package businessLogic; import java.rmi.*; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Date; import domain.Booking; import domain.Offer; import domain.Owner; import domain.RuralHouse; import exceptions.OfferCanNotBeBooked; public interface ApplicationFacadeInterface extends Remote { /** * This method creates an offer with a house number, first day, last day and * price * * @param House * number, start day, last day and price * @return None */ Offer createOffer(RuralHouse ruralHouse, Date firstDay, Date lastDay, float price) throws RemoteException, Exception; /** * This method creates a book with a corresponding parameters * * @param First * day, last day, house number and telephone * @return a book */ Booking createBooking(RuralHouse ruralHouse, Date firstDay, Date lastDay, String telephoneNumber) throws RemoteException, OfferCanNotBeBooked; /** * This method obtains available offers for a concrete house in a certain * period * * @param houseNumber * , the house number where the offers must be obtained * @param firstDay * , first day in a period range * @param lastDay * , last day in a period range * @return a vector of offers(Offer class) available in this period */ Vector getOffers(RuralHouse houseNumber, Date firstDay, Date lastDay) throws RemoteException, Exception; /** * This method finds existing owners * */ public Vector getOwners() throws RemoteException, Exception; /** * This method obtains an owner's rural houses * * @param owner * object * * @return a vector of Rural Houses */ public Vector getRuralHouses(Owner owner) throws RemoteException; public Vector getAllRuralHouses() throws RemoteException, Exception; }