Sources. $automateFiles = array( './b4c_CJD.csv' => '/tmp/b4c_CJD.csv', './b4c_LSaker.csv' => '/tmp/b4c_LSaker.csv', './b4c_MultiFran.csv' => '/tmp/b4c_MultiFran.csv', './b4c_Toyota.csv' => '/tmp/b4c_Toyota.csv' ); $autolineFiles = array( './b4c_Ford.csv' => '/tmp/b4c_Ford.csv', './b4c_GM.csv' => '/tmp/b4c_GM.csv', './b4c_Honda.csv' => '/tmp/b4c_Honda.csv', './b4c_Nissan.csv' => '/tmp/b4c_Nissan.csv', './b4c_Cargo.csv' => '/tmp/b4c_Cargo.csv' ); $amhgroupFiles = array( './Vehusesold.11' => '/tmp/Vehusesold.11', './Vehusesolh.11' => '/tmp/Vehusesolh.11', './Vehusesold.20' => '/tmp/Vehusesold.20' ); $amhgroupFiles2 = array(); // headers for the fields // Company number // Vehicle stock number // Vin number // Make // Model // Registration no // Colour // Trim // Odometer // Condition // M&M Code // Cost // Retail //'./Vehusestk.11' => '/tmp/Vehusestk.11', //'./Vehusestkh.11' => '/tmp/Vehusestkh.11', //'./Vehusestk.20' => '/tmp/Vehusestk.20' // ); $amhgroupFiles3 = array(); //headers for the fields // Vehicle Stock number // Make // Model // Odometer // Vin // Registration no // Accounting month // Date sold // './vhsleb4car.11' => '/tmp/vhsleb4car.11' // ); $fileMap = array( '/tmp/b4c_Ford.csv' => 'Ford', '/tmp/b4c_GM.csv' => 'GM', '/tmp/b4c_Honda.csv' => 'Honda', '/tmp/b4c_Nissan.csv' => 'Nissan', '/tmp/b4c_Cargo.csv' => 'Cargo', '/tmp/b4c_CJD.csv' => 'CJD', '/tmp/b4c_LSaker.csv' => 'LSaker', '/tmp/b4c_MultiFran.csv' => 'MultiFran', '/tmp/b4c_Toyota.csv' => 'Toyota', '/tmp/Vehusestk.11' => 'Multifranchise', '/tmp/Vehusestkh.11' => 'Hyundai', '/tmp/Vehusestk.20' => 'Pearldb', '/tmp/Vehusesold.11' => 'Multifranchise', '/tmp/Vehusesolh.11' => 'Hyundai', '/tmp/Vehusesold.20' => 'Pearldb', '/tmp/vhsleb4car.11' => 'Hyundai' ); $groupMap = array( // Imperial 'Ford' => 1, 'GM' => 1, 'Honda' => 1, 'Nissan' => 1, 'Cargo' => 1, 'CJD' => 1, 'LSaker' => 1, 'MultiFran' => 1, 'Toyota' => 1, // AMH 'Multifranchise' => 3, 'Hyundai' => 3, 'Pearldb' => 3, 'Multifranchise' => 3, 'Hyundai' => 3, 'Pearldb' => 3, 'Hyundai' => 3 ); $ftpWrapper = new \Utility\Remote\Ftp( '', //'' 'automate', 'aut0mat3@', 180, true ); $ftpWrapper2 = new \Utility\Remote\Ftp( '', 'bid4cars', 'rZMd0GJx', 180, true ); #-> Cleanup map. $filter = array( 'tba', 'ref', 'na', 'n/a', 'n\\a', '#na', 'vin', 'eng', 'reg', 'none', ); #-> Cleanup existing inported data that does not have company linked. /* $results = $this->em->createQuery( 'SELECT adherence ' . 'FROM \Adherence\Entity\Adherence adherence ' . 'WHERE IS NULL' ) ->getResult(); foreach ($results as $adherence) { $search = 'Automate' == $adherence->type ? array( 'automateFile' => $adherence->file, 'automateDealerCode' => $adherence->dealerCode, 'group' => $groupMap[$adherence->file] ) : array( 'autolineFile' => $adherence->file, 'autolineDealerCode' => $adherence->dealerCode, 'group' => $groupMap[$adherence->file] ); $company = $this->em ->getRepository('\Company\Entity\Company') ->findOneBy($search); if (!is_null($company)) { $adherence->company = $company; $this->em->flush($adherence); } } */ #-> Import AutoMate csv $companies = array(); foreach ($automateFiles as $remoteFile => $localFile) { echo "\n\nProcessing $localFile\n"; $downloadOk = $ftpWrapper->downloadFile($localFile, $remoteFile, FTP_ASCII); if (!$downloadOk || !file_exists($localFile)) { continue; } $companies[$localFile] = array(); $csvImporter = new \Utility\Import\Csv($localFile); $csvImporter->setDelimiter(','); $found = 0; while (($record = $csvImporter->getRecord(\Utility\Import\Csv::FETCH_LAZY)) !