package dataAccess; import; //import java.util.Enumeration; //import java.util.Vector; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Vector; import com.db4o.Db4oEmbedded; import com.db4o.ObjectContainer; import com.db4o.ObjectSet; import com.db4o.config.EmbeddedConfiguration; import com.db4o.cs.Db4oClientServer; import com.db4o.cs.config.ClientConfiguration; import com.db4o.query.Predicate; import configuration.ConfigXML; import domain.Account; import domain.Administrator; import domain.Booking; import domain.Client; import domain.HouseFeatures; import domain.Offer; //import dataModel.Offer; import domain.Owner; import domain.RuralHouse; import exceptions.OfferCanNotBeBooked; import exceptions.OverlappingOfferExists; public class DB4oManager { private static ObjectContainer db; private static EmbeddedConfiguration configuration; private static ClientConfiguration configurationCS; private int bookingNumber = 1; // if it is "static" then it is not // serialized private int offerNumber = 1; // if it is "static" then it is not serialized private static DB4oManager theDB4oManager = null; private static DB4oManagerAux theDB4oManagerAux; static ConfigXML c; private DB4oManager() throws Exception { theDB4oManagerAux = new DB4oManagerAux(1, 1); c = ConfigXML.getInstance(); System.out.println("Creating DB4oManager instance => isDatabaseLocal: " + c.isDatabaseLocal() + " getDatabBaseOpenMode: " + c.getDataBaseOpenMode()); if ((c.getDataBaseOpenMode().equals("initialize")) && (c.isDatabaseLocal())) new File(c.getDb4oFilename()).delete(); if (c.isDatabaseLocal()) { openDB(); System.out.println("DataBase opened"); } else // c.isDatabaseLocal==false { openSDB(); System.out.println("Remote DataBase opened"); } if (c.getDataBaseOpenMode().equals("initialize")) { initializeDB(); System.out.println("DataBase initialized"); } else // c.getDataBaseOpenMode().equals("open") { ObjectSet res = db .queryByExample(DB4oManagerAux.class); ListIterator listIter = res.listIterator(); if (listIter.hasNext()) theDB4oManagerAux = (DB4oManagerAux); } } private static void openDB() { configuration = Db4oEmbedded.newConfiguration(); configuration.common().activationDepth(c.getActivationDepth()); configuration.common().updateDepth(c.getUpdateDepth()); configuration.common().objectClass(Owner.class).cascadeOnDelete(true); configuration.common().objectClass(Booking.class).cascadeOnDelete(true); configuration.common().objectClass(RuralHouse.class) .cascadeOnDelete(true); configuration.common().objectClass(Account.class).cascadeOnDelete(true); configuration.common().objectClass(Offer.class).cascadeOnDelete(true); configuration.common().objectClass(Owner.class).cascadeOnUpdate(true); configuration.common().objectClass(Booking.class).cascadeOnUpdate(true); configuration.common().objectClass(RuralHouse.class) .cascadeOnUpdate(true); configuration.common().objectClass(Account.class).cascadeOnUpdate(true); configuration.common().objectClass(Offer.class).cascadeOnUpdate(true); configuration.common().objectClass(Account.class).cascadeOnUpdate(true); db = Db4oEmbedded.openFile(configuration, c.getDb4oFilename()); } private void openSDB() { configurationCS = Db4oClientServer.newClientConfiguration(); configurationCS.common().activationDepth(c.getActivationDepth()); configurationCS.common().updateDepth(c.getUpdateDepth()); configurationCS.common().objectClass(Owner.class).cascadeOnDelete(true); configurationCS.common().objectClass(Booking.class) .cascadeOnDelete(true); configurationCS.common().objectClass(RuralHouse.class) .cascadeOnDelete(true); configurationCS.common().objectClass(Account.class) .cascadeOnDelete(true); configurationCS.common().objectClass(Offer.class).cascadeOnDelete(true); configurationCS.common().objectClass(Owner.class).cascadeOnUpdate(true); configurationCS.common().objectClass(Booking.class) .cascadeOnUpdate(true); configurationCS.common().objectClass(RuralHouse.class) .cascadeOnUpdate(true); configurationCS.common().objectClass(Account.class) .cascadeOnUpdate(true); configurationCS.common().objectClass(Offer.class).cascadeOnUpdate(true); configurationCS.common().objectClass(Account.class) .cascadeOnUpdate(true); db = Db4oClientServer.openClient(configurationCS, c.getDatabaseNode(), c.getDatabasePort(), c.getUser(), c.getPassword()); } class DB4oManagerAux { int bookingNumber; int offerNumber; DB4oManagerAux(int bookingNumber, int offerNumber) { this.bookingNumber = bookingNumber; this.offerNumber = offerNumber; } } public static DB4oManager getInstance() throws Exception { if (theDB4oManager == null) theDB4oManager = new DB4oManager(); return theDB4oManager; } public void initializeDB() { try { Owner jon = new Owner("Jon", "1349 