addRequiredInput( array( 'Upload' => array( 'csvFile' => 'Id', 'importType' => 'String255' ) ) ); return new ContractUseOnce( new UseCaseOptions(), $requirement ); } /** * Upload and run the TU data import. * @param object|null $jobRecord * @param \Workspace\Utility\ServiceInputParams $contract * @return array */ public function executeUpload($jobRecord, ServiceInputParams $contract) { // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('executeUpload $contract->data', $contract->data); $jobRecord = null; $uploadId = $contract->data->Upload['csvFile']; $document = $this->em->find('Utility\\Entity\\Document', $uploadId); if (is_null($document)) { Debug::errorLog( 'Bulk Data Import EXCEPTION', 'Could not find document id: ' . $uploadId ); return; } $fileName = $document->filename; $importType = $contract->data->Upload['importType']; $this->offlineBulkDataImport($fileName,$importType); return $contract->success('Import being processed.', array()); } /** * @param $fileName */ protected function offlineBulkDataImport($fileName,$importType) { // exec( // 'php /var/www/B4C2/public/index.php bulk vehicle import ' // . $fileName . ' ' . $importType // . ' >>/log/php.log &' // ); $authData = \Utility\Registry::getAuthData(); $companyId = isset($authData['company']['id']) ? $authData['company']['id'] : null; $userId = isset($authData['id']) ? $authData['id'] : null; // exec( // 'php /var/www/NIRPH/Bid4Cars2Repo/public/index.php bulk vehicle import ' // . $fileName . ' ' . $importType . ' ' . $userId . ' ' . $companyId // . ' >>/log/php.log &' // ); exec( 'php /var/www/B4C2/public/index.php bulk vehicle import ' . $fileName . ' ' . $importType . ' ' . $userId . ' ' . $companyId . ' >>/log/php.log &' ); } #-------------------------------------------------- OFFLINE PROCESSING /** * CRON functionality: Import updated transunion vehicle data. * @param string $filename */ public function scriptUpdateVehicleData($filename,$importType,$userId,$companyId) { // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$filename', $filename); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$importType', $importType); #-> Ensure we don't have problem with script timeout. set_time_limit(0); #-> Prepare helpers. $this->util = new ImportUtility($this->em); $this->store = new DataStore(); $this->helper = new BulkImportHelper($this->em, $this->store); $this->exceptions = array(); $this->userId = $userId; $this->companyId = $companyId; #-> Catch errors. try { #-> Get things ready. $this->prepareForCsvProcessing($filename); switch ($importType) { case 'Drive': //Read File $file = fopen(getcwd() . '/public/documents/' . $filename, 'r'); $data=array(); while (($data_tmp = fgetcsv($file, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) { // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$data_tmp', $data_tmp); $data[] = $data_tmp; } fclose($file); //Remove first line array_shift($data); //Write File $file = fopen(getcwd() . '/public/documents/' . $filename, 'w'); foreach($data as $d){ $d = str_replace('"','',$d); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$d', $d); fputcsv($file, $d, ';'); } fclose($file); break; } #-> Open uploaded csv file. $data = $this->importer = new ImportCsv( getcwd() . '/public/documents/' . $filename, true, ';' ); #-> Handle csv data. ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings',TRUE); while (($data = $this->importer->getRecord(ImportCsv::FETCH_ASSOC)) !== false) { $this->processCsvEntryForPersistenceIfRequired($data,$importType); } // ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings',FALSE); #-> Cleanup. $this->cleanupAfterCsvProcessing(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Debug::errorLog('Bulk Data Import EXCEPTION', $e->getMessage()); Debug::errorLog('Bulk Data Import TRACE', $e->getTraceAsString()); } \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$importType', $importType); \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$this->exceptions', $this->exceptions); \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$this->recordCounter', $this->recordCounter); \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$this->successCounter', $this->successCounter); \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$this->failedCounter', $this->failedCounter); /* * send email with exceptions to user */ if(!empty($this->exceptions)) { $profileEntry = $this->em->getRepository('\\User\\Entity\\Profile') ->find($this->userId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$profileEntry->email', $profileEntry->email); $toCompanyId = $this->companyId; $toProfileId = $this->userId; $email = $profileEntry->email; $mobile = null; $subject = "Bulk import of $importType system"; $templateName = 'general'; $params['body'] = '
Good Day ' . $profileEntry->firstName . ' ' . $profileEntry->familyName . ',
The bulk import for ' . $importType . ' is complete
Total records processed: ' . $this->recordCounter . '
Number of records successfully imported: ' . $this->successCounter . '
Number of records that could not be imported: ' . $this->successCounter . '