== false) { #-> Safety checks. if ('T' != trim($record[6]) && 't' != trim($record[6])) { echo '<'; continue; } $hash = md5(serialize($record)); $record[7] = str_replace(' ', '', $record[7]); if (empty($record[1]) || !is_numeric(trim($record[7]))) { echo "! \n"; continue; } #-> Change date format from d-m-Y to Y-m-d. $parts = explode('/', $record[1]); $record[1] = new \DateTime($parts[2] . '-' . $parts[1] . '-' . $parts[0]); $dateFrom = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d', mktime(1, 1, 1, $parts[1] - 4, $parts[0], $parts[2]))); #-> Check if this will cause duplicate. $existing = $this->em ->getRepository('\Adherence\Entity\Adherence') ->findOneBy(array( 'hash' => $hash, 'dateSold' => $record[1] )); if (!is_null($existing)) { $found++; echo "-"; continue; } else { $found = 0; } #-> Log to import table. if (!isset($companies[$localFile][$record[0]])) { $companies[$localFile][$record[0]] = $this->em ->getRepository('\Company\Entity\Company') ->findOneBy(array( 'automateFile' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'automateDealerCode' => $record[0], 'group' => $groupMap[$fileMap[$localFile]] )); } $companyId = $companies[$localFile][$record[0]]; try { $entry = new \Adherence\Entity\Adherence(); $entry->fromArray(array( 'hash' => $hash, 'source' => 'Imperial', 'type' => 'Automate', 'file' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'dealerCode' => $record[0], 'company' => $companyId, 'dateSold' => $record[1], 'stockNumber' => trim($record[2]), 'vinNumber' => trim($record[3]), 'soldTo' => trim($record[4]), 'amount' => trim($record[7]), 'registrationNumber' => trim($record[8]), 'engineNumber' => trim($record[9]), 'make' => trim($record[10]) )); $this->em->persist($entry); $this->em->flush($entry); echo '.'; #-> Match on VIN, registration or engine number. $dql = 'SELECT AS pgId, AS stockId ' . 'FROM \PriceGuide\Entity\PriceGuide priceGuide ' . 'JOIN priceGuide.stock stock ' . 'WHERE priceGuide.created BETWEEN :dateFrom AND :dateTo '; $where = array(); $params = array( 'dateFrom' => $dateFrom, 'dateTo' => $record[1] ); if ('' != $entry->vinNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->vinNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.vinNumber = :vinNumber'; $params['vinNumber'] = $entry->vinNumber; } if ('' != $entry->registrationNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->registrationNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.registrationNumber = :registrationNumber'; $params['registrationNumber'] = $entry->registrationNumber; } if ('' != $entry->engineNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->engineNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.engineNumber = :engineNumber'; $params['engineNumber'] = $entry->engineNumber; } $dql .= 'AND (' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')'; $results = $this->em->createQuery($dql) ->setParameters($params) ->getArrayResult(); $stockFound = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { if (isset($stockFound[$result['stockId']])) { continue; } $stockFound[$result['stockId']] = true; $link = new \Adherence\Entity\AdherenceStock(); $link->adherence = $entry; $link->stock = $this->em->getReference('\Stock\Entity\Stock', $result['stockId']); $this->em->persist($link); $this->em->flush($link); $link = null; } #-> Cleanup. $this->em->clear(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "-----------------------\n"; echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; var_dump($record); echo "\n"; } } $csvImporter = null; unlink($localFile); } #-> Import AutoLine csv $companies = array(); foreach ($autolineFiles as $remoteFile => $localFile) { echo "\n\nProcessing $localFile\n"; $downloadOk = $ftpWrapper->downloadFile($localFile, $remoteFile, FTP_ASCII); if (!