5677 21 2133567777", ""); Owner alfredo = new Owner("Alfredo", "4144 0087 23 9700002133", ""); jon.addRuralHouse("Ezkioko", "Ezkioko etxea", "Beatriz", 3, 3, 3, 3, 3); jon.addRuralHouse("Eskiatze", "Eskiatzeko etxea", "Guazate", 4, 4, 4, 4, 4); alfredo.addRuralHouse("Aitonako", "Casa del abuelo", "Vegas", 5, 5, 5, 5, 5); alfredo.addRuralHouse("Murgoitz", "", "Cedro", 6, 6, 6, 6, 6); Account jonAcc = new Account("1", "1", jon); Account alfredoAcc = new Account("userAlfredo", "passAlfredo", alfredo); Account admin = new Account("admin", "admin", true);;;;; db.commit(); } finally { db.close(); } } public void deleteDB() { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { Owner proto = new Owner(null, null, null); ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(proto); while (result.hasNext()) { Owner o = (Owner); System.out.println("Deleted owner: " + o.toString()); db.delete(o); } db.commit(); } finally { db.close(); } } public Offer createOffer(RuralHouse ruralHouse, Date firstDay, Date lastDay, float price) throws RemoteException, Exception { Offer o = null; if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { RuralHouse proto = new RuralHouse(ruralHouse.getHouseName(), null, null, null, null); ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(proto); RuralHouse rh = (RuralHouse); o = rh.createOffer(theDB4oManagerAux.offerNumber++, firstDay, lastDay, price);; // To store the new value for // offerNumber; db.commit(); } catch (com.db4o.ext.ObjectNotStorableException e) { System.out .println("Error: com.db4o.ext.ObjectNotStorableException in createOffer"); } finally { db.close(); } return o; } public void deleteOffer(Offer offer) throws RemoteException, Exception { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { ObjectSet of = db.queryByExample(offer); RuralHouse rh = of.get(0).getRuralHouse(); System.out.println(rh.getAllOffers().remove(of.get(0)));; db.commit(); } catch (com.db4o.ext.ObjectNotStorableException e) { System.out .println("Error: com.db4o.ext.ObjectNotStorableException in createOffer"); } finally { db.close(); } } public Vector getRHsOffer(String name) { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { RuralHouse rh = (RuralHouse) db.queryByExample( new RuralHouse(name, null, null, null, null)).get(0); Offer proto = new Offer(0, rh, null, null, 0); ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(proto); return new Vector(result); } finally { db.close(); } } public Administrator getAdminData() { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { List admL = db.query(new Predicate() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public boolean match(Administrator admin) { return true; } }); return admL.get(0); } finally { db.close(); } } public void storeAdmin() { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { List admL = db.query(new Predicate() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public boolean match(Administrator admin) { return true; } }); admL.get(0).setAddRequest( Administrator.getInstance().getAddRequest()); admL.get(0).setRemoveRequest( Administrator.getInstance().getRemoveRequest()); admL.get(0).setNewOwnerRequest( Administrator.getInstance().getNewOwnerRequest()); db.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { db.close(); } } /** * This method creates a book with a corresponding parameters * * @param First * day, last day, house number and telephone * @return a book */ public Vector createBooking(RuralHouse ruralHouse, Date firstDate, Date lastDate, Client cl) throws OfferCanNotBeBooked { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); Vector book = new Vector(); try { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); RuralHouse proto = new RuralHouse(ruralHouse.getHouseName(), null, null, null, null); ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(proto); RuralHouse rh = (RuralHouse); Offer offer; offer = (Offer) db.queryByExample( new Offer(0, rh, firstDate, lastDate, 0)).get(0); if (offer != null) { offer.createBooking(theDB4oManagerAux.bookingNumber++, cl);; // To store the new value for // bookingNumber; db.commit(); book = offer.getBookings(); } } catch (com.db4o.ext.ObjectNotStorableException e) { System.out .println("Error: com.db4o.ext.ObjectNotStorableException in createBooking"); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.close(); } return book; } /** * This method existing owners * */ public Vector getOwners() throws RemoteException, Exception { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { Owner proto = new Owner(null, null, null); ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(proto); Vector owners = new Vector(); while (result.hasNext()) owners.add((Owner); return