Error Messages. const ERROR_ADDRESS = 'Utility\Comms\Sms, invalid Address supplied.'; #-> Status codes. static private $statusCode = array( '001' => 'Message unknown', '002' => 'Message queued', '003' => 'Delivered to gateway', '004' => 'Received by recipient', '005' => 'Error with message', '006' => 'User cancelled message delivery', '007' => 'Error delivering message', '008' => 'OK', '009' => 'Routing error', '010' => 'Message expired', '011' => 'Message queued for later delivery', '012' => 'Out of credit', '014' => 'Maximum MT limit exceeded' ); #-> Params private $sBody = ''; private $sTo = ''; private $sCc = ''; private $sBcc = ''; private $sFrom = ''; private $sSubject = ''; private $sSmscId = ''; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #-> Summoning. public function __construct() {} /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #-> Private Functions private function checkNumericNotZero($val) { return is_numeric($val) && 0 != $val; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #-> Public Functions - Util. /** * Swap sms status code for short status text. * @param string $code * @return string */ static public function getStatusText($code) { $code = str_pad($code, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return isset(self::$statusCode[$code]) ? self::$statusCode[$code] : 'Unknown message status'; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #-> Public Functions - Sending. /** * Set from. * @param string $sFrom * @return boolean */ public function setFrom($sFrom) { if ($sFrom) { $this->sFrom = $sFrom; return true; } return false; } /** * Set to. * @param integer|array $mTo * @return boolean */ public function setTo($mTo) { #-> Add to list if (!is_array($mTo) && is_numeric($mTo)) { $this->sTo .= empty($this->sTo) ? $mTo : ',' . $mTo; } if (is_array($mTo) && !empty($mTo)) { foreach ($mTo as $mAddress) { if (is_numeric($mAddress)) { $this->sTo .= empty($this->sTo) ? $mAddress : ',' . $mAddress; } } return true; } return false; } /** * Set to without concat. * @param string $sTo * @return boolean */ public function setToNoConcat($sTo) { #-> Add to list if (!empty($sTo)) { $this->sTo = $sTo; return true; } return false; } /** * Set cc. * @param multi $mCc * @return boolean */ public function setCc($mCc) { return $this->SetTo($mCc); } /** * Set bcc. * @param multi $mBcc * @return boolean */ public function setBcc($mBcc) { return $this->SetTo($mBcc); } /** * Set subject. * @param string $sSubject * @return boolean */ public function setSubject($sSubject = 0) { if ($sSubject) { $this->sSubject = $sSubject; return true; } return false; } /** * Set body. * @param string $sBody * @return boolean */ public function setBody($sBody) { if ($sBody) { $this->sBody = $sBody; return true; } return false; } /** * Set smsc id. * @param string $sSmscId * @return boolean */ public function setSmscId($sSmscId) { if ($sSmscId) { $this->sSmscId = $sSmscId; return true; } return false; } /** * Set context parameters from array. * @param array $aContext * @return boolean */ public function setContext(array $aContext = array()) { #-> Check context. foreach ($aContext as $sParam => $mValue) { switch ($sParam) { case 'To': case 'Cc': case 'Bcc': $this->setTo($mValue); break; case 'From': $this->setFrom($mValue); break; case 'Subject': case 'Body': $this->sBody .= empty($this->sBody) ? $mValue : "\n" . $mValue; break; } } } /** * Send the sms. * @param array $aContext * @return boolean */ public function send(array $aContext = array()) { #-> Config. $config = \Utility\Registry::getConfigParam('SMS'); #-> Check context. empty($aContext) || $this->setContext($aContext); #-> Environmental override. if (IS_DEV_ENV && !IS_STAGE_ENV) { \Utility\Debug::errorLog("overriding","sms"); \Utility\Debug::errorLog('Sms.send Override: ' . $this->sTo, $this->sBody); return; } #-> Send using api. $sUrl = "" . "?user=" . $config['Username'] . "&api_id=" . $config['ApiId'] . "&password=" . $config['Password'] . "&concat=4" . "&callback=2" . "&to=$this->sTo" . "&text=".substr(urlencode($this->sBody),0,620); \Utility\Debug::errorLog("sms url", $sUrl); if (!empty($this->sSmscId)) { $sUrl .= "&smsc=" . $this->sSmscId; } /* if (!empty($this->sFrom)) { $sUrl .= "&from=" . $this->sFrom; } */ try { $aRet = file($sUrl); return empty($aRet) || substr($aRet[0], 0, 2) == 'ID' ? substr($aRet[0], 4) : $aRet; } catch (\Exception $e) { \Utility\Debug::errorLog('ERROR', $e->getMessage()); \Utility\Debug::errorLog('TRACE', $e->getTraceAsString()); } return false; } /** * Query message status. * @param string $apimsgid * @return string|boolean */ public function getStatus($apimsgid) { #-> Config. $config = include __DIR__ . '/../../../config/service.config.php'; #-> Query message status. $sUrl = "" . "?user=" . $config['SMS']['Username'] . "&api_id=" . $config['SMS']['Password'] . "&password=" . $config['SMS']['ApiId'] . "&apimsgid=" . $apimsgid; try { #-> Retrieve status and return. $aRet = file($sUrl); $status = preg_split("/ /", $aRet['data']); return $status[0] == "ID:" ? trim($status[3]) : false; } catch (\Exception $e) { \Utility\Debug::errorLog('ERROR', $e->getMessage()); \Utility\Debug::errorLog('TRACE', $e->getTraceAsString()); } } /** * Determine the cost of the message which was sent. * @param string $apimsgid * @return array|boolean */ public function getChargeAndStatus($apimsgid) { #-> Config. $config = include __DIR__ . '/../../../config/service.config.php'; #-> Query message status. $sUrl = "" . "?user=" . $config['SMS']['Username'] . "&api_id=" . $config['SMS']['Password'] . "&password=" . $config['SMS']['ApiId'] . "&apimsgid=" . $apimsgid; try { #-> Retrieve status and return. $aRet = file($sUrl); $charge = preg_split("/[\s:]+/", $aRet['data']); return $charge[2] == "charge" ? array('Charge' => $charge[3], 'Status' => $charge[5]) : false; } catch (\Exception $e) { \Utility\Debug::errorLog('ERROR', $e->getMessage()); \Utility\Debug::errorLog('TRACE', $e->getTraceAsString()); } } }