$downloadOk || !file_exists($localFile)) { continue; } $companies[$localFile] = array(); $csvImporter = new \Utility\Import\Csv($localFile); $csvImporter->setDelimiter(','); $found = 0; $yearPrepend = '/tmp/b4c_Cargo.csv' == $localFile ? '' : '20'; while (($record = $csvImporter->getRecord(\Utility\Import\Csv::FETCH_LAZY)) !== false) { #-> Safety checks. if ('/tmp/b4c_Cargo.csv' == $localFile && 'T' != trim($record[6]) && 't' != trim($record[6])) { continue; } $hash = md5(serialize($record)); $record[7] = str_replace(' ', '', $record[7]); if (empty($record[1]) || !is_numeric($record[7])) { echo "! \n"; continue; } #-> Change date format from d-m-Y to Y-m-d. $parts = explode('/', $record[1]); $record[1] = new \DateTime($yearPrepend . $parts[2] . '-' . $parts[1] . '-' . $parts[0]); $dateFrom = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d', mktime(1, 1, 1, $parts[1] - 4, $parts[0], $parts[2]))); #-> Check if this will cause duplicate. $existing = $this->em ->getRepository('\Adherence\Entity\Adherence') ->findOneBy(array( 'hash' => $hash, 'file' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'dateSold' => $record[1] )); if (!is_null($existing)) { $found++; echo "-"; continue; } else { $found = 0; } #-> Log to import table. if (!isset($companies[$localFile][$record[0]])) { $companies[$localFile][$record[0]] = $this->em ->getRepository('\Company\Entity\Company') ->findOneBy(array( 'autolineFile' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'autolineDealerCode' => $record[0], 'group' => $groupMap[$fileMap[$localFile]] )); } $companyId = $companies[$localFile][$record[0]]; try { $entry = new \Adherence\Entity\Adherence(); $entry->fromArray(array( 'hash' => $hash, 'source' => 'Imperial', 'type' => 'Autoline', 'file' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'dealerCode' => $record[0], 'company' => $companyId, 'dateSold' => $record[1], 'stockNumber' => trim($record[2]), 'vinNumber' => trim($record[3]), 'soldTo' => trim($record[4]), 'amount' => trim($record[7]), 'registrationNumber' => trim($record[8]), 'engineNumber' => trim($record[9]), 'make' => trim($record[10]) )); $this->em->persist($entry); $this->em->flush($entry); echo '.'; #-> Match on VIN, registration or engine number. $dql = 'SELECT AS pgId, AS stockId ' . 'FROM \PriceGuide\Entity\PriceGuide priceGuide ' . 'JOIN priceGuide.stock stock ' . 'WHERE priceGuide.created BETWEEN :dateFrom AND :dateTo '; $where = array(); $params = array( 'dateFrom' => $dateFrom, 'dateTo' => $record[1] ); if ('' != $entry->vinNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->vinNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.vinNumber = :vinNumber'; $params['vinNumber'] = $entry->vinNumber; } if ('' != $entry->registrationNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->registrationNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.registrationNumber = :registrationNumber'; $params['registrationNumber'] = $entry->registrationNumber; } if ('' != $entry->engineNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->engineNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.engineNumber = :engineNumber'; $params['engineNumber'] = $entry->engineNumber; } $dql .= 'AND (' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')'; $results = $this->em->createQuery($dql) ->setParameters($params) ->getArrayResult(); $stockFound = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { if (isset($stockFound[$result['stockId']])) { continue; } $stockFound[$result['stockId']] = true; $link = new \Adherence\Entity\AdherenceStock(); $link->adherence = $entry; $link->stock = $this->em->getReference('\Stock\Entity\Stock', $result['stockId']); $this->em->persist($link); $this->em->flush($link); $link = null; } #-> Cleanup. $this->em->clear(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "-----------------------\n"; echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; var_dump($record); echo "\n"; } } $csvImporter = null; unlink($localFile); } #-> Import AMH Group csv $companies = array(); foreach ($amhgroupFiles as $remoteFile => $localFile) { echo "\n\nProcessing $localFile\n"; $downloadOk = $ftpWrapper2->downloadFile($localFile, $remoteFile, FTP_ASCII); if (!