Version 4.23 Upgrade: *hearts* Open Source

Posted by rs picture rs on Sun 11 Oct, 2009 18:17:38 +0000 has just been upgraded to version 4.23.

The main feature for this version is full support for Open Source projects!

Details on how to convert your private project to an open source one is detailed in the documentation site.

In the past, all projects and their project tracking data has been hidden away from the rest of the world as they were all defined as private projects. Additionally, it was difficult to get others to collaborate on the project as the project owner had to explicitly add each and every user to the project.

This release allows almost every aspect of a project (bugs, stories, tasks, iterations, wikis, repository, etc) to be readable by everyone, and additionally, all logged in users will be able to comment on these open source project items as well thus eliminating the need for the project owner to add each and every owner.

Logged in users can only comment on items; project owners will still need to grant write permissions to allow any user to create items within the project.

Oh, BTW, did I mention that everyone can create as many open source projects as they want to ? All projects that have been marked as open source will not be added to your account quota. So, you can start using for projects that use a lot of space and as long as it has been marked as open source, it will not be part of your account quota. Only your private projects are added to your account quota.

Some documentation has been added as well:

Full release notes are available as well.

Feedback is always welcome. Either comment below, head over to the forums or just raise a support ticket.

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