package com.effects.effectClasses { import mx.effects.effectClasses.AnimatePropertyInstance; import com.util.ColorUtil; /** * */ public class AnimateColorInstance extends AnimatePropertyInstance { /** The start color values for each of the r, g, and b channels */ protected var startValues:Object;; /** The change in color value for each of the r, g, and b channels. */ protected var delta:Object; /** * Constructor * * @param target The Object to animate with this effect. */ public function AnimateColorInstance( target:Object ) { super( target ); } /** * @private */ override public function play():void { // We need to call play first so that the fromValue is // correctly set, but this has the side effect of calling // onTweenUpdate before startValues or delta can be set, // so we need to check for that in onTweenUpdate to avoid // run time errors.; // Calculate the delta for each of the color values startValues = ColorUtil.intToRgb( fromValue ); var stopValues:Object = ColorUtil.intToRgb( toValue ); delta = { r: ( startValues.r - stopValues.r ) / duration, g: ( startValues.g - stopValues.g ) / duration, b: ( startValues.b - stopValues.b ) / duration }; } /** * @private */ override public function onTweenUpdate( value:Object ):void { // Bail out if delta hasn't been set yet if ( delta == null ) { return; } // Catch the situation in which the playheadTime is actually more // than duration, which causes incorrect colors to appear at the // end of the animation. var playheadTime:int = this.playheadTime; if ( playheadTime > duration ) { // Fix the local playhead time to avoid going past the end color playheadTime = duration; } // Calculate the new color value based on the elapased time and the change // in color values var colorValue:int = ( ( startValues.r - playheadTime * delta.r ) << 16 ) + ( (startValues.g - playheadTime * delta.g ) << 8 ) + ( startValues.b - playheadTime * delta.b ); // Either set the property directly, or set it as a style if ( !isStyle ) { target[ property ] = colorValue; } else { target.setStyle( property, colorValue ); } } } // end class } // end package