$downloadOk || !file_exists($localFile)) { continue; } $companies[$localFile] = array(); $csvImporter = new \Utility\Import\Csv($localFile); $csvImporter->setDelimiter(' '); $found = 0; while (($record = $csvImporter->getRecord(\Utility\Import\Csv::FETCH_LAZY)) !== false) { #-> Safety checks. $hash = md5(serialize($record)); if (empty($record[2]) || !is_numeric(trim($record[8])) || !is_numeric(trim($record[9]))) { echo "! \n"; continue; } #-> Change date format from d-m-Y to Y-m-d. $parts = explode('/', $record[2]); $record[2] = new \DateTime($parts[2] . '-' . $parts[1] . '-' . $parts[0]); $dateFrom = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d', mktime(1, 1, 1, $parts[1] - 4, $parts[0], $parts[2]))); #-> Check if this will cause duplicate. $existing = $this->em ->getRepository('\Adherence\Entity\Adherence') ->findOneBy(array( 'hash' => $hash, 'dateSold' => $record[2] )); if (!is_null($existing)) { $found++; echo "-"; continue; } else { $found = 0; } #-> Log to import table. if (!isset($companies[$localFile][$record[0]])) { $companies[$localFile][$record[0]] = $this->em ->getRepository('\Company\Entity\Company') ->findOneBy(array( 'amhgroupFile' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'amhgroupDealerCode' => $record[0], 'group' => $groupMap[$fileMap[$localFile]] )); } $companyId = $companies[$localFile][$record[0]]; try { $entry = new \Adherence\Entity\Adherence(); $entry->fromArray(array( 'hash' => $hash, 'source' => 'AMHgroup', 'type' => 'AMHgroup', 'file' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'dealerCode' => $record[0], 'company' => $companyId, 'dateSold' => $record[2], 'stockNumber' => trim($record[1]), 'vinNumber' => trim($record[3]), 'soldTo' => trim($record[7]), 'amount' => trim($record[8]), 'registrationNumber' => trim($record[4]) )); $this->em->persist($entry); $this->em->flush($entry); echo '.'; #-> Match on VIN, registration or engine number. $dql = 'SELECT AS pgId, AS stockId ' . 'FROM \PriceGuide\Entity\PriceGuide priceGuide ' . 'JOIN priceGuide.stock stock ' . 'WHERE priceGuide.created BETWEEN :dateFrom AND :dateTo '; $where = array(); $params = array( 'dateFrom' => $dateFrom, 'dateTo' => $record[2] ); if ('' != $entry->vinNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->vinNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.vinNumber = :vinNumber'; $params['vinNumber'] = $entry->vinNumber; } if ('' != $entry->registrationNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->registrationNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.registrationNumber = :registrationNumber'; $params['registrationNumber'] = $entry->registrationNumber; } $dql .= 'AND (' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')'; $results = $this->em->createQuery($dql) ->setParameters($params) ->getArrayResult(); $stockFound = array(); //var_dump($results); foreach ($results as $result) { if (isset($stockFound[$result['stockId']])) { continue; } $stockFound[$result['stockId']] = true; $link = new \Adherence\Entity\AdherenceStock(); $link->adherence = $entry; $link->stock = $this->em->getReference('\Stock\Entity\Stock', $result['stockId']); $this->em->persist($link); $this->em->flush($link); $link = null; } #-> Cleanup. $this->em->clear(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "-----------------------\n"; echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; //var_dump($record); echo "\n"; } } $csvImporter = null; unlink($localFile); } #-> Import AMH group Files2 csv $companies = array(); foreach ($amhgroupFiles2 as $remoteFile => $localFile) { echo "Processing $localFile\n"; $downloadOk = $ftpWrapper2->downloadFile($localFile, $remoteFile, FTP_ASCII); if (!