'; foreach($this->exceptions as $exceptions) { $params['body'] .= ' '; if(is_array($exceptions['Error'])) { foreach($exceptions['Error'] as $errors) { foreach($errors as $error) { $params['body'] .= ' '; } } } else { $params['body'] .= ''; } $params['body'] .= ' '; } $params['body'] .= '
MM Code:
' . $exceptions['MmCode'] . '
' . $error . '
' . $exceptions['Error'] . '
Bid4Cars Team
'; $params['smsBody'] = ''; // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('email body', $params['body']); $oNotify = new \Utility\Comms\Notification(); $oNotify->sendFromTemplate( null, null, $toCompanyId, $toProfileId, $email, $mobile, $subject, $templateName, $params ); } } /** * @param $filename */ protected function prepareForCsvProcessing($filename) { #-> Establish new synchronization version to use. $this->store->version = $this->util->getLatestSynchVersion( 'Stock\\Entity\\Type' ) + 1; #-> Ensure that synchronization versions have a full sequence. $this->helper->ensureSynchronizationVersionSequence(); #-> Prepare common variables. $this->previousMmCode = false; $this->em->beginTransaction(); } /** * Process a csv line entry. * @param $packet */ protected function processCsvEntryForPersistenceIfRequired($packet,$importType) { // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$packet', $packet); $this->helper->errors = array(); $vehicleType = ''; $vehicleMmCode = ''; #-> Ensure null instead of empty string on numeric fields. $packet = $this->helper->cleanupNumericInputFields($packet); switch ($importType) { case 'Pinnacle': /* * prepare vehicle year data */ $vehicleYearArray = explode('/',$packet['Registration Date']); $vehicleYearArray = explode(' ',$vehicleYearArray[2]); /* * define variables */ $stockNumber = $packet['Stock Number']; $vehicleMmCode = $packet['MM Code']; $vehicleYear = $vehicleYearArray[0]; $vehicleMake = $packet['Make']; $vehicleModel = $packet['Model']; $vehicleType = $packet['Specification']; $vehicleTransmission = $packet['Transmission']; $vehicleExteriorColour = $packet['Colour']; $vehicleInteriorColour = ''; $vehicleUpholstery = $packet['Interior']; $vehicleCondition = $packet['']; $vehicleReg = $packet['Registration Number']; $vehicleVin = $packet['VIN']; $vehicleMileage = $packet['Odometer']; $vehicleFuelType = $packet['Fuel Type']; $vehicleEngineNumber = $packet['Engine Number']; $empty = $packet['']; break; case 'Drive': /* * define variables */ $stockNumber = $packet['Suffix to Use']; $vehicleMmCode = $packet['MM Code']; $vehicleYear = $packet['Model Year']; $vehicleMake = $packet['Fran']; $vehicleModel = $packet['Model']; $vehicleType = $packet['Description']; $vehicleTransmission = ''; $vehicleExteriorColour = $packet['Colour']; $vehicleInteriorColour = $packet['Trim']; $vehicleUpholstery = ''; $vehicleCondition = $packet['Condition']; $vehicleReg = $packet['Reg']; $vehicleVin = $packet['VIN']; $vehicleMileage = $packet['Mileage']; $vehicleFuelType = ''; $vehicleEngineNumber = $packet['Engine']; break; } if('' == $vehicleType) { return; } #-> Safety check for year range. if ($vehicleYear < 1970) { return; } $this->recordCounter++; // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$vehicleMmCode', $vehicleMmCode); if('' != $vehicleMmCode && 0 != $vehicleMmCode) { $yearId = ''; $exteriorColourId = ''; $interiorColourId = ''; $upholsteryId = ''; $conditionId = ''; $transmissionId = ''; $fuelTypeId = ''; #-> Get vehicle type ID. $typeId = $this->helper->getVehicleType($vehicleMmCode,$vehicleMake); if('' != $vehicleYear) { #-> Get vehicle year ID. $yearId = $this->helper->getYearEntry($vehicleYear); } if('' != $vehicleExteriorColour) { #-> Get vehicle exterior colour ID. $exteriorColourId = $this->helper->getExteriorColourEntry($vehicleExteriorColour); } if('' != $vehicleInteriorColour) { #-> Get vehicle interior colour ID. $interiorColourId = $this->helper->getInteriorColourEntry($vehicleInteriorColour); } if('' != $vehicleUpholstery) { #-> Get vehicle upholstery ID. $upholsteryId = $this->helper->getUpholsteryEntry($vehicleUpholstery); } if('' != $vehicleCondition) { #-> Get vehicle condition ID. $conditionId = $this->helper->getConditionEntry($vehicleCondition); } if('' != $vehicleTransmission) { #-> Get vehicle transmission ID. $transmissionId = $this->helper->getTransmissionEntry($vehicleTransmission); } if('' != $vehicleFuelType) { #-> Get vehicle fuel type ID. $fuelTypeId = $this->helper->getFuelTypeEntry($vehicleFuelType); } if(!empty($this->helper->errors)) { array_push($this->exceptions,array('MmCode' => $vehicleMmCode,'Error' => $this->helper->errors)); $this->failedCounter++; return; } else { $data = \Utility\Comms\TransUnion::searchByMmCode( $vehicleMmCode, $vehicleYear ); $retailPrice = 0.0; $tradePrice = 0.0; $listPrice = 0.0; \Utility\Debug::errorLog('TransUnion $data', $data); if (is_array($data) && isset($data['VehicleDetails']) && isset($data['VehicleDetails'][0]) && isset($data['VehicleDetails'][0]['Value']) ) { $retailPrice = isset($data['VehicleDetails'][0]['Value']['RetailPrice']) ? $data['VehicleDetails'][0]['Value']['RetailPrice'] : 0.0; $tradePrice = isset($data['VehicleDetails'][0]['Value']['TradePrice']) ? $data['VehicleDetails'][0]['Value']['TradePrice'] : 