubForm( new FormMetaData( ((UiFormDef)pUiDef).getFormUsage() ));
158 + } else {
159 + pFormMetaData.addAttribute( buildNullAttribute(pUiDef) );
160 + }
161 + }
162 +
163 + private static LabelMetaData buildNullLabelMetaData( UiLabelDef pUiDef )
164 + {
165 + return new LabelMetaData( new LabelUsage(pUiDef.getLabelID()), "extyText");
166 + }
167 +
168 + private static AttributeMetaData buildNullAttribute( UiDef pUiDef )
169 + {
170 + if (pUiDef instanceof UiInputDef ) {
171 + UiInputDef zUiInputDef = (UiInputDef) pUiDef;
172 + return getNullTextFieldMetaData(zUiInputDef);
173 + } else if (pUiDef instanceof UiHorizontalLayoutDef ) {
174 + return null;
175 + } else if (pUiDef instanceof UiVerticalLayoutDef ) {
176 + return null;
177 + } else {
178 + return null;
179 + }
180 + }
181 +
182 +
183 + private static TextFieldMetaData getNullTextFieldMetaData( UiInputDef pIntendedUse )
184 + {
185 + return new TextFieldMetaData( pIntendedUse.getAttributeUsage( pIntendedUse.getIntendedUse()), false, "extnerna",
186 + "tooltiptt", true, 100);
187 + }
188 + // public void testCreation()
189 + // throws Exception {
190 + //
191 + // recurseTree( FORM_DEF);
192 + // }
193 + //
194 + // private void recurseTree( UiDef pUiDef ) {
195 + // if ( pUiDef instanceof UiContainerDef ) {
196 + // UiDef[] zArray = ((UiContainerDef) pUiDef).getChildrenHelper().getChildren();
197 + // for ( int i=0; i<zArray.length; i++)
198 + // {
199 + // UiDef zUiDef = zArray[i];
200 + // recurseTree( zUiDef );
201 + // }
202 + // } else {
203 + // try {
204 + // NeverToBeUsedFactoryFactory zUsedFactoryFactory = NeverToBeUsedFactoryFactory.INSTANCE;
205 + //// zUsedFactoryFactory.switchToTestableFactories();
206 + // String zToolTip = "This is a toolTip";
207 + // SimpleEventBus zBus = new SimpleEventBus();
208 + // UiComponentHelper zHelper =
209 + // zUsedFactoryFactory.create( zBus, pUiDef, zNullMetaData );
210 + // checkFormComponent( zBus, zHelper, zToolTip );
211 + // } catch ( Exception e ) {
212 + // fail( e.getMessage() );
213 + // }
214 + // }
215 + //
216 + // }
217 + //
218 + // private static final String VALUE_1 = "first value";
219 + // private static final String VALUE_2 = "changed value";
220 + //
221 + // private void checkFormComponent( EventBus pBus, UiComponentHelper pHelper, String pToolTip ) {
222 + // // do whatever work needed here: add to visual container or whatever
223 + // MockFormComponent zMockFormComponent = (MockFormComponent) pHelper.getFormComponent();
224 + // assertNotNull( zMockFormComponent );
225 + //
226 + // // check changed - from component
227 + // pHelper.setValue( "something");
228 + // assertFalse( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
229 + // pHelper.setValue( VALUE_1);
230 + // zMockFormComponent.fireChangeListeners();
231 + // assertTrue( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
232 + //
233 + // // check changed - from change listener (server-side change)
234 + // pHelper.setValue( VALUE_1);
235 + // zMockFormComponent.fireChangeListeners();
236 + // assertFalse( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
237 + // pBus.publish( new FormComponentBusConstants.FormComponentEnabledUpdatePackage(
238 + // "thisIsntUsed",
239 + // pHelper.getComponentName(),
240 + // null, VALUE_2 ));
241 + // assertTrue( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
242 + //
243 + // // check ability to clear changed and then through on blur
244 + // pHelper.setValue( VALUE_2 );
245 + // zMockFormComponent.fireChangeListeners();
246 + // assertFalse( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
247 + // pHelper.setValue( "somethingsdfsdf else");
248 + // zMockFormComponent.fireBlurListeners();
249 + // assertTrue( zMockFormComponent.isChanged() );
250 + //
251 + // // check focused
252 + // assertFalse( zMockFormComponent.isFocused() );
253 + // zMockFormComponent.fireFocusListeners();
254 + // assertTrue( zMockFormComponent.isFocused() );
255 + // }
256 + public String getModuleName()
257 + {
258 + return "org.litesoft.GWT_test";
259 + }
260 + }