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Diff Revisions 45 vs 48 for /WindowsPhone/NotizieTL/NotizieTL/obj/Release/MainPage.g.cs

Diff revisions: vs.
  @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
1 - #pragma checksum "C:\Users\Lorenzo\Desktop\svn\Nextrek\WindowsPhone\NotizieTL\NotizieTL\MainPage.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "07525E15DBBE59EA50757DBD784660CF"
1 + #pragma checksum "F:\Users\Lorenzo\Desktop\svn\Nextrek\WindowsPhone\NotizieTL\NotizieTL\MainPage.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "EF931F7A08AEF8B70EEC3AF8F4651293"
2 2 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 3 // <auto-generated>
4 - // Il codice è stato generato da uno strumento.
5 - // Versione runtime:4.0.30319.18051
4 + // This code was generated by a tool.
5 + // Runtime Version:4.0.30319.1008
6 6 //
7 - // Le modifiche apportate a questo file possono provocare un comportamento non corretto e andranno perse se
8 - // il codice viene rigenerato.
7 + // Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
8 + // the code is regenerated.
9 9 // </auto-generated>
10 10 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 11