0.0; $listPrice = isset($data['VehicleDetails'][0]['Value']['NewPrice']) ? $data['VehicleDetails'][0]['Value']['NewPrice'] : 0.0; } // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$this->userId', $this->userId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$this->companyId', $this->companyId); // // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$typeId', $typeId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$categoryId', $categoryId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$modelId', $modelId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$makeId', $makeId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$yearId', $yearId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$exteriorColourId', $exteriorColourId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$interiorColourId', $interiorColourId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$upholsteryId', $upholsteryId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$conditionId', $conditionId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$transmissionId', $transmissionId); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$fuelTypeId', $fuelTypeId); // // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$retailPrice', $retailPrice); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$tradePrice', $tradePrice); \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$listPrice', $listPrice); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$stockNumber', $stockNumber); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$vehicleReg', $vehicleReg); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$vehicleVin', $vehicleVin); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$vehicleEngineNumber', $vehicleEngineNumber); // \Utility\Debug::errorLog('$vehicleMileage', $vehicleMileage); /* * insert into stock table */ \Utility\Registry::set('IsBulkImport', true); $stockEntry = $this->em->getRepository('\\Stock\\Entity\\Stock') ->findOneBy(array( 'stockNumber' => $stockNumber, 'createdBy' => $this->em->getRepository('\User\Entity\Profile')->find($this->userId), 'company' => $this->em->getRepository('\Company\Entity\Company')->find($this->companyId), 'archived' => false )); if(empty($stockEntry)) { $stockEntry = new \Stock\Entity\Stock(); $stockArray = array( 'stockNumber' => $stockNumber, 'stockNumber' => $stockNumber, 'jobState' => 'Stock', 'tradePriceDate' => new \DateTime('now'), 'tradePrice' => $tradePrice, 'retailPrice' => $retailPrice, 'listPriceDate' => new \DateTime('now'), 'listPrice' => $listPrice, 'registrationNumber'=> $vehicleReg, 'vinNumber' => $vehicleVin, 'engineNumber' => $vehicleEngineNumber, 'km' => $vehicleMileage, 'archived' => false ); $stockArray['createdBy'] = $this->em->getRepository('\User\Entity\Profile')->find($this->userId); $stockArray['company'] = $this->em->getRepository('\Company\Entity\Company')->find($this->companyId); if('' != $typeId){$stockArray['type'] = $this->em->getRepository('\Stock\Entity\Type')->find($typeId);} // if('' != $categoryId){$stockArray[] = $categoryId;} // if('' != $modelId){$stockArray[] = $modelId;} // if('' != $makeId){$stockArray[] = $makeId;} if('' != $yearId){$stockArray['vehicleYear'] = $this->em->getRepository('\Stock\Entity\Year')->find($yearId);} if('' != $exteriorColourId){$stockArray['exteriorColour'] = $this->em->getRepository('\Stock\Entity\ExteriorColour')->find($exteriorColourId);} if('' != $interiorColourId){$stockArray['interiorColour'] = $this->em->getRepository('\Stock\Entity\InteriorColour')->find($interiorColourId);} if('' != $upholsteryId){$stockArray['upholstery'] = $this->em->getRepository('\Stock\Entity\Upholstery')->find($upholsteryId);} if('' != $conditionId){$stockArray['condition'] = $this->em->getRepository('\Stock\Entity\Condition')->find($conditionId);} if('' != $transmissionId){$stockArray['transmissionType'] = $this->em->getRepository('\Stock\Entity\TransmissionType')->find($transmissionId);} if('' != $fuelTypeId){$stockArray['fuelType'] = $this->em->getRepository('\Stock\Entity\FuelType')->find($fuelTypeId);} try{ $stockEntry->fromArray($stockArray); $this->em->persist($stockEntry); $this->em->flush(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->failedCounter++; array_push($this->exceptions,array('MmCode' => $vehicleMmCode,'Error' => 'Could not insert stock entry for MM Code ' . $vehicleMmCode)); return; } $this->successCounter++; } else { $this->failedCounter++; array_push($this->exceptions,array('MmCode' => $vehicleMmCode,'Error' => 'Could not insert stock entry for MM Code ' . $vehicleMmCode . ' stock number ' . $stockNumber . ' already exists.')); return; } } } else { $this->failedCounter++; array_push($this->exceptions,array('MmCode' => $vehicleMmCode,'Error' => 'Could not find MM Code for vehicle ' . $vehicleType)); return; } #-> Bump the version? if ($this->store->numItems >= 200) { $this->store->version = $this->helper->processBatch(); } } /** */ protected function cleanupAfterCsvProcessing() { $this->em->flush(); $this->em->commit(); $this->importer = null; } }