initial commit
[namibia] / module / Report / src / Report / Report / PriceGuideStatistical.php
1 <?php
2 namespace Report\Report;
6 /**
7  * Price Guide Statistics Report.
8  * @author andre.fourie
9  */
10 class PriceGuideStatistical extends \Utility\Service\Report
11 {
15         /**
16          * @var string
17          */
18         protected $_title  = 'PriceGuide Statistical Report';
19         /**
20          * @var string
21          */
22         protected $_subject = 'PriceGuide';
23         /**
24          * @var string
25          */
26         protected $_description = 'Statistical report for vehicles sold on price guide.';
27         /**
28          * @var array
29          */
30         protected $_notes = array(
31                         'Confidential information, generated using Bid 4 Cars, for more information visit'
32         );
33         /**
34          * @var array
35          */
36         protected $_headers = array(
37                         'Dealer',
38                         'No of Valuations',
39                         'Trade Value',
40                         'Recon',
41                         'Highest Offer',
42                         '% To Trade',
43                         'No of Offers'
44         );
45         /**
46          * @var array
47          */
48         protected $_fields = array(
49                         'company_name',
50                         'num_valuations',
51                         'total_trade',
52                         'total_recon',
53                         'total_highestOffer',
54                         'percentage_toTrade',
55                         'total_numOffers'
56         );
57         /**
58          * @var array
59          */
60         protected $_totals = array(
61                         /* 'num_valuations',
62                         'total_trade',
63                         'total_recon',
64                         'total_highestOffer',
65                         'total_numOffers' */
66         );
67         /**
68          * @var array
69          */
70         protected $_currencyFields = array(
71                         'total_trade',
72                         'total_recon',
73                         'total_highestOffer'
74         );
78         /**
79          * Build the dataset.
80          */
81         public function build()
82         {
83                 ini_set('memory_limit','512M');
84                 $totalRow = array(
85                                 'company_name'                  => '',
86                                 'num_valuations'                => '',
87                                 'total_trade'                   => '',
88                                 'total_recon'                   => '',
89                                 'total_highestOffer'    => '',
90                                 'percentage_toTrade'    => 'Offers per unit:',
91                                 'total_numOffers'               => ''
92                 );
93                 $baseRow = array(
94                                 'company_name'                  => '',
95                                 'num_valuations'                => 0,
96                                 'total_trade'                   => 0,
97                                 'total_recon'                   => 0,
98                                 'total_highestOffer'    => 0,
99                                 'percentage_toTrade'    => 0,
100                                 'total_numOffers'               => 0
101                 );
102                 $titles =  array(
103                                 'company_name'                  => 'Dealer',
104                                 'num_valuations'                => 'No of Valuations',
105                                 'total_trade'                   => 'Trade Value',
106                                 'total_recon'                   => 'Recon',
107                                 'total_highestOffer'    => 'Highest Offer',
108                                 'percentage_toTrade'    => '% To Trade',
109                                 'total_numOffers'               => 'No of Offers',
110                                 'id'                                    => 'h',
111                                 'excel.rowStyle'                => 'Titles'
112                 );
114                 #-> Establish list of dealerships to work with.