owners; } finally { db.close(); } } public boolean existsOverlappingOffer(RuralHouse rh, Date firstDay, Date lastDay) throws RemoteException, OverlappingOfferExists { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { RuralHouse rhn = (RuralHouse) db.queryByExample( new RuralHouse(rh.getHouseName(), null, null, null, null)) .next(); if (rhn.overlapsWith(firstDay, lastDay) != null) throw new OverlappingOfferExists(); else return false; } finally { db.close(); } } public void close() { db.close(); System.out.println("DataBase closed"); } public String toString() { return "bookingNumber=" + bookingNumber + " offerNumber=" + offerNumber; } /** * @param usr * @param ps * @return * @throws RemoteException * @throws Exception */ public Vector getAccount(Account proto) throws RemoteException, Exception { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(proto); Vector accounts = new Vector(); while (result.hasNext()) accounts.add((Account); return accounts; } finally { db.close(); } } /** * @param rh */ public boolean storeRuralHouses(RuralHouse rh) { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); boolean stored = false; RuralHouse house = new RuralHouse(rh.getHouseName(), null, null, null, null); try { ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(house); Owner own = new Owner(rh.getOwner().getName(),rh.getOwner().getBankAccount(),rh.getOwner().getMailAccount()); Owner ow = (Owner) db.queryByExample(own).get(0); rh.setOwner(ow); if (result.isEmpty()) { ow.addRuralHouse(rh);; db.commit(); stored = true; } else { ow.getRuralHouses().remove(result.get(0)); result.get(0).setOwner(null); ow.addRuralHouse(rh);; db.delete(result.get(0));; db.commit(); stored = true; } } finally { db.close(); } return stored; } public void removeHouse(RuralHouse rh, Owner owner) { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(owner); ObjectSet rhs = db.queryByExample(rh); if (!rhs.isEmpty()) { Owner found = result.get(0); found.getRuralHouses().remove(rhs.get(0)); db.delete(rhs.get(0));; db.commit(); } } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.close(); } } public Vector getRuralHouses(Owner ow, String name, String town, int nBed, int nKit, int nBath, int nPark, int nLiv) { HouseFeatures fea = new HouseFeatures(nBed, nKit, nBath, nLiv, nPark); RuralHouse rh; if (ow != null) { Owner own = new Owner(ow.getName(), ow.getBankAccount(), ow.getMailAccount()); rh = new RuralHouse(name, own, null, town, fea); }else{ rh = new RuralHouse(name, ow, null, town, fea); } if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(rh); Vector ruralHouses = new Vector(); while (result.hasNext()) ruralHouses.add(; db.close(); return ruralHouses; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return null; } } public boolean addAccount(Account acc) { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(new Account(acc .getUsername())); if (result.isEmpty()) {; db.commit(); return true; } } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.close(); } return false; } public boolean removeAccount(Owner own) { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(new Account(own)); if (!result.isEmpty()) { db.delete(result.get(0)); db.commit(); return true; } } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.close(); } return false; } public void acceptBooking(Offer of) { Offer off = new Offer(of.getOfferNumber(), new RuralHouse(of .getRuralHouse().getHouseName(), null, null, null, null), null, null, 0); if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(off); db.delete(result.get(0)); RuralHouse rh = result.get(0).getRuralHouse(); of.setRuralHouse(rh); rh.getAllOffers().remove(result.get(0)); rh.getAllOffers().add(of);; db.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ; } } public void removeBooking(Booking b) { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { Booking book = new Booking(b.getBookNumber(), new Offer(b .getOffer().getOfferNumber(), new RuralHouse(b.getOffer() .getRuralHouse().getHouseName(), null, null, null, null), null, null, 0), b.getClient(), b.getBookDate()); Booking delete = (Booking) db.queryByExample(book).get(0); delete.setOffer(null);; db.delete(delete); db.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.close(); } } public Vector getOfBok(Offer o) { if (c.isDatabaseLocal() == false) openSDB(); else openDB(); try { Offer of = (Offer) db.queryByExample( new Offer(0, new RuralHouse(o .getRuralHouse().getHouseName(), null, null, null, null), o.getFirstDay(), o.getLastDay(), 0)).get(0); Booking proto = new Booking(0, of, null, null); ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(proto); return new Vector(result); } finally { db.close(); } } }