$downloadOk && !file_exists($localFile)) { continue; } $companies[$localFile] = array(); $csvImporter = new \Utility\Import\Csv($localFile); $csvImporter->setDelimiter(' '); $record = $csvImporter->getRecord(\Utility\Import\Csv::FETCH_LAZY); if (false == $record) { continue; } //var_dump($csvImporter->getRecord(\Utility\Import\Csv::FETCH_LAZY)); $found = 0; while (($record = $csvImporter->getRecord(\Utility\Import\Csv::FETCH_LAZY)) !== false) { #-> Safety checks. $hash = md5(serialize($record)); if (!is_numeric(trim($record[11])) || !is_numeric(trim($record[12]))) { echo "! \n"; continue; } // The file has no date field // #-> Change date format from d-m-Y to Y-m-d. // $parts = explode('/', $record[1]); // $record[1] = new \DateTime('20' . $parts[2] . '-' . $parts[1] . '-' . $parts[0]); // $dateFrom = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d', mktime(1, 1, 1, $parts[1] - 4, $parts[0], $parts[2]))); // #-> Check if this will cause duplicate. // $existing = $this->em // ->getRepository('\Adherence\Entity\Adherence') // ->findOneBy(array( // 'hash' => $hash, // 'dateSold' => $record[1] // )); // if (!is_null($existing)) // { // $found++; // continue; // } // else // { // $found = 0; // } #-> Log to import table. if (!isset($companies[$localFile][$record[0]])) { $companies[$localFile][$record[0]] = $this->em ->getRepository('\Company\Entity\Company') ->findOneBy(array( 'amhgroupFile' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'amhgroupDealerCode' => $record[0], 'group' => $groupMap[$fileMap[$localFile]] )); } $companyId = $companies[$localFile][$record[0]]; try { $entry = new \Adherence\Entity\Adherence(); $entry->fromArray(array( 'hash' => $hash, 'source' => 'AMHgroup', 'type' => 'AMHgroup', 'file' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'dealerCode' => $record[0], 'company' => $companyId, 'dateSold' => '', 'stockNumber' => trim($record[1]), 'vinNumber' => trim($record[2]), 'soldTo' => '', 'amount' => trim($record[11]), 'registrationNumber' => trim($record[5]), 'engineNumber' => '', 'make' => trim($record[3]) )); var_dump($entry); $this->em->persist($entry); $this->em->flush($entry); echo '.'; #-> Match on VIN, registration or engine number. $dql = 'SELECT AS pgId, AS stockId ' . 'FROM \PriceGuide\Entity\PriceGuide priceGuide ' . 'JOIN priceGuide.stock stock '; //. 'WHERE priceGuide.created BETWEEN :dateFrom AND :dateTo '; $where = array(); // $params = array( // 'dateFrom' => $dateFrom, // 'dateTo' => $record[1] // ); if ('' != $entry->vinNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->vinNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.vinNumber = :vinNumber'; $params['vinNumber'] = $entry->vinNumber; } if ('' != $entry->registrationNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->registrationNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.registrationNumber = :registrationNumber'; $params['registrationNumber'] = $entry->registrationNumber; } $dql .