package businessLogic; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import com.db4o.ObjectContainer; import com.db4o.ObjectSet; import dataAccess.DB4oManager; import domain.Booking; import domain.Offer; import domain.RuralHouse; import exceptions.BadDates; import exceptions.OfferCanNotBeBooked; import exceptions.OverlappingOfferExists; public final class OfferManager { private int offerNumber = 0; dataAccess.DB4oManager dbMngr; private static OfferManager theOfferManager; public OfferManager() { try { this.dbMngr = DB4oManager.getInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static int getNumber() { ObjectContainer db=DB4oManager.getContainer(); OfferManager o=getInstance(); o.offerNumber++;; db.commit(); return o.offerNumber; } /** * This method returns the instance of the OfferManager class * * @return the offer manager */ public static OfferManager getInstance() { ObjectContainer db=DB4oManager.getContainer(); OfferManager b = new OfferManager(); ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(b); if (!result.hasNext()){ theOfferManager = new OfferManager();; db.commit(); } else theOfferManager=(OfferManager); return theOfferManager; } /** * This method creates an offer with a house number, first day, last day and price * * @param House * number, start day, last day and price * @return the created offer, or null, or an exception */ public Offer createOffer(RuralHouse ruralHouse, Date firstDay, Date lastDay, float price) throws OverlappingOfferExists, BadDates, RemoteException, Exception { if (firstDay.compareTo(lastDay)>=0) throw new BadDates(); boolean b = dbMngr.existsOverlappingOffer(ruralHouse,firstDay,lastDay); // The ruralHouse object in the client may not be updated if (!b) { ruralHouse.createOffer(offerNumber, firstDay, lastDay, price); return dbMngr.createOffer(ruralHouse,firstDay,lastDay,price); } return null; } public Offer modifyOffer(RuralHouse ruralHouse, Date firstDay, Date lastDay, float price, Offer offer) throws OverlappingOfferExists, BadDates, RemoteException, Exception { if (firstDay.compareTo(lastDay)>=0) throw new BadDates(); offer.setFirstDay(firstDay); offer.setLastDay(lastDay); offer.setPrice(price); return dbMngr.modifyOffer(offer); } public void deleteOffer(RuralHouse rh, Offer o) throws RemoteException, Exception{ rh.offers.removeElement(o); dbMngr.deleteOffer(rh, o); } }