change to dino mail address for auction cron
[namibia] / module / User /
2017-02-22 MarkUPDATE to Registration process to include location...
2017-01-18 Marklatest updates requested
2017-01-10 Markupdates for removing id and date of birth
2017-01-10 Marklatest changes requested to remove ID number and date...
2016-12-23 Marksms erros on pin reset
2016-12-12 Marktesting pin reset sms
2016-11-21 Markuser registration remove company and owner etc
2016-11-01 Marklatest updates, towns and regions
2016-10-27 Marklatest updates
2016-10-24 Marklatest update
2016-10-14 Markinitial commit