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He wanted to be in several places at once, and decided on Suydam's basement flat only after a messenger had reported the complete emptiness of the dilapidated dance-hall church. The flat, he thought, must hold some due to a cult of which the occult scholar had so obviously become the centre and leader; and it was with real expectancy that he ransacked the musty rooms, noted their vaguely charnel odour, and examined the curious books, instruments, gold ingots, and glass-stoppered bottles scattered carelessly here and there. Once a lean, black-and-white cat edged between his feet and tripped him, overturning at the same time a beaker half full of a red liquid. The shock was severe, and to this day Malone is not certain of what he saw;

Commits for Nextrek/WindowsPhone/NextrekBook/H. P. Lovecraft/BookonPhone/The Horror at Red Hook/The Horror at Red Hook/Data/Nuovo documento di testo (58).txt

Diff revisions: vs.
Revision Author Commited Message
5 MOliva picture MOliva Fri 19 Apr, 2013 17:26:06 +0000

primo caricamento libri win phone 7