= 'AND (' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')'; $results = $this->em->createQuery($dql) ->setParameters($params) ->getArrayResult(); $stockFound = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { if (isset($stockFound[$result['stockId']])) { continue; } $stockFound[$result['stockId']] = true; $link = new \Adherence\Entity\AdherenceStock(); $link->adherence = $entry; $link->stock = $this->em->getReference('\Stock\Entity\Stock', $result['stockId']); $this->em->persist($link); $this->em->flush($link); $link = null; } #-> Cleanup. $this->em->clear(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "-----------------------\n"; echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; var_dump($record); echo "\n"; } } $csvImporter = null; unlink($localFile); } #-> Import AMH group Files3 csv $companies = array(); // needs the company number field foreach ($amhgroupFiles3 as $remoteFile => $localFile) { echo "Processing $localFile\n"; $downloadOk = $ftpWrapper2->downloadFile($localFile, $remoteFile, FTP_ASCII); if (!$downloadOk && !file_exists($localFile)) { continue; } $companies[$localFile] = array(); $csvImporter = new \Utility\Import\Csv($localFile); $csvImporter->setDelimiter(' '); $record = $csvImporter->getRecord(\Utility\Import\Csv::FETCH_LAZY); if (false == $record) { continue; } var_dump($csvImporter->getRecord(\Utility\Import\Csv::FETCH_LAZY)); break; $found = 0; while (($record = $csvImporter->getRecord(\Utility\Import\Csv::FETCH_LAZY)) !== false) { #-> Safety checks. $hash = md5(serialize($record)); if (empty($record[7])) { echo "! \n"; continue; } #-> Change date format from d-m-Y to Y-m-d. $parts = explode('/', $record[7]); $record[7] = new \DateTime('20' . $parts[2] . '-' . $parts[1] . '-' . $parts[0]); $dateFrom = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d', mktime(1, 1, 1, $parts[1] - 4, $parts[0], $parts[2]))); #-> Check if this will cause duplicate. $existing = $this->em ->getRepository('\Adherence\Entity\Adherence') ->findOneBy(array( 'hash' => $hash, 'dateSold' => $record[7] )); if (!is_null($existing)) { $found++; continue; } else { $found = 0; } $test = $companies[$localFile][$record[0]]; var_dump($test); #-> Log to import table. if (!isset($companies[$localFile][$record[0]])) { $companies[$localFile][$record[0]] = $this->em ->getRepository('\Company\Entity\Company') ->findOneBy(array( 'amhgroupFile' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'amhgroupDealerCode' => $record[0], 'group' => $groupMap[$fileMap[$localFile]] )); } $companyId = $companies[$localFile][$record[0]]; var_dump($companyId); break; try { $entry = new \Adherence\Entity\Adherence(); $entry->fromArray(array( 'hash' => $hash, 'source' => 'AMHgroup', 'type' => 'AMHgroup', 'file' => $fileMap[$localFile], 'dealerCode' => $record[0], 'company' => $companyId, 'dateSold' => $record[7], 'stockNumber' => '', 'vinNumber' => $record[4], 'soldTo' => '', 'amount' => '', 'registrationNumber' => $record[5], 'engineNumber' => '', 'make' => $record[1] )); //var_dump($entry); //break; $this->em->persist($entry); $this->em->flush($entry); echo '.'; #-> Match on VIN, registration or engine number. $dql = 'SELECT AS pgId, AS stockId ' . 'FROM \PriceGuide\Entity\PriceGuide priceGuide ' . 'JOIN priceGuide.stock stock ' . 'WHERE priceGuide.created BETWEEN :dateFrom AND :dateTo '; $where = array(); $params = array( 'dateFrom' => $dateFrom, 'dateTo' => $record[7] ); if ('' != $entry->vinNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->vinNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.vinNumber = :vinNumber'; $params['vinNumber'] = $entry->vinNumber; } if ('' != $entry->registrationNumber && !in_array(strtolower($entry->registrationNumber), $filter)) { $where[] = 'stock.registrationNumber = :registrationNumber'; $params['registrationNumber'] = $entry->registrationNumber; } $dql .