package businessLogic; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Vector; import com.db4o.ObjectContainer; import com.db4o.ObjectSet; import common.BookingInterface; import dataAccess.DB4oManager; import domain.Booking; import domain.Client; import domain.RuralHouse; import exceptions.OfferCanNotBeBooked; public final class BookingManager extends UnicastRemoteObject implements BookingInterface { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private int bookingNumber = 0; dataAccess.DB4oManager dbMngr; private static BookingManager theBookingManager; public BookingManager() throws RemoteException { super(); try { this.dbMngr = DB4oManager.getInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This method returns the next Booking number * * @return the book number */ public int getNumber() throws RemoteException{ ObjectContainer db=DB4oManager.getContainer(); BookingManager b=getInstance(); b.bookingNumber++;; db.commit(); return b.bookingNumber; } /** * This method returns the instance of the BookingManager class * * @return the booking manager * @throws RemoteException */ public BookingManager getInstance() throws RemoteException { ObjectContainer db=DB4oManager.getContainer(); BookingManager b = new BookingManager(); ObjectSet result = db.queryByExample(b); if (!result.hasNext()){ theBookingManager = new BookingManager();; db.commit(); } else theBookingManager=(BookingManager); return theBookingManager; } public void removeDenyBooking(Booking b) throws RemoteException{ b.getOffer().getBookings().remove(b); this.dbMngr.removeBooking(b); } public void acceptBooking(Booking b) throws RemoteException{ b.getOffer().setBooked(true); for(Booking boo : b.getOffer().getBookings()){ if(!boo.equals(b)) b.getOffer().getBookings().remove(b); } this.dbMngr.acceptBooking(b.getOffer()); /*try { MailManager.getInstance().Send(b.getClient().getMailAccount(), "Your booking has been accepted","Here should be the bill"); } catch (MessagingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }*/ } /** * This method creates a book with a corresponding parameters * * @param First * day, last day, house number and telephone * @return a book */ public Vector createBooking(RuralHouse ruralHouse, Date firstDate, Date lastDate, Client client) throws OfferCanNotBeBooked,RemoteException { return dbMngr.createBooking(ruralHouse, firstDate, lastDate, client); } }