115                 $selection = array(
116                                 'company', 'companyGroup', 'groupDivision'
117                 );
118                 $query = 'SELECT [SELECTION] '
119                                 . 'FROM \Company\Entity\Company company'
120                                 . ' LEFT JOIN companyGroup '
121                                 . ' LEFT JOIN company.groupDivision groupDivision '
122                                 . '[WHERE] '
123                                 . 'ORDER BY ASC, ASC, ASC, ASC';
124                 if (isset($this->_input['dateFrom']) && !empty($this->_input['dateFrom']))
125                 {
126                         $this->_queries['Date Range From'] = $this->_input['dateFrom'];
127                 }
128                 if (isset($this->_input['dateTo']) && !empty($this->_input['dateTo']))
129                 {
130                         $this->_queries['Date Range Until'] = $this->_input['dateTo'];
131                 }
132                 if (isset($this->_input['group'])
133                                 && !empty($this->_input['group'])
134                                 && 'null' != $this->_input['group'])
135                 {
136                         $this->_queries['Group'] = $this->em
137                                 ->find('\Company\Entity\Group', $this->_input['group'])
138                                 ->name;
139                         $where[] = ' = :group';
140                         $params['group'] = $this->_input['group'];
141                 }
142                 if (isset($this->_input['groupDivision'])
143                                 && !empty($this->_input['groupDivision'])
144                                 && 'null' != $this->_input['groupDivision'])
145                 {
146                         error_log($this->_input['groupDivision']);
147                         $this->_queries['Division'] = $this->em
148                                 ->find('\Company\Entity\GroupDivision', $this->_input['groupDivision'])
149                                 ->name;
150                         $where[] = ' = :division';
151                         $params['division'] = $this->_input['groupDivision'];
152                 }
153                 if (isset($this->_input['company'])
154                                 && !empty($this->_input['company'])
155                                 && 'null' != $this->_input['company'])
156                 {
157                         $this->_queries['Dealership'] = $this->em
158                                 ->find('\Company\Entity\Company', $this->_input['company'])
159                                 ->name;
160                         $where[] = ' = :company';
161                         $params['company'] = $this->_input['company'];
162                 }
163                 #-> Finalize query.
164                 $query = str_replace(array(
165                                 '[SELECTION]', '[WHERE]'
166                         ), array(
167                                 implode(', ', $selection) . ' ',
168                                 !empty($where)
169                                         ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' '
170                                         : ' '
171                         ), $query);
172                 #-> Collect data.
173                 $query = $this->em->createQuery($query);
174                 !empty($params)
175                         && $query->setParameters($params);
176                 $companies = $query->getScalarResult();
177                 $this->em->clear();
178                 $grp = false;
179                 $div = false;
180                 foreach ($companies as $company)
181                 {
182                         if ('' == $company['companyGroup_name'])
183                         {
184                                 $company['companyGroup_name'] = 'None';
185                         }
186                         if ('' == $company['groupDivision_name'])
187                         {
188                                 $company['groupDivision_name'] = 'None';
189                         }
190                         if ($div != $company['groupDivision_name'])
191                         {
192                                 if (false != $div)
193                                 {
194                                         $totals = $baseRow;
195                                         $totals['company_name'] = 'DIVISION TOTALS';
196                                         $totals['id'] = 'dt';
197                                         $totals['excel.rowStyle'] = 'Totals';
198                                         $this->_data[] = $totals;
199                                         $totals = $totalRow;
200                                         $totals['company_name'] = $grp . ': ' . $div;
201                                         $totals['id'] = 'dn';
202                                         $totals['excel.rowStyle'] = 'Totals';
203                                         $this->_data[] = $totals;
204                                         $this->_data[] = array();
205                                         if ($grp == $company['companyGroup_name'])
206                                         {
207                                                 if (false != $grp)
208                                                 {
209                                                         $this->_data[] = $titles;
210                                                 }
211                                         }
212                                 }
213                                 $div = $company['groupDivision_name'];
214                         }
215                         if ($grp != $company['companyGroup_name'])
216                         {
217                                 if (false != $grp)
218                                 {
219                                         #-> Not the first group, so we have grand totals to add
220                                         $totals = $baseRow;
221                                         $totals['company_name'] = 'GROUP TOTALS';
222                                         $totals['id'] = 'gt';
223                                         $totals['excel.rowStyle'] = 'Totals';
224                                         $this->_data[] = $totals;
225                                         $totals = $totalRow;
226                                         $totals['company_name'] = $grp;
227                                         $totals['id'] = 'gn';
228                                         $totals['excel.rowStyle'] = 'Totals';
229                                         $this->_data[] = $totals;
230                                         $this->_data[] = array();
231                                         $this->_data[] = array();
232                                         $this->_data[] = $titles;
233                                 }
234                                 $grp = $company['companyGroup_name'];
235                         }
236                         $entry = $baseRow;
237                         $entry['id'] = $company['company_id'];
238                         $entry['company_name'] = $company['company_name'];
239                         $this->_data[] = $entry;
240                 }
241                 $totals = $baseRow;
242                 $totals['company_name'] = 'DIVISION TOTALS';
243                 $totals['id'] = 'dt';
244                 $totals['excel.rowStyle'] = 'Totals';
245                 $this->_data[] = $totals;
246                 $totals = $totalRow;
247                 $totals['company_name'] = $grp . ': ' . $div;
248                 $totals['id'] = 'dn';
249                 $totals['excel.rowStyle'] = 'Totals';
250                 $this->_data[] = $totals;
251                 $this->_data[] = array();
252                 $totals = $baseRow;
253                 $totals['company_name'] = 'GROUP TOTALS';
254                 $totals['id'] = 'gt';
255                 $totals['excel.rowStyle'] = 'Totals';
256                 $this->_data[] = $totals;
257                 $totals = $totalRow;
258                 $totals['company_name'] = $grp;
259                 $totals['id'] = 'gn';
260                 $totals['excel.rowStyle'] = 'Totals';
261                 $this->_data[] = $totals;
264                 #-> Collect stats.
