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Once more the physician was forced to reticence and even to mendacity, for a hellish thing had happened. When the undertaker asked him why he had drained off all of Mrs. Suydam's blood, he neglected to affirm that he had not done so; nor did he point to the vacant bottle-spaces on the rack, or to the odour in the sink which shewed the hasty disposition of the bottles' original contents. The pockets of those men - if men they were - had bulged damnably when they left the ship. Two hours later, and the world knew by radio all that it ought to know of the horrible affair.

Commits for Nextrek/WindowsPhone/NextrekBook/H. P. Lovecraft/BookonPhone/The Horror at Red Hook/The Horror at Red Hook/Data/Nuovo documento di testo (55).txt

Diff revisions: vs.
Revision Author Commited Message
5 MOliva picture MOliva Fri 19 Apr, 2013 17:26:06 +0000

primo caricamento libri win phone 7