Could not read chunk size


We have problems with a project.

I’m trying to update to the latest version of the project (Im using Visual Studio 2010) and appears this error:

An internal error occurred:

SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOException: REPORT of ‘/svn/FrutaFrescaWeb/!svn/vcc/default’: Could not read chunk size: connection was closed by server (

It seems that its a problem with the Server.
I m reading this page:

Can someone help us?


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rs on Tue 22 Feb, 2011

That article doesn’t apply in this case as I can’t see any errors on the server.

Couple of hints: its quite likely that there is a proxy or some software that’s intercepting the requests and not returning a valid response.

Or, I have seen in some cases where users' local checked out copy (called the working directories) were somehow corrupt.


rs on Wed 23 Feb, 2011

You could try renaming the folder without using a subversion client to something else and doing an update in the parent folder:

$ cd /path/to/bad/parent/directory
$ mv badfolder badfolder.temp
$ svn up .

that should attempt re-download a new version of badfolder and then you’ll have to merge it by hand. Do remember to delete T@badfolder.temp@ once you’re done.


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