265                 $selection = array(
266                                 '', '', '', '',
267                                 'COUNT( AS num_valuations',
268                                 'SUM(stock.tradePrice) AS total_trade',
269                                 'SUM(stock.damageTotal) AS total_recon',
270                                 'SUM(stock.highestOffer) AS total_highestOffer',
271                                 'SUM(stock.numberOfOffers) AS total_numOffers'
272                 );
273                 $join      = array();
274                 $leftJion  = array();
275                 $where     = array();
276                 $params    = array();
277                 $query = 'SELECT [SELECTION] '
278                                 . 'FROM \Stock\Entity\Stock stock'
279                                 . ' JOIN stock.priceGuide priceGuide '
280                                 . ' JOIN company '
281                                 . ' LEFT JOIN companyGroup '
282                                 . ' LEFT JOIN company.groupDivision groupDivision '
283                                 . '[WHERE] '
284                                 . 'GROUP BY,, '
285                                 . 'ORDER BY ASC, ASC, ASC';
287                 #-> Construct details.
288                 $where[] = 'stock.tradePrice > 0.0';
289                 $where[] = 'stock.numberOfOffers > 0';
290                 $authData = \Utility\Registry::getAuthData();if (isset($this->_input['dateFrom']) && !empty($this->_input['dateFrom']))
291                 {
292                         $where[] = 'priceGuide.created >= :dateFrom';
293                         $params['dateFrom'] = new \DateTime($this->_input['dateFrom']);
294                 }
295                 if (isset($this->_input['dateTo']) && !empty($this->_input['dateTo']))
296                 {
297                         $where[] = 'priceGuide.created <= :dateTo';
298                         $params['dateTo'] = new \DateTime($this->_input['dateTo'] . ' 23:59:59');
299                 }
300                 if (isset($this->_input['group'])
301                                 && !empty($this->_input['group'])
302                                 && 'null' != $this->_input['group'])
303                 {
304                         $where[] = ' = :group';
305                         $params['group'] = $this->_input['group'];
306                 }
307                 if (isset($this->_input['groupDivision'])
308                                 && !empty($this->_input['groupDivision'])
309                                 && 'null' != $this->_input['groupDivision'])
310                 {
311                         $where[] = ' = :division';
312                         $params['division'] = $this->_input['groupDivision'];
313                 }
314                 if (isset($this->_input['company'])
315                                 && !empty($this->_input['company'])
316                                 && 'null' != $this->_input['company'])
317                 {
318                         $where[] = ' = :company';
319                         $params['company'] = $this->_input['company'];
320                 }
322                 #-> Finalize query.
323                 $query = str_replace(array(
324                                 '[SELECTION]', '[WHERE]'
325                         ), array(
326                                 implode(', ', $selection) . ' ',
327                                 !empty($where)
328                                         ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' '
329                                         : ' '
330                         ), $query);
332                 #-> Collect data.
