Prepare parameters. #-> Collect loaded and sold totals. $selection = array( ' AS group_name', ' AS division_name', ' AS company_name', '(CASE WHEN stock.previousState = :tradeState THEN THEN :blank END) as trade_centre', ' AS region_name', 'auction.endDate AS auction_endDate', 'stock.referenceNumber as reference', ' AS auction_id', 'stock.stockNumber AS stock_stockNumber', 'stock.registrationNumber AS stock_registrationNumber', 'stock.vinNumber AS vin_number', ' AS make_name', ' AS model_name', ' AS type_name', 'stock.tradePrice as trade_price', 'auction.reservePrice AS auction_initial_reservePrice', 'auction.reservePrice AS auction_reservePrice', 'auction.currentBidPrice AS auction_currentBidPrice', 'COUNT(DISTINCT AS auction_numberOfBids', '(auction.currentBidPrice - auction.reservePrice) AS auction_profit', //sold - reserve price ' AS stock_km', 'auction.jobState AS status' ); $join = array(); $leftJion = array(); $where = array(); $params = array(); $query = 'SELECT [SELECTION] ' . 'FROM \Stock\Entity\Stock stock ' . 'JOIN auction ' . 'JOIN company ' . 'LEFT JOIN company.tradeCenter tradeCentre ' . 'LEFT JOIN auction.bids bid ' . 'LEFT JOIN city ' . 'LEFT JOIN city.region region ' . 'LEFT JOIN stock.type type ' . 'LEFT JOIN type.model model ' . 'LEFT JOIN model.make make ' . 'LEFT JOIN grp ' . 'LEFT JOIN company.groupDivision division ' . '[WHERE] ' . 'GROUP BY ' . 'ORDER BY auction.endDate ASC'; $where[] = 'auction.jobState != :status'; $params['status'] = 'Active'; $params['tradeState'] = 'Trade Center'; $params['blank'] = ''; if (isset($this->_input['dateFrom']) && !empty($this->_input['dateFrom'])) { $this->_queries['Date Range From'] = $this->_input['dateFrom']; $where[] = 'auction.endDate >= :dateFrom'; $params['dateFrom'] = new \DateTime($this->_input['dateFrom']); } if (isset($this->_input['dateTo']) && !empty($this->_input['dateTo'])) { $this->_queries['Date Range Until'] = $this->_input['dateTo']; $where[] = 'auction.endDate <= :dateTo'; $params['dateTo'] = new \DateTime($this->_input['dateTo'] . ' 23:59:59'); } if (isset($this->_input['group']) && !empty($this->_input['group']) && 'null' != $this->_input['group'] ) { $this->_queries['Group'] = $this->em ->find('\Company\Entity\Group', $this->_input['group']) ->name; $where[] = ' = :group'; $params['group'] = $this->_input['group']; } if (isset($this->_input['groupDivision']) && !empty($this->_input['groupDivision']) && 'null' != $this->_input['groupDivision'] ) { error_log($this->_input['groupDivision']); $this->_queries['Division'] = $this->em ->find('\Company\Entity\GroupDivision', $this->_input['groupDivision']) ->name; $where[] = ' = :division'; $params['division'] = $this->_input['groupDivision']; } if (isset($this->_input['company']) && !empty($this->_input['company']) && 'null' != $this->_input['company'] ) { error_log($this->_input['company']); $this->_queries['Dealership'] = $this->em ->find('\Company\Entity\Company', $this->_input['company']) ->name; $where[] = ' = :company'; $params['company'] = $this->_input['company']; } #-> Finalize query. $query = str_replace(array( '[SELECTION]', '[WHERE]' ), array( implode(', ', $selection) . ' ', !empty($where) ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' ' : ' ' ), $query); #-> Collect data. $query = $this->em->createQuery($query); !empty($params) && $query->setParameters($params); $this->_data = $query->getScalarResult(); $this->em->clear(); foreach ($this->_data as $id => $row) { if ('Sold' != $row['status']) { $this->_data[$id]['auction_currentBidPrice'] = 0.00; $this->_data[$id]['auction_bidIncrement'] = 0.00; } $query = 'SELECT auction.reservePrice ' . 'FROM \Auction\Entity\Auction auction ' . 'JOIN auction.stock stock ' . 'WHERE stock.referenceNumber = :reference ' . 'ORDER BY auction.endDate ASC'; $params = array(); $params['reference'] = $row['reference']; $query = $this->em->createQuery($query); $query->setParameters($params); $temp = $query->getScalarResult(); $this->_data[$id]['auction_initial_reservePrice'] = $temp[0]['reservePrice']; } } }