= 'AND (' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')'; $results = $this->em->createQuery($dql) ->setParameters($params) ->getArrayResult(); $stockFound = array(); var_dump($results); break; foreach ($results as $result) { if (isset($stockFound[$result['stockId']])) { continue; } $stockFound[$result['stockId']] = true; $link = new \Adherence\Entity\AdherenceStock(); $link->adherence = $entry; $link->stock = $this->em->getReference('\Stock\Entity\Stock', $result['stockId']); $this->em->persist($link); $this->em->flush($link); $link = null; } #-> Cleanup. $this->em->clear(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "-----------------------\n"; echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; var_dump($record); echo "\n"; } } $csvImporter = null; unlink($localFile); } } public function cronTradeSales() { $ftpWrapper = new \Utility\Remote\Ftp( '', //'' '', 'B!d4C@r$', 180, true ); $localFile = '/tmp/trade_sales' . date('Y-m') . '.xlsx'; $remoteFile = '/Monthly AMH Trade Sales Report/TradeSales' . date('Y-m') . '.xlsx'; $downloadOk = $ftpWrapper->downloadFile($localFile, $remoteFile, FTP_ASCII); if ($downloadOk && file_exists($localFile)) { /** Identify the type of $inputFileName * */ $inputFileType = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($localFile); /** Create a new Reader of the type that has been identified * */ $objReader = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType); /** Advise the Reader that we only want to load cell data * */ $objReader->setReadDataOnly(true); /** Load $inputFileName to a PHPExcel Object * */ $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($localFile); $worksheetData = $objReader->listWorksheetInfo($localFile); foreach ($worksheetData as $worksheet) { $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndexByName($worksheet['worksheetName']); $sheetData = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null, true, false, false); if (trim($sheetData[0][0]) == 'Dealer Name') { foreach ($sheetData as $row) { if (trim($row[0]) != 'Dealer Name' && $row[0] != '') { try { $entry = new \Adherence\Entity\TradeSales(); $entry->fromArray(array( 'dealerName' => $row[0], 'stockNumber' => $row[2], 'invoiceNumber' => $row[3], 'regNumber' => $row[4], 'vinNumber' => $row[5], 'vehicleMake' => $row[6], 'regDate' => new \DateTime(gmdate("d-m-Y H:i:s", ($row[7] - 25569) * 86400)), 'saleDate' => new \DateTime(gmdate("d-m-Y H:i:s", ($row[8] - 25569) * 86400)), 'saleType' => $row[9], 'totalCost' => $row[10], 'salesTotal' => $row[11], 'soldTo' => $row[12] )); #-> Match on VIN $dql = 'SELECT AS stockId ' . 'FROM \Stock\Entity\Stock stock WHERE '; $where = $params = array(); if ('' != $row[4]) { $where[] = 'stock.vinNumber = :vinNumber'; $params['vinNumber'] = str_replace(' ', '', $row[5]); } $dql .= implode(' AND ', $where); $results = $this->em->createQuery($dql) ->setParameters($params) ->getArrayResult(); if (count($results)) { $entry->stock = $this->em->getReference('\Stock\Entity\Stock', $results[0]['stockId']); $entry->vinMatch = true; } #-> Match on registration number $dql = 'SELECT AS stockId ' . 'FROM \Stock\Entity\Stock stock WHERE '; $where = $params = array(); if ('' != $row[4]) { $where[] = 'stock.registrationNumber = :registrationNumber'; $params['registrationNumber'] = str_replace(' ', '', $row[4]); } $dql .= implode(' AND ', $where); $results = $this->em->createQuery($dql) ->setParameters($params) ->getArrayResult(); if (count($results)) { $entry->stock = $this->em->getReference('\Stock\Entity\Stock', $results[0]['stockId']); $entry->regMatch = true; } //var_dump($entry); $this->em->persist($entry); $this->em->flush($entry); echo '.'; } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e->getMessage()); } } } } } } } }