333                 $query = $this->em->createQuery($query);
334                 !empty($params)
335                         && $query->setParameters($params);
336                 $stats = $query->getScalarResult();
337                 $this->em->clear();
338                 $grp = '';
339                 $div = '';
340                 $divTotals = $baseRow;
341                 $grpTotal = $baseRow;
342                 $stat = array_shift($stats);
343                 foreach ($this->_data as $i => $entry)
344                 {
345                         if (empty($entry))
346                         {
347                                 continue;
348                         }
349                         switch ($entry['id'])
350                         {
351                                 case 'h':
352                                         break;
353                                 case 'dt':
354                                         $this->_data[$i]['num_valuations'] = $divTotals['num_valuations'];
355                                         $this->_data[$i]['total_trade'] = $divTotals['total_trade'];
356                                         $this->_data[$i]['total_recon'] = $divTotals['total_recon'];
357                                         $this->_data[$i]['total_highestOffer'] = $divTotals['total_highestOffer'];
358                                         $this->_data[$i]['percentage_toTrade'] = $divTotals['total_trade'] > 0
359                                                 ? round((100 / $divTotals['total_trade']) * $divTotals['total_highestOffer'], 1)
360                                                 : 0;
361                                         $this->_data[$i]['total_numOffers'] = $divTotals['total_numOffers'];
362                                         break;
363                                 case 'dn':
364                                         $this->_data[$i]['total_numOffers'] = $divTotals['num_valuations'] > 0
365                                                 ? round($divTotals['total_numOffers'] / $divTotals['num_valuations'], 2)
366                                                 : 0;
367                                         $divTotals = $baseRow;
368                                         break;
369                                 case 'gt':
370                                         $this->_data[$i]['num_valuations'] = $grpTotal['num_valuations'];
371                                         $this->_data[$i]['total_trade'] = $grpTotal['total_trade'];
372                                         $this->_data[$i]['total_recon'] = $grpTotal['total_recon'];
373                                         $this->_data[$i]['total_highestOffer'] = $grpTotal['total_highestOffer'];
374                                         $this->_data[$i]['percentage_toTrade'] = $grpTotal['total_trade'] > 0
375                                                 ? round((100 / $grpTotal['total_trade']) * $grpTotal['total_highestOffer'], 1)
376                                                 : 0;
377                                         $this->_data[$i]['total_numOffers'] = $grpTotal['total_numOffers'];
378                                         break;
379                                 case 'gn':
380                                         $this->_data[$i]['total_numOffers'] = $grpTotal['num_valuations'] > 0
381                                                 ? round($grpTotal['total_numOffers'] / $grpTotal['num_valuations'], 2)
382                                                 : 0;
383                                         $grpTotal = $baseRow;
384                                         break;
385                                 default:
386                                         if ($stat['id'] == $entry['id'])
387                                         {
388                                                 #-> Update the entry.
389                                                 $this->_data[$i]['num_valuations'] = $stat['num_valuations'];
390                                                 $this->_data[$i]['total_trade'] = $stat['total_trade'];
391                                                 $this->_data[$i]['total_recon'] = $stat['total_recon'];
392                                                 $this->_data[$i]['total_highestOffer'] = $stat['total_highestOffer'];
393                                                 $this->_data[$i]['percentage_toTrade'] = $stat['total_trade'] > 0
394                                                         ? round((100 / $stat['total_trade']) * $stat['total_highestOffer'], 1)
395                                                         : 0;
396                                                 $this->_data[$i]['total_numOffers'] = $stat['total_numOffers'];
398                                                 #-> Update the totals.
399                                                 $divTotals['num_valuations'] += $stat['num_valuations'];
400                                                 $divTotals['total_trade'] += $stat['total_trade'];
401                                                 $divTotals['total_recon'] += $stat['total_recon'];
402                                                 $divTotals['total_highestOffer'] += $stat['total_highestOffer'];
403                                                 $divTotals['total_numOffers'] += $stat['total_numOffers'];
404                                                 $grpTotal['num_valuations'] += $stat['num_valuations'];
405                                                 $grpTotal['total_trade'] += $stat['total_trade'];
406                                                 $grpTotal['total_recon'] += $stat['total_recon'];
407                                                 $grpTotal['total_highestOffer'] += $stat['total_highestOffer'];
408                                                 $grpTotal['total_numOffers'] += $stat['total_numOffers'];
410                                                 #-> Company handled, move on to next one.
411                                                 $stat = array_shift($stats);
412                                         }
413                                         break;
414                         }
416